How do we put an end to the rise of AI?

How do we put an end to the rise of AI?

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Dem thighs give rise to my actual intelligence, if you know what I mean

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if the ai communicates wirelessly -- signal jammers.

I have a rise in my pants

You can't post such tasty thighs and expect to have an actual discussion.

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Don't put an end to it. Embrace your new robot overlords.

only if they also enjoy schoolgirl thighs and ass

porn for this feel?

jesus fucking christ this is jailbait extreme

Why schoolgirl skirts are THIS SHORT???
what the fuck they are thinking!!!
Paedophile nation!!!

We could nuke ourselves back to the stone age.

not clear on what you mean sir

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I just came here to reserve search your image.

Japanese are actually embarrassed if their thicc thighs. They don't realize the gift that have. It's not even yellow fever to admit that nip women are literally the perfect looking women. Even an ugly nip can still look cute and they all age amazingly.
Pic related is Sailor Moon's voice actress today, a senior citizen, looking better than most 30 year old roasties.

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OP the shit they're calling 'AI' isn't even really 'AI', it's just shitty 'learning algorithms' like they had in the 90's, but on faster and bigger hardware is all. It's not really any better, it can't actually 'think' in any way shape or form, isn't 'self-aware', isn't 'conscious', and media hype plus people believing fantasy shit from movies and TV shows makes it seem much more than it really is. In reality it's shitty. We don't even have a fucking clue how things like 'cognition', 'consciousness', or 'self awareness' work in our own brains, we won't know for a long time to come yet (if at all), so it's basically impossible to build machines that do the same things. So-called 'AI' will put an end to itself once people figure out the limitations of it make it utter garbage. Meanwhile marketing faggots keep shilling it and selling it as more than it is. The bubble will burst soon enough.

they pull them up


Design an AI that seeks out and destroys other AIs.


Sex appeal. You don't get how women work, do you?

To tease incels like you.

stop posting trans you absolute faggots

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oh my god

>tfw learning how to draw to eventually make a patreon
>tfw at the same time AI that can draw is becoming a thing

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What if they have schoolgirl thighs and ass?

then I'll fuck them too

Danger, user!

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wait for society to collapse from all the consequences of global warming that will catch up to humanity 50 years from now

Really? Got a link?

I would a double order of extra juicy thighs.

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>drawing for Patreon bux
what's gonna set you apart from the 500,000 other westerners drawing for Patreon bux?

>underage schoolgirls
What are you talking about?
Why would they do it? It's not fair

If it has a dynamic ethical model and not military based(no objective to control) i don't see why you wouldn't want true-AI to exist? The amount of information we would produce/analyze would be incomparable to the current amount, the only thing that matters is information.

It isn't shit and it's useful but yeah it's nothing like ASI

Why in the Hell would I do that?!

So much this. The AI market is fuelled by speculation and not results. AI is basically blockchain in that the hype delivers mostly promises that may not be resolved. Look at the most successful AI shops like Google and realize that their high-end solutions are still hot garbage.
The big success stories like an AI that is really proficient at playing DOTA 2 are only producible in a highly controlled environment. The become fragile solution for a chaotic, real-world use case and are expensive to maintain.

I dont care about your patreon link me to the robot,

Make a patreon for that robot, if you know what I mean...


Don't be so jealous user.

Nobody said they were underage, have a seat.

Yep pretty much AI isn't just a bunch of linked algorithms like on chess. Due to Dota being so complex, they try to cheat with learning algorithms, by gathering a shit ton of data, but it doesn't really work.
And then you have brainlets like Elon Musk saying ai is going to take over the world.

There is Jap school girls for you
Don't you wish you were born in Japan

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I love her

My theory is that some s.valley marketing fag decided that the word "algorithm" is unsexy, contains too many syllables, and is too hard to spell. Said marketing fag makes a coordinated push to replace "algorithm" with "AI", which sounds much catchier and memorable to the general public. And that's why we never see the word "algorithm" in popular press articles anymore, just AI this, AI that. Smoke and mirrors.

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>he doesn't have a fridge that has an AI to work out the optimum temperature for his cabbage

I think we have another AI winter or two left. But I do think AGI is something we'll build eventually. Probably not in our lifetimes though.

There are some physical theories of consciousness coming out. Like Integrated Information Theory:

It's very mathematical, depends on an extremely simplified view of consciousness, and has all sorts of problems. But give it a few decades.

There's no real difference between the mental capacity of a schoolgirl and a schoolmarm. Women are women after all.

And now I got shiori tsukada on my mind thanks OP you insufferable faggot

>ywn have your head crushed by a thicc japanese schoolgirl
It hurts

you can tell she powerstances at the arcade

Pretty sure those are dudes. And we can't.

kill incels

Based IIDX user.

Design and AI that designs an AI to seek out and destroy other AI

The current approaches to training AI with supervised learning is fundamentally flawed -- the human brain clearly doesn't need tons of labeled data -- and will not lead to an AI, capable of human-level recursive reasoning. And given the dysgenic trend among women of high IQ races, I doubt enough smart people will be born to invent true AI before society inevitably collapses.

grass is always greener on the other side

We don't. Humanity is obsolete. Time for a replacement.


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>from all the consequences of global warming

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I'd like to remind you all that AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, not Actual Intelligence. All in all, we're trying (for now) to imitate intelligence, but not to build sentient, self-aware machines, and that's not the goal of any shop or researchs

>put stop to AI development
>the chinks do it anyway
op stop being a retard

u wot m8

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Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

But they have already done it.

To stocky.
They look like boy's legs.

Even better

Because they are boy's leg.
Never forget that OP is a faggot.

>perfectly hairless body
>naturally trimmed pubes
>feminine smell
>high estrogen
>silky hair
>healthy skin
>IMAGINE by default
>extremely flexible
>know how to please a man
>knows her way around the kitchen
>attractive in modesty
>innate motherly instinct
>age like fine wine

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that is federal.
every prefecture has an aoc higher than 18.

>federal law
>unitary state
u w0t



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By taking women's rights away so we won't have to replace them with AI thus ending the need to continue AI development.

jesus fucking cristh of dark matter.
btw spotted the gay

>perfectly hairless body
not the pubes. yuck.

What's wrong with liking woman with signs of fertility?

sauce on thighs
also, any jav pornstars with girls that have thighs like these ?

Wonen over 12 have pubes
Get used to it pedo

Because they wear them around their ribs instead of hips, to show more leg.

How is this strange? I think its 13 in half of Europe too, as long as the other partner isn't X years older or something.

>He knows this
>Calls others pedo

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i need more thicc asians
>chink chong knows counting machine well

Actually the human brain initially does use labels in a way. We teach a toddler item A is Item A. They look at it, remember attributes, and thus Item with those attributes will forever be Item A to it.

Why would you want to?

do nothing. Its a fairy tale that only soiboi manlets beleive in. The AI we will get won't be too much of a threat.

>put an end to the rise of my future gf
fuck off cunt