Jow Forums
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Technology #688
Ugly GPU contest
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Tech confession thread
Time travel is technology
/hpg/ - headphone general
Is there any point of microsoft office outside of school or an office job?
/v/ BTFO
Why is this company so popular amongst normalfaggots?
No Jow Forumsel thread?
Apple products might soon be 100% poo
Is this true?
PC is the cancer of gaming
Dream Laptop
Rate my PC?
Be me
Millenials are poor because they buy a 1000$ iphone every 6 months lmao
Not having a mobile phone
Install obscure os
Samsung Galaxy 10+
Post your cinebitch scores
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
What i can do in linux i can`t do in windows?
Work in an office where nobody likes me
Are MacBooks and ThinkPads the only laptop computers worth considering?
What's the best fanless cpu cooler?
Explain yourselves Jow Forums
Oh no no no
Bumbling retards at CS50
Why can't amd compete?
Gnome looks get renewed
How hard is it to write a server for a full fledged MMORPG on a scale from 1 to 10?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Which filesystem will succeed ext4?
What advantage does Linux have over Windows beside muh customization?
Even one of the most influential game designers is a mac user
Why aren't you using brave browser? Now that it's moved to the chromium engine, you can install any extension for it
Window 7 password
Why do people say this is better than Android?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Press F to pay respects
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/sbcg/ - Single Board Computer General
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #30
Cucks your captcha
Write open source software
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
I'm learning C and I have a question; do I always have to compile the script to test it or is there some way to...
PCs will never look this good again
Ips panel
3 years of warranty
What do I do on Linux after installing it?
Firefox is pathetic, their market share combining mobile is less than 5%
O-oh, t-time to Upgrade again, huh. o-okay
Is sysadmin comfy bros?
I'm thinking of upgrading my GPU
Man-made climate change and AI are the biggest threats to humanity
What purpose does this company still serve?
Help me get 5 ticks here
This is a more productive desktop environment than any modern desktop environment
I'm trying to get a timestamp from a picture sent over to me by Facebook Messenger from my gf whom i suspect is...
Linux allows you to change the root password without knowing it
What tech youtubers do you subscribe to Jow Forums?
Why doesn't PicoTorrent come up in discussion on Jow Forums? Am I missing something?
Daaaammmmnnnn unix looks like that!?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Is getting a 25inch uw a terrible mistake?
Facebook Portals: The smart chatting appliance that follows you around the room
So my wife let it slip that I will be getting an snk805 (pic related) for Christmas...
What's the actual use case for this shit? As far as I can tell...
The absolute state of technology. Congratulations, nerds
Why should i get rid of my current CPU cooling fans for a liquid cooling system? pic related...
Why would you partition a hard drive when folders exist???
Press "close"
The Final Word on CPU cooling
Should I switch from nVidia to AMD? I have a 1070 Ti, I was thinking of selling it to buy an AMD GPU...
Should I get a Thinkpad or a Macbook for college?
Are software developer salaries plummeting?
Is MacOS as good as people say?
$100 CPU with 6c/12t soon
I'm trying to learn to use Arch Linux on an old Aspire one I have just for curiosity...
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
How the hell do I fix an error like this?
Red or brown Jow Forums?
Why haven't you transitioned over to artix yet, Jow Forums?
Windows 98 was 20 years ago
How do I stop my PC from climbing to 100% CPU ussage everytime i leave it idle? What do I disable? Windows 10 btw
CS major
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Destroys your computer
Wireless bluetooth headphones are the future for music listening as companies continue to make wired headphones...
Why android can't have decent security?
Can these be counted as technology yet?
Are lawmakers really not knowledgeable about technology...
Is picrel realistic portrayal of Silicon Valley, startups, coding and technology?
Why don't you want to live in the country side? We have internet and amazon...
Downloading music for a car trip
Why is Google so evil now?
Mechanical Engineering is the Chad Engineering
His computer components aren't made in the USA
Jerk off to pics you shouldn't share on /b/
What went wrong?
Are there literally any other truly "unique" search engines besides these 2 anymore...
Cat problems
Why are the largest western tech companies run by Pajeets now?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I want a small PC just to play CS:GO. Is a Steam Machine (rip) the best way to go...
Next generation proprietary memory allocation techniques
Dubs decide
Show off your wearable computing gear, Jow Forums
WTF did Mozilla mean by this?
Emacs Love Thread
They will switch to Chromium by 2020
Install debian
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Tell me why I should change from i3 to dwm
Go hit the damn shower Jow Forums you're probably stenching like Hell
Battlestations! /bst/
Convince me to make the switch
How does it feel knowing that the year of the Linux desktop will never happen and Google is far more likely to obsolete...
AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition Releasing Dec 15: 25 new features
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I just overclocked my SATA controller and PCI-E lanes
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #29
Retro Computing
Are people using $5 earbuds that come with their $999 plus *tip* smartphone even sentient beings?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What's the best value GPU I can replace my 1080 ti with that has all round capabilities? Ie game and CAD
Thoughts on this guy?
Come back to earth, the leak is fake
What is best in life?
What Is This?
Is openBSD good?
Have you ever fucked up the process of building a PC?
Unpozzing MacBook Pro
His os doesn't have a cute mascot
12.0 is out. Say something nice about it
Serverfag here
10XX series price cut when?
I got sent a Botnet tracking device. What should I do with it?
Only post the most inefficient and bloated software itt
Bidet General
Why is Microsoft Windows 10 so comfy?
3D printing
Dad really wants me to get into tech
Vscode uses AI to assist your code
Streaming your own music
Reminder that if you post on Jow Forums while being logged into Google, Google DOES have a copy of your posting history
Why do we hate it again?
Only reason you think windows looks good is marketing, peer pressure, baby duck syndrome...
How do il linux instal
Why do wiNPCs buy Windows in this day and age? Microsoft doesn't even make money on their OS sales anymore
IRC clients. Discuss
Lets just make the part with the most stress on it a piece of easily breakable plastic
Why can't AMD compete in the GPU market?
Why do you encrypt your computer, user? Are you a pedophile?
Is pic related as bad...or as good as people say?
Fuck windows 10
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
There are people on Jow Forums, right now, who unironically believe NAT was a good idea
How being a poorfag can turn Zoomer into Boomer
Live: Google CEO testifies on Data Collection
Firefox 64 release. Why haven't you upgraded Jow Forums?
Why haven't you told me how comfy it is, Jow Forums?
What are some Jow Forums approved web browsers?
Are there any alternates to YouTube that aren't a meme? I can't stand for their kikery anymore...
Got insta-blocked on Instagram twice. How is this even possible?
Why do Macs still exist?
The absolute state of trandroid
Give the gift of freedom!
Chrome tabs look like Toblerone
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Dubs name our organisation
How can AMD even compete?
Why do shindows users talk about their files being in KB? What the fuck is that? Kelvin bytes...
/EDC/ Every Day Carry
How did Apple go from this
What are you gonna do when you're eventually gonna have to use a windows computer?
System fuck up
IPhone SE2: Pipe dream?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I did it Jow Forums are you proud?
What is the best language for writing a retro 2D platformer that works on modern OS?
I’m going to buy an apple laptop and am torn between the 2017 MacBook Pro or 2018 MacBook Air?
What is the "English" of programming languages?
What ides Jow Forums uses
File management/organization software?
Chink collects your data
Excluding the time compiling, how long did it take you to install Gentoo?
How did YouTube get away with it?
Say something critical about the new IPhone right now
What's the best IDE for a total beginner to learn in?
*saves your data for 1000 years*
I'm falling for the Linux meme. My windows machine has been fucking with me for the past 4 weeks...
I’m thinking about getting a Mac mini and want to use a thunderbolt eGPU with it...
Is Brave finally worth using now that it's essentially ungoogled chromium with some extra stuff?
Name a better EDC flashlight on the planet Earth
What are you going to do when Windows 7 extended support expires?
My PC is making me depressed
Realistically speaking, how could one destroy the world's technology systems?
Dude just install windows 10 via USB iso lmao
Oh my god based apple. why no other tech HQs look as good?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Low-key genious
Daamnnnnnnn UNIX looks like that!?
How is it possible to acquire OEM Windows keys? I don’t want links - I know where to find these cheap, seedy listings...
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #28
C is obsolete
Worthwhile forums
Does nofap tech exist?
Based China BTFOs Apple
Why are CS students so stubborn when it comes to the very basis of STEM: mathematics...
Guys, this is our chance
Memes aside, the MacBook Pro is the most aesthetically pleasing laptop ever made. Prove me wrong
So what happens after silicon?
I have a 500 word essay on data structures due in 12 hours. How fucked am I?
Computer only has UEFI boot and no Legacy/Bios option
Windows 10 update
The sheer amount of cucks literally LOVING the idea of not even owning their own hardware
Okay, give me your password
Ryzen users, post your memory benchmarks
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
C for large projects
Android defense force in action
Why are so many programmers gay/trans/poly/bi or some other weird shit...
What does Jow Forums think of the 8 bit boomer?
Can we blacklist everyone in the tech industry with an anime profile picture on github
The Athlon 64 *burps* now THAT was a microprocessor
Tech job expatriation
Please redpill me on apple Jow Forums. i understand its part of the board to trash on apple, which i like very much...
HP printers are the biggest pieces of shit holy fuck
How easy is it to tell code is plagiarized?
How did I do
How is this even allowed?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Stop button doesn't close the program
Is this good in 2019?
No wonder no one takes free software seriously
MSPaint is moving to the Microsoft Store
Best tiling wm?
Got fired today bois. Pretty shitty, but nothing much I could've done about it
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Jow Forums waifus
You would give your encryption keys to your girlfriend if she asked, right? Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, after all
Which subreddits do you follow user?
The Trojan is in, I repeat - the Trojan is in
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Dell IPS or TN?
What went wrong?
Currently running debian buster/sid as my daily OS. Always wanted to give Fedora a go...
Why do iOS """""""updates""" always break iPhones?
Cure to wrist problem/low sensitivity mater race
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Vscode uses AI learning to assist your coding
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Reform Laptop
Why do you trust open source software and open source operating systems if you've never audited or reviewed the source...
Wikipedia deletionists and StackExchange "opinion-based" close voters
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
What is the worst cable/connector and why is it DisplayPort?
How much would it cost to hire a programmer to make an exact clone of Windows 95/98/XP era MsPaint with added layer...
Who requires an new computers?
Popular tech-related books that are, in fact, total garbage
Thoughts? How does something like this even happen?
Do birds exist
Mouse hate thread?
ITT: LGBT computer scientists/programmers
$550 for an 8c/16t CPU
Is this what I should use if I want to make simple Windows programs?
Sup g
Software engineer here. Do we need a segregated workplace? I'm so scared of getting #MeToo'd, anons...
You have 200 GB that you're going to take with you innawoods, forever. What do you put on it?
Advent of Code 2018. Day 1 part 2
Jow Forums humour thread
Why are they so good at technology?
He doesn't have a 12 TB drive
What are the most retarded password restrictions you've ever seen...
Is it just me or Ublock origin is becoming worse and worse?
What is the highest tech you currently possess?
Get IPS monitor
Tfw windows 10 installer now requires three security questions if you make a password for a local account
Speccy thread?
CS majors, mathmagicians and programming wizards get in here. How would you go about solving this problem...
The best laptop featuring some obsolete tech?
Ricefags btfo
Self-taught programmers
Why does nobody line up for Samsung or Huawai phones?
Any software fags from Singapore here?
OS without a DE
Nvidia next-gen 7nm GPU microarchitecture soon, March 18-21
How to stay anonymous on the internet?
AI General - /AIG/
Mindless diehard fanboyism: the board
Fresh copy of windows
XP the immortal OS
Me and mate pull out 2 128 gb ssds from shithouse school computers
Day 0 at web dev job
So it's come to this
King Terry appreciation day
It's a CS final project episode
Red pill me on standing desks. Are they a meme?
Aplay freesoftwaregood.wav
If int womenintech <= int menintech println("We need more women in tech! Smash the patriarchy!")
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Void Loonix
AI can perform complex tas-
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #27
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
This triggers Jow Forums
So what's Jow Forums's preferred DNS? I use, basically because it works everywhere
Jow Forums user
Daaammmnn UNIX looks like that!?
Is there any way to set the number of lines scrolled each time I flick the mouse wheel on Linux...
Why is everyone bullying Intel
What are some strategies for blacklisting racial slurs from appearing in the output of my program without actually...
Are ebook readers a meme?
Clean software thread
So much to learn
How do I know if a graphics card is good just by knowing the model name...
Ok Jow Forums, no bullshit, what is the best Android music player...
Are stickers still a thing?
I read on Encyclopedia Dramatica that posting this picture on Jow Forums causes a 100+ reply thread. Is this true?
What does Jow Forums think of the 8 bit boomer?
I want to believe
How do you approach learning? you try to memorize everything? even the small things that you probably will never use...
Highest you can count
Is gaming on an OS other than windows practical yet...
Nepalfag here. Net neutrality is shit. Pic related
Former apple user here...
New desktop thread, since last one 404'd
/BST/ Battle Stations
Will video games ever have any equivalent to such a perfect board game?
What's the Jow Forums equivalent?
Are zoomers actually competent programmers...
ITT: Graphics cards that aged like fine wine
At what level can you consider yourself a truly great programmer? what do you need to archieve...
What did he mean by this?
Honest question for Jow Forums:
Fuck C
Mobile companies are backing out of huawei support
Mika - The Waifu AI
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Can someone explain to a brainlet why JavaScript is considered a brainlet programming language? Same with Ruby
Comptia A+ 901 & 902
Jow Forums eternally BTFO
How much do you trust technology?
Look at it. Look how clean and elegant it is. It's shiny and impressive...
This can't be correct ... right?
Is calculus helpful for computer science?
Desktop thread
It's 2018
What programming languange should i learn
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Any NetBSD users out here?
Do you guys think that there's gonna be a movement away from social media or is it just gonna get bigger until it's all...
Still no webms
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
Frontend framework battle
Ask a mac user anything
Is Jow Forums getting worse?
Why is Siri so shit?
Is VLC still the best media player?
This is a pain in the ass to root
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Post old shit, software or hardware I don't care
Give me a quick run down on the Falkon web browser
Daily reminder
Need Help
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Yandex for browsing
Jow Forums I have a super expensive TV setup I want to sell, It's about 40 grand worth of equipment...
I just created a triangle in Vulkan
Simple question for a simple retard
"smart" replies
/ptg/ - Private Tracker Circlejerk
>tfw fell for the SSD meme
What do you use to copy compact audio discs? abcde 2.9.2 + flac 1.3.2 seems like the best option
Defend this
How come Jow Forums was spammed with net neutrality FUD but I don't see a single thread talking about this?
Are cheap noise canceling headphones worth getting, or should I hold out for more expensive, higher quality headphones...
Programmers are the scum of society. Did you know many of them can just work from home and take off whenever...
Which subreddits do you follow user?
New Gnome Shell theme
One widely used application entirely written in Common Lisp? Nothing? Hello?
What technology can improve ones mood or make me forget that I exist?
Shitposting aside, who is in the wrong here? China or Canada?
What is the point of this tech channel?
Apple computer bad
How do you escape youtube's control?
Any reason to learn perl if i already know python?
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #26:
IPhones are in “sale” because they are selling so poorly
Lmao python is literally javascript tier brainlet language
What would you do if you had to live one week without electronics?
Why is this allowed?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
I love IT thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/csg/ - Chinese Shopping General
What are some good hobbies to have to distract myself from work? Coding/gaming all day is unhealthy as fuck
Website allowed to know my zoom level
Techpill me on Fedora
REMINDER: a UPS can save your equipment when a power surge protector can't
Post cute technology~
"This Program Has Performed an Illegal Operation"
Daaammnnnn UNIX looks like that!?
Post your old computer cases
working on unique project that fills a niche, there's literally no alternative...
Now THAT is a computer. Wow. Why didn't anyone tell me?
Please tell me you did not apply meltdown and spectre patch
You did redeem your AMD-chan mouse pad, didn't you?
Where does it end
/cyb/ + /sec/ - Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Programming tasks/ideas thread. We're all gonna make it edition
Why is the industry standard using the command line...
Jow Forumsternet
Basically if you’re not using go then you’re a nigger
What company makes the least-unreliable hard drives? I'm made to understand HGST is now just rebranded WD
Why is there a Jow Forums discord channel? I thought Jow Forums hated botnets?
Unencrypted /boot partition
You have one thread to convince me I should choose AMD over Intel
Someone Defaced Website With ‘Goatse’ And Anti-Diversity Tirade
What is the reason for the joke about Australian internet? Is NBN really that slow?
Courtesy of /b/
Got in Waterloo and Berkeley, what should I do Jow Forums?
Intel is so dead
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #25:
Serverless Node js?
How do we fix the /gpol/ problem?
Is opera the only white web browser these days?
Im confused
Is the 13-inch Apple MacBook Pro worth buying?
What's a good virus scanner for Linux (Ubuntu)?
Will you be left behind?
I miss this baby so much
Career thread
Are VR setups too invasive?
Speccy Thread. No Loonix allowed
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What did iPhones do to you?
So now that the dust has settled, was Vista truly the most patrician OS?
This kills the botnet
>tfw fell for Ryzen meme
Fuck windows 10
PocketPC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Android >>>>>>> iOS
It's a pretty solid game Jow Forums
Ruby or Python?
Friend refuses to use windows because it's insecure
Best Jow Forums approved mp3 player?
What does Jow Forums think of the 8 bit boomer?
H e l p ! ! !
What technology related Christmas present do you want this year?
I want to gift my mom an apple watch as a bday present
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Get a 2nd gen ryzen cpu
Is it possible that intel will actually skip their 10nm process?
Typesetting general
Homescreen thread
Is there a way to bypass the activation lock on iPad?
So utorrent is deprecated, QB is shit, deluge works like shit on windows...
Is 28" 4K monitor usable without scaling?
Why have you not joined the SSD masterrace?
/pcbg/ - Pc Building General
Wagecuck to developer
Whats a technology product you aquired...
Window buttons on the left or right?
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #24
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
IG killed it's API - No longer possible to download full sized images of private user profile pics
Is this enough to make data unrecoverable through tools available to the general public?
Humor/ylyl/funny thread
Make a top tier $60 mouse
Why you still don't use windows 7?
Languages of Linux
C hate thread
How fucked is Jow Forums if there is a recession in 2020?
Google SWE Suicides
Why did people stop buying iphones?
"We have a very agile and streamlined work-environment for our developers here, user...
That feeling when installing a new os
How old is the kid that designed this? im guessing 3-5
Are you sure you're not an NPC?
Reminder that if you live in the dark grey area, you are never going to make it in tech...
8GB of memory is e-
IPS Monitors
Why do normies love mobile devices so much...
If you are gonna use it, it better look like this
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is 1tb enough
I don't feel so good
If you haven't worked at at least one tech startup then why do you even bother coming here?
Why don't you get a sysadmin job and make 6 figures?
Does coffee make you a better coder?
You wake up in 2005 with the knowledge (but not skills) you have now
So I noticed the ipad on sale and thought seriously about buying it but then checked out the reviews for the screen and...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
ITT: zoomer repellents
He needs more than 8 cores
Building from source
Would you use a site that had a 1 cent fee to make a post or upload an image?
I have a little sister that is obsessed with anime...
Only two types of people don't like C++. First is brainlets, second is functionalfags in their ivory towers
How do you guys feel about this badass computer scientist and astrophysicist being 100x the programmer you are?
2019 w-will definitely be t-the year of the l-linux desktop, right, guise?
What language to learn
What are some good resources to learn SQL? Like an online course, books, assignments and whatnot
Literally smarter than all of Jow Forums
Ok nerds, what am I doing wrong with my server?
I hurt myself today
Sick of ubuntu gnome, and falling for the arch meme, but don't wanna do a manual install
What is humanitys greatest feat in technology
People still make 32bit software
How is Oracle still relevant?
Why aren't you using objectively the best torrent client, Jow Forums?
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Linux Now Supports Hairy Buttholes
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Why didn't you chip in yet, user?
>tfw fell for the SSD meme
Only web browsers can open this shit
Tech Waifu Thread
What GPU should i upgrade to?
Be me
Are lightweight low mem browsers still a thing? I very much love to run jupyter without my options being a giant pain...
Do you use linkedin
Was this you Jow Forums?
Birthday party for my little cousin
Motherboard started smoking now onboard audio wont work and it fried one of my hard drives...
What's your go-to browser on mobile devices?
Retarded things people do
So I did something stupid years ago with weed while I was a developer and when you type my name into google there is a...
How much bonus are you getting from your tech job this year?
Why would anyone use any OS other than Windows 7
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #23
Are we entering a Golden Age of tech?
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Isn't ironic how Linus received shit from everyone for hurting muh feelings and being mean...
There is literally nothing wrong with their products
Sometimes, you just fuck up
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is there any language with c or java like syntax but with a package manager like pip for python
Hey guys, this is Austin
What are the benefits of running Windows...
2016,2017 and 2018 macbook design flaw
Does anyone already know how to get instagram profile pictures in full size?
What does Jow Forums want for Christmas?
Is this a good place to learn programming?
Just updated chrome on debian. flags are gone to remove this NIGGER JEW "design"
YouTube is no longer YouTube
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Le self taught programmer
Lol winfags
Google Play Music or Spotify?
The raid continues
IMAGINE buying 9900k unironically only to get destroyed by 7nm Ryzen
Why is it so cringe
Value of bitcoin trends downward for a month
Tfw fell for the Android meme
Satanic Tranny saga continues
Remember the official list
Discord down
I finally installed ubuntu and after spending a while inputting all sorts of commands into the terminal to get my wifi...
Seeing how Jow Forums fears robots in all forms
What's actually bad with windows?
Hi Jow Forumsuys, here's my PC, roast me
Tfw 152 applications over a period of 9 months
Reads out repedative numerical stats quickly while sounding tired/worn out to sound smart/above it
/ag/ - Audio General
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #69
Terry D
How do we stop Cory in the linux kernel Jow Forums?
Linux still hasn't matched the perfection that is windows 7 aero with its glass look that got ruined by flat themes in...
Sticker thread?
What distro are you using, and why?
What would Jow Forums do if you were born into the Roman empire?
MS kills IE
Best web browser for privacy? How to block everything without disrupting functionality?
I have two PCM waveforms that are 99% identical but offset by X amount (typically 1-2 seconds)...
IPv6 was a mistake. Jow Forums makes next version of IP protocol. What would you add , remove or change...
Let's be honest it's a better analogue format to collect than vinyl
Desktop thread
I miss Windows XP
Does the AMD compiler work on Gentoo?
Windows is the worst operating system change my mind
He listens to FLACs on his phone
Why are profile pictures on websites always circles these days? What happened to square profile pictures?
Ryzen goes to warranty
Are any single board computers worth it?
Fuck mods and fuck niggers!
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Does this NAS from Asus worth a buy?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Finally fall for the 16 GiB RAM meme (up from 8 GiB)
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Good night, sweet prince
Church Web Hosting
This is literally "keyboard not found, press any key to continue" tier
Are you terrified Jow Forums?
Why does Jow Forums hate him?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why aren't you using KDE?
Rest in peace
Is there a Jow Forums app for iOS? Preferably one that supports webm playback
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What are some modern apps that make you feel like you are still living in 1993?
I fucking hate python...
Will QWERTY slider phones ever make a comeback?
Raspberry Pi Multimedia
Visual Studio Code
Can anyone tell me what these signals might be?
If you could hack the sourcecode of the cloud, what would you goal be?
Is Nintendo Switch the most based modern technology?
Opus 1.3: The Best Audio Codec is also FOSS. mp3 and aac are dying codecs
Brave Browser
What would happen?
/ptg/ Public Tracker General
Battlestations! /bst/
Why do normies pay 3000$ for 100$ hardware?
How would you explain programming to your parents?
Are people gaming the algorithms or is it the other way around?
Why aren't you using Firefox...
Boomer software
Fututre of Free as in Freedom
"No understanding how to use this app"
"Sir, I hope you had a pleasant flight. Please hand over your electronic devices and follow me into questioning...
I can't believe how shitty every "gaming mouse" on the market is...
Why is python so retarded?
The absolute Reddit current state
What are some illegal/immoral ways you have made money?
Linuxfags and freetards will defend this
So what happened to
Vim or Emacs? The Great War!
AMD Unboxed Debunk Zen 2 & RX 3000 Delusions
Tree Style Tabs
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Windows 7 vs. Windows 10 LTSB Enterprise
Is openBSD good?
Be eurofag
What are some cool terminal commands, aliases and function you use?
Why does Jow Forums like this piece of shit?
Google is working to remove gender bias in its translations
Why tho?
Lots of free time
Will she start ww3 or something?
Arch is good but not stable enough, Kubuntu is a half-assed, buggy piece of horseshit. However...
What's the GIMP of video editing?
.gov fucked
Why don't you ever see girls using Android? Literally every girl at my university has an iPhone
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #21
Intel is throwing everything it got at AMD
VHS edition
Why don't you ever see girls using Android? Literally every girl at my university has an iPhone
Even the official .onion is fucking dead
That device that just won't croak and give you an excuse to finally buy something new
Trying to install windows 7 on a new build
Spill water on notebook
Thoughts on monitor speakers? Since hearing music through pic related, I’ve been interested in buying some...
Those of you with any of the home speaker/assistants - what do you use it for?
Owo what's this
Do you own a UPS, Jow Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/nsg/ NetSec General is not the official linux site
To whoever did this:
Linux and Macfags BTFO
Is a Q6600 good enough to run Windows 10 Ok? Is it worth adding a new hd to?
Any technical writers here?
Hear about machine learning
Few months into my first job and it's a corporate cubicle wageslave nightmare. I fucking hate it...
Elite computers only
Recreational / Educational Programming
Stop using electronic devices
Hostnames / motd
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboards General
AI is the biggest threat to mank-
Curious, I'm about to install VMware; should I install this on my HDD or my SSD?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
That moment when your desktop reaches peak performance, aesthetics, and usability
/bst/ - Battlestation thread
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
How long until Firefox switches to Chromium base?
You ever feel like he was onto something?
Manjaro's latest update is fucking up a bunch of folks' boxes. I'm not overly critical...
This kills the NSA
What if we banned minors from the internet
What system font should I use?
Now that edge browser is being rebranded and released for windows 7, windows 8.1, and MacOS...
Terry A. Davis death
New online python compiler
Comfy watching L1T since debut
What did people do with computers before the internet?
Programming Assignment Help
What is the Intel ME Jow Forums?
Laptops are still being made with 1366x768 displays
How the fuck do you backup enough shit on your phone for a rom swap...
Is it worth it for 999$
Is he right Jow Forums?
Are DE against unix philosophy?
Hypothetically speaking, how would one order a custom sex doll?
Is DRM finished?
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #20
Java, now that's a real programming language
This is not actually worth my time if I want to even have a chance for a job (in Germany), right?
Web development is a mess
The absolute state of Go
Mfw LibreOffice is actually good enough for 99% of the tasks and I don't have to install MS malware on my system
Based Microsoft is killing edge and contribting to open source
How many cores to emulate the playstation 3?
Would you use Windows 10 subsystem for Linux if it was done the same way Ubuntu is available as a subsystem for Windows...
Do you think AMD will deliver this time? Or we will get another mediocre lineup like with Zen+?
What is that? WHAT the FUCK is that?!?
Australian Developers forced to spy
Work in biggest Scandinavian Bank
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Red pill me on dart/flutter. is this going to last longer than google's other shitty products?
Which manufacturer or phone was so bad you just switched to iphone?
Im in trouble guys, please help
Defend this
/sqt/ - Simple Questions Thread
Opus 1.3 files unplayable on Sansa Clip
Just bought a new gaming pc
Am I too retarded to understand why people containerize everything...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Websites that your family pressure you to use
Confirmed: neXtbox and PS 5 will be both using "Zen 2 + Navi" APUs inside, solid 60 FPS at 4K HDR
Apply for dev job
I just installed Windows 95. This OS is comfy. Reminds me of being a child
Does updating this shit even do anything?
How do I prevent my son from becoming a Windows toddler?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship