Beside C and C++ what are some good languages for game/engine development?

Beside C and C++ what are some good languages for game/engine development?

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you shouldn't try to develop a game engine, its like developing an OS just because you want to make a browser.
Now consider doing the same as that guy in the picture

Maybe OP just wants to make an engine. It's pretty fun and you learn a lot even if you only end up with a simple engine.

If you don't care about performance basically any language will work, Java, C#, any language that you are comfortable writing a complex system in. Even javascript would be fine if you know how to use the type system in that language. I don't know enough about python but it would probably be fine too.

But if you do care about performance, C++, Rust, or some other low level language where you can actually control where memory is allocated and when it is freed. And you will need multithreading as well, which C++ is pretty good at. I recommend C++.


renpy to do /weg/ games


JavaScript, everything will be JavaScript, there is no point in learning anything else


How insane would someone need to be to program a game engine without a statically typed language?

you tell me,
websites are basically game engines now with all the webapps and webthat and webthis and all the crazy fucking shit like detecting that youre mouse moved onto the address bar because you want to leave the shit site you are on and then it fires 50 popups on you to try and get you to link your facebook and subscribe fuck the internet fuck javascript fuck web development

Two years from now there will be a JS framework for that


None. If you don't like C / C++ give up on the game engine. You could write it in Java or something but the chances of you being the next notch are slim


microsoft is pushing c# for gamedev so you might consider that. desu any c-like language is an ok choice.

C or c++

>websites are basically game engines

You can use WebGL for that right now.

Or p5.js.

I made these visualisers, but you can make games.

Not OP, but what should i learn first?
I did some research and people said that i had to learn about machine learning, then i could jump into R (i can`t remember the limitations of R) or C and then C++.

what do you want to develop?
Machine learning isn't too relevant to game dev if that where you want to go
If you want to game dev and want result fast just pick up an engine and look up what can you code with it. Otherwise just study C.

those words shouldn't be used together in the same phrase.

based and nimpilled


What are you hoping to accomplish? Do you just want to learn about how game engines work to put assets together into a game, or are you planning to actually release a game? If it's the latter, are you making a 2D game or a 3D game? If it's a 3D game, if you have to ask the question of language, you do not know enough to be able to fully develop a 3D engine without at least a small team and a year or so of man hours.
At some point during development you will have to tackle the question of compatibility. You will have to make sure that your target platform(s) can run your binaries. This is done for you by a lot of higher level languages today either by running on a framework or implicitly cross compiling, but some will only compile to native by default and you will have to cross compile. Then you will have to make sure that different configurations of hardware don't make your engine explode.
If it's a 2D game it's drastically easier, but still no small feat.
Remember that in a game 90%+ of what makes the experience are the assets (visuals, sound, world, etc.,), not he engine. If you want to actually build a game you should use an existing engine, and focus on making and putting together assets. If you are new to game dev, I would suggest Unity for 3D and Godot for 2D, they both come with great video tutorials and are very easy to get into.

tl;dr language is largely irrelevant, look at the apis/libraries readily available and documented for a language and see which one does what you want and go with it. if you're hoping to actually release a product, use an existing engine though.

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I've never used Rust but I thought low level memory management was something it was supposed to be able to do?

None really.
The fact that C and C++ provide high performance with enough sugar to make programming cozy is very important when most of your logic is being called upwards of 60 times a second.
OpenGL, Vulkan and DX all have their reference impls in C/C++, as do many other libraries core to graphics like GLM, GLAD, GLFW and SDL.
Graphics lends itself to OOP by its nature, so C++ will probably remain the best tool for the job forever.
Rust, go, nim or anything else other people try and shill you are not fit for purpose. There just is not enough high quality material and libraries out there for them.

Based. C++ will never die.

Oh, and I forgot to mention stuff like stb that already exist as high quality libraries, in the public domain, that do some of the more tedious things like image formats for you.
All of them are implemented in C.

Rust only works if you contort yourself backwards and inside out to write one of the five programs the borrow checker understands how to compile, it can't possibly be used to make a game


Brainlet detected

You're the brainlet if you posted just to defend your favorite easy mode JS clone

Dump all meme languages and get yourself some Rust powder, baby. ;)

Rust has borrow checker.

Rust has fearless concurrency.

Rust has zero-cost abstractions.

Rust has generics.

Rust has no overly-complicated, confusing operators such as ++.

Rust has a package manager.

Rust has interfacing with C functions.

Rust has pretty-printed compile logs with colors and timer.

Rust has a code of conduct for sane development atmospheres.

Rust has all filthy white European males in the philosophers' dinner problem replaced with glorious communists.

Now do the right thing and switch all your projects to Rust. My friend Farida "Jinkiiiee" bin-Gahz will personnally help you with the code of conduct and all the toxic community stuff. :)

Every positive thing about Rust was already true of C in 1969.

>contort yourself to write a correct program
>easy mode js clone
Do you understand the words that you're typing out? Embarassing posts, desu

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