/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Friendly GNU+Linux Thread.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% --help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: 1543311412491.jpg (700x519, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Lets start with a respot.

What do you guys think about plan9?

Reposting from last thread.

I've been trying to install fvwm on Debian buster. So far, I've got fvwm 2.6.8 as well as fvwm-themes-0.7.0, but it seems that the themes package is broken. I've installed everything to the right folders, but I can't seem to find a "theme management" menu anywhere. Interestingly enough, some other user experienced this exact same issue just a month ago; I looked in the archives to check. That being said, what's a supported WM on Debian that gives a retro vibe? I'm currently using awesomewm, but don't mind using another one as long as I get hotkeys/keybinds for rofi.

Attached: 1511149421218.png (2732x1536, 2.19M)

[proprietary screaming]

fvwm-themes is old as fuck. I'd just start from a blank config file, or install xfce.

Bumping with example. Why 50W is needed to be 50.000.000? I would like to find a cheat sheet or a manual or something about what can and what can I not put in there.

PD: I accept suggestions about resizing. MY script sucks.

Attached: test.png (1180x650, 239K)

>Why 50W is needed to be 50.000.000? I would like to find a cheat sheet or a manual or something about what can and what can I not put in there.
i take it you don't live somewhere where metric is used?

>i take it you don't live somewhere where metric is used?
If mean non-murrican, I'm from the EU.

been meaning to try 9front

where does neofetch store ascii/distro data?

So, how does bumblebee exactly work?
>have main screen plugged to dGPU
>two screens plugged to iGPU
What i want to achieve is dGPU outputting the host screen when VFIO/IOMMU is not running and Switching dGPU to VM when its running so i dont have to use looking glass.

in your file system

>Why 50W is needed to be 50.000.000?
That's 50MV and it's extremely dangerous. I heard a man died after putting the wrong number in that file.

$ sed -ne '/^get_distro_ascii/,/^}/p' /usr/bin/neofetch

Anyone with experience fiddling with Firejail config? Leafpad (or just about any text editor) would eat up 100% cpu when I open files with Japanese font. Maybe it's some character coding problem or font problem like it can't access needed files or whatever, but I've tried removing just about anything and messing with the config but nothing still works short of launching the text editor without sandbox.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-27_21-20-00.png (1366x743, 350K)

try running it with strace -f

Oh fuck this may be what I need the most, thanks. This is my fault for not properly reading the Firejail website.

Something more beside memes?

What are you doing on your linux, anons? No clip paint studio, no FL studio, no visual studio, nothing

Attached: ubuntu.png (866x635, 236K)

See, the thing is. I understand it's super-duper important that we always update to the latest version of the software we use, because blah blah security updates, blah blah support is only available for the latest versions.

But if developers want me to update my software, they should stop breaking it with every update.

GOD DAMMIT Mozilla, this is the third time in a row that I updated Firefox and a new bug was introduced along with the update.
First it was my search engine randomly resetting to some default I never wanted. Then Firefox stopped asking me for confirmation when I close the browser. And now Firefox won't open websites unless I open 3-4 tabs and try to load the same link in every one of them.

Firefox ESR does not have this problem.

The EU uses the metric system you stupid fuck

>I understand it's super-duper important that we always update to the latest version of the software we use
it's not
you should only update if your shit stops working

>Firefox ESR is intended for system administrators who deploy and maintain the desktop environment in organizations such as schools, governments and ...

That sounds promising. I will try that. Thank you

I may be exaggerating a bit since I've had to fix my (almost 2 year install) of firefox on more than one occasion especially after the addon armageddon, but they mostly have been far inbetween. It is definitely stable though. I can hardly believe you didn't know about ESR yet.

Why is it that when I paste a large amount of text into the terminal it cuts off words at the end of the line. How can I make it so that it forces a new word onto the next line when you reach the end of terminal width? Because it looks like a mess using cat.

Kali Linux and ParrotOS
What's the difference?
Or is ParrotOS just hacker LGBT propaganda?

Attached: __sakura_futaba_persona_5_and_etc_drawn_by_kion_kun__d693cf24f18f5565a7cc666e236df3fc.jpg (841x595, 52K)

install pentoo

$ cat file | vim -

Is cat really a bad program for paste a very large amount of text into a document?

How much retro? LXDE or Xfce with Clearlooks theme is pretty comfy.

funny pic

Is ubuntu minimal CD the best way to get unbloated debian-based distro? (aside from using debian netinst)

just use debian

Possibly but it comes with botnet.

>Debian Sid
>apt dist-upgrade
>mfw it wants to remove gnome

Attached: confused Sachiko on Thinkpad.png (483x487, 196K)

Like it's something bad?

does it really?

my question is how it got installed in the first place... you should probably look into that

Oh, i see they improved the garbage collector.

Very funny, anons.

problem found

no, it's very serious

You gotta admit, this one is really funny. Not impressive, but good.

Attached: 1485950760733[1].png (372x351, 117K)

After using GNOME for a little over a week, I can safely say it's just OK.

Having all gtk shit work out of the box is great compared to how xfce struggled with a few of the applications without configuration, at least in the aesthetics.
Integration with qt is also fine, most of that stuff looks pretty good as well.
Nautilus is a hot piece of shit. Scrapped for thunar and dolphin day zero.
Still no filepicker with proper thumbnail previews out of the box, embarrassing.
Multi monitor support is alright as well, works out of the box. I haven't tested with different resolutions and refreshes, however.
The top bar is hit and miss, I much prefer having a lower or side dock with all programs, but the included one (in tweaks was it?) is clunky. I'd like to know alternatives that don't clutter with just a few programs at once.
Alt-tab is pretty dumb, I like having multiple windows and having to wait for it to load up all of them per program is pretty dumb. Turning the feature off has a bad scroll over, not showing all possible windows in all go.
I'm not sure if it was wayland, but using it with a lean game like L4D2 was stutter city. Shit went away after switching back to X.

I have other complaints like the animations and what not, but they can be fixed by setting or tweaks. If there are some things I missed that you might want to point out, then feel free to do that. Fixes on quality of life are also appreciated. I think I'm trying KDE next, but not anytime soon.

You're an even bigger retard for believing other retards spreading their retardation on here.

No anime impressions allowed. Delete your post. I don't need your (You).

Attached: smug mom cup.png (1232x1080, 1.28M)

Ubuntu comes with amazon pre-installed. They were supposed to remove that, but it's still there.

Minimal CD is barebones ubuntu though.

Fucking retard it doesn't. Post proof for your meme knowledge or don't post at all fucking idiot.


I'm a lazy cunt and don't know how to use Google, what are some must have/neat/g approved ricer autism utilities tools and shit for Linux? Running GalliumOS on a Chromebook because I'm a massive faggot.



Attached: 1542998591676.jpg (1300x1734, 255K)

Install Ubuntu, press the windows key, enter amazon, ???, profit

my font is broken, how to fix?

Attached: 231321.png (328x285, 27K)

I wish I actually knew people who cared about free software and privacy. Why is everyone willing to be anally raped by literally fucking everyone these days?

why are you expecting graphical stuff to work in a server distro

i am very smart

guix package -i $(guix package -s ^font- | grep name: | cut -c 7-)

I am serious albeit drunk (please I want friends)

stop using a proportional font in a monospace setting

Now look at this github.com/GitSquared/edex-ui/blob/master/README.md

Attached: screenshot_disrupted.png (1934x1094, 198K)

i'm not certain if you're someone else, or i just forgot i wrote this
i haven't been drunk in some time

Ty, i want ubuntu font.

Said retard here. It comes with non free blobs in the kernel which is botnet.

that's fine, just make sure you use the mono/monospace version

- sends hardware informations
+ ubuntu-report -f send no
+ block access to metrics.ubuntu.com
- sends software informations
+ apt purge popularity-contest
+ rm /etc/cron.daily/popularity-contest
- can send crash reports
- connects to canonical servers at boot
+ apt purge whoopsie
- sends informations, receives motd news/ads
+ set ENABLED=0 in /etc/default/motd-news
- connects to canonical servers at boot
+ gsettings set com.ubuntu.geoip geoip-url ""
- pings uccs.landscape.canonical.com at login
+ set Servers= in /etc/remote-login-service.conf

might as well use windows 10

No, it's not as bad. Send software information for popularity contest. Big deal, even debian allows you to do that. it's harmless. Hardware information, probably just how much RAM you have. GeoIP, obviously needed for crucial information like time clock servers.

See? nothing to be afraid of

installing arch on a vm as my first take on linux wish me luck for i am brainlet

u can do it

Attached: maki-this.jpg (1024x768, 111K)

can you stop posting this bitch
a better girl like shiburin exists, you shitstain

Attached: jealous.jpg (848x480, 140K)

shitty girl, but I would bang her to turn you into a cuck

I bet you use proprietary software.

lads, is there a bar out there that does both vertical and horizontal stuff?
I was working on my polybar but there's too much info i wanna display to fit on 1 bar, and I've got a small 12" laptop so I'd rather have a horizontal and vertical bar together, rather than 1 at the top and 1 at the bottom

i can feel the smugness coming on already its overpowering

>got told for having shit taste
>lel dab on you XD


my thinkpad is literally a twitter and discord machine, occasionally I do work on it

I don't see how it can go anywhere, it's just so outdated at this point.

In my opinion anyone who is genuinely interested in seeing plan9 become an actual alternative to today's modern OSes should be looking at (or even contributing to) Harvey OS: harvey-os.org/

Nobody uses Arch in the real world you fucking autists.

You want to be a sys admin? Use Debian or RHEL or openSUSE.

You want to be a software engineer? Use the OS that you're trying to develop the program for.

You want to be an embedded systems engineer? You probably have to write your own Linux distro anyway.

Enjoy your ancient packages.

>What are you doing on your linux, anons?

80% web browsing,
10% looking at pictures, listening to music
5% scripting/programming
5% playing eroges

there are no must haves, like with all "accepted knowledge" on Jow Forums boards, there's going to be a signficant amount of contrarians to never allow a static opinion on things. But if there was a /mu/core for Jow Forums linux software, it would probably be

Just check the installgentoo wiki you lazy cunt

I use the ubuntu mono, I like it

>$ mv 1543343651169.PNG 1543343651169.png
>mv: '1543343651169.PNG' and '1543343651169.png' are the same file
>$ mv 1543343651169.PNG 1543343651169.png_
>renamed '1543343651169.PNG' -> '1543343651169.png_'
>$ mv 1543343651169.png_ 1543343651169.png
>renamed '1543343651169.png_' -> '1543343651169.png'
Workflow on Android/Linux.

Attached: 1539008280573.jpg (716x768, 120K)

Disrespectful, Maki is a lady.

don't worry, arch users are aware. Its meant for home users

>stop enjoying things

How does the Windows Linux Subsystem work? Am I able to install full distros with it and it would basically be like having that fill distro?

I'll give this a try.

I'm not a fan of lxde, but I used to use xfce until I switched over to using just awesome.

You're basically installing the GNU in GNU/Linux

Android is shit, what do you expect?

Jow Forumsuys, how do I benchmark my drives with the same parameters as CrystalDiskMark does so I can compare the results?

Anyone hear about the new malware that's been found in linux? It's a bitcoin miner called Linux.BtcMine.174.



It's a bit more than just RAM senpai. ubuntu.com/desktop/statistics

but user, Android is Linux