What is Jow Forums's preferred Web Browser? What do you guys consider a good option (preferably open source)

What is Jow Forums's preferred Web Browser? What do you guys consider a good option (preferably open source)

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they're all piss trash. i *tolerate* using firefox

I use safari because I own a Mac and also because it consumes less battery power than chrome.

unjewgled chromium

Brave. Turn shields off and install uBlock Origin and uMatrix.

Firefox and Chromium

Non-free Jewgle Chrome for the stuff I actually need it for. NetSurf for everything else.

Placebo bullshit.

chrome - fastest shit out there

Pale Meme

started using chromium since firefox began using more ram + is leaking ram

>t. pozzilla shill

Please kill yourself.

Also see Tl;dr: Brave is easier to fingerprint than stock Google Chrome and shares more data. If you don't believe it just look at Braves source code how their "fingerprinting/tracking" protection works.

If you use Brave you can just go with Google Chrome. Non ironically.

Read Braves source. Their fingerprinting protection literally does not work. Their only purpose is to marketing to get a high user count and idiots like you to install it.

It's funny you call him a Mozilla shill since he didn't even say anything about Firefox. He just said Brave is a placebo. Which it is. He could have said "use Chrome use Firefox use Chinese Browser" he didn't. He just said Brave is a placebo which it is if you'd know how the internet works.

Brave is a typical American IT startup:

1. Acquire chinese/military/intelligence funding
2. Acquire user base
3. Develop product
4. Sell user info

>pozzilla shill
>Calling brave placebo makes someone a mozilla shill

How is life sucking Brendan Eichs cum stained cock? I heard he has syphillis from his trans Pink haired faggot friend.

I hope you are just joking. At that point you can literally just use North Korean browser.

For android: Naked Browser (pro edition if you're white; but at least for non-whites the free version doesn't have ads or anything).
For desktop: Surf.
I keep Firefox on just in case I run across a poorly designed webpage that is made for vastly inferior browsers.

Notice how all the Pozzilla/Google shills come out of the woodwork as soon as Brave is mentioned. How much are they paying you?

Admittingly it is strange but what is stranger is that if they'd be shills they'd shill against each other not against Brave. Brave is an irrelevant playre compared to Chrome and Firefox. Brave has less userbase than Chinese and Indian browsers.

This in turn forces me to think you are either a Brave shill or an idiot.

That doesn't make any sense. Why would Firefox (~10%) and Google (80%) shill against Brave (0.001% probably even smaller) instead of against each other.

chromium because i dont give a shit anymore

Biggest shill of the thread found.
Yea I aint gonna ever use Brave dude.
Go get your 20 rupees from Brave CEO.

Fast free browser pro 2014 on the android play store is free and really good. Idk why open source is tough so idk if it's that

Sorry sweetie but I use icecat


Firefox is the only option right now desu. Brave seemed promising but it's shit. Waiting to see if this will change with 1.0

Use icecat like any sane user would.

if opinion != mine:
let arguments = /dev/null
print "shills"
print arguments

SeaMonkey. Shame it has shit performance and an outdated codebase from 2006. Not like it's a bad thing, but the modern web shows no mercy. Also it's so unpopular nobody has even verified it on the botnet scale like they did with Firefox (is botnet)


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i'm using firefox, it's a piece of shit, but other options suck even more. there are no good browsers.

> Iridium
is that some elusive chromium ripoff?

> firefox
like the SJW that (((you))) are

> safari
like the AIDS ridden faggot that (((you))) are

W3M > ICECAT > PALEMOON > SEAMONKEY > ... > VIVALDI ***BOTNET*** > BRAVE ***BOTNET*** > ... > FIREKEKS ***BOTNET*** unless heavily modified user.js

waterfuchs is a strange one, devs work hard for compatibility and sadly do not care about privacy so much. A little > than feuercocks

>tfw no lynx
>tfw no Eww

the fa/g/s are getting sloppy

ungoogled chromium

No thanks. I don't want to compile the browser every week just to have it not work on half the sites because muh libre js.


>literally starts off with the start page having a button to disable that addon

>I don't want to compile the browser every week
Just use the precompiled binaries then.

If they're provided in an Appimage, sure.

Chromium is aids in all versions

GNU Icecat


>literally 'no u'
The Pozzilla/Jewgle shills are desperate. See how they all respond like NPC's.

Firefox. Everything else is either botnet or a meme.

ive tried all of them and Opera is my favorite

Explain this then fagtron. How much is your chromium reskin paying you?

Attached: 1527601284632.jpg (926x773, 169K)

I use Firefox Nightly and it's perfect, not a single problem.

1. chromium
2. firefox
3. safari
every other option is meme shit


whats wrong with opera

proprietary chromium reskin

Vivaldi if you want the tab bar in a less than common configuration. Pic related. It's basically Chromium with some polish though.

Attached: vivaldi.png (1275x734, 127K)

>no konqueror


It's funny how all you shills have are FUD and unsourced claims.

Firefox for almost everything. The Google stuff goes in Chrome.

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