AMA - Fired Microsoft System Architect

I was a quality engineer assistant that worked directly with POSIX applications and internal NT kernel architecture. I was recently fired for stealing all the grape soda from the company stash that was hidden away in the cupboards of the department heads office. He was planning on fermenting it because we aren't allowed to have alcohol on the premises. I got canned, rather than him and his grape soda.

And yes, Microsoft has a micro penis.

Anyway, I had a lot of exposure to the internal workings of NT maintenance protocols, specifically with kernel bug fixes. The KB4012215 UK hospital national health service was deployed by my department. We laughed when shit hit the fan. After an internal investigation, it was concluded that an AIRSP, otherwise known as an AI Syntax Checker, which ensures that code is ready to be deployed.

I'm going to go drink some old expired grape soda while I look for another job. Ask away.

Attached: 4chan stuff.jpg (1024x638, 107K)

How much did MS pay you?

>Grape Soda
and thus a pasta was born

can i have a free win 10 key

>I was recently fired for stealing all the grape soda
>He was planning on fermenting it
>I got canned, rather than him and his grape soda.

Hey fucker that's my grape soda.

>american education
That's how they produce the finest wines, you pleb swine. Domains Lafite and Latour buy Sunkist by the tankerful.

Why the fuck am I laughing so hard at the very concept of grape soda fermentation

Toppest kek

Alright user be honest, what was the real reason you got fired?

What the fuck did I just read.

Attached: [YnF]DM125 (00:21:14.356) 0001.png (640x480, 373K)

$63,827 is what it came out to every year.

No u

So you are saying that AI helps write code?? Skynet incoming!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's righ!

Give us some info about some hidden botnet exploits.

Don't know about botnet stuff, but there's a builtin password that bypasses login used for technical work but I don't know it

>No alcohol on premise
Wrong and hilarious at that. Tell me what color was your badge my boy? Oh wait you don't know badge colors cause you don't work here.

Hahah yeah if you worked for us you're just a subcontractor not the real deal.

Wrong again my boy, the core OS comes with no built-in account save for a one (disabled by default and `nix has this same account by default)/one that is only instantiated during a very specific process.

Now ask me how I know you're lying.

Attached: IMG_20181126_192542.jpg (2610x4640, 1.27M)

Hurry up and reply to my ticket Sandeep.

Absolute pleb.

>Absolute Pleb
no u

You've got a lot of nerve posting in here. What's your badge color?

What's wine considered to be internally?

Friend? Foe?

Attached: waterfox_2018-11-26_21-54-22.png (33x23, 328)

Which hive stores the boot configuration key?

Bees are attracted to grape soda too.

> Anonymous 11/26/18(Mon)21:52:24 No.68675284▶
>You've got a lot of nerve posting in here. What's your badge color?
I don't know, I only worked there for 2 days.