I can learn either for my degree requirement. Which should I choose? I already took all the C++ classes.

Attached: 18720812.png (500x500, 62K)

>Trendier than Java
>Less similar to C++
>Therefore learning a more different language
>Overall easier to use

Attached: smartgirl.jpg (500x318, 66K)


i don't know java, but i feel & i've heard that knowing both C++ and python is a pretty good combination. java wouldn't be a terrible idea, it's just more similar to C++.

My professor said the code for Java is owned by a single entity and could go proprietary? Is there truth to that or did I misunderstand

there's always openjdk, so not really







>I already took all the C++ classes
Then Python. It has less overlap, so it makes for a more interesting experience.

if you want to learn OOP, go Java
if you want to learn how to write readable code, python



if you want a work java, if you want to become a github surfer then python

To be honest, Java is pretty damn nice if you use it a stepping stone for Android/Kotlin/Web development. It's definitely viable for all sorts of stuff, and comes with amazing enterprise-ready libraries.

Python is more for scripting and rapid production of websites; or prototypes of them.

I'd say you'd get way more jobs as a Java expert than Python, and Python can always be learned later; it's easy.


I would never use Java. Python I would use. On the other hand If I was hiring somebody I kinda would appreciate Java knowledge more. Not that it is needed for anything. But in the end I would not hire anyone who has no experience in functional languages.

I learnt Python by working and Java in school.

neither are functional languages aside from some extremely half assed tacked on things just to jump on the trend

No, you (or the company you work for) retain the copyright for any non-trivial code you write (how much depends on location). Running it through oracle's technology stack does not transfer this to Oracle, regardless of what license or lawyers might say.

And there's always openjdk

Functional programming forces people to do better architecture. That is why I require FP-knowledge.

Want to be a cool developer with no job and money? Do python

Want to be just a normal developer with an actual enterprise job and good income? Do java

>Functional programming forces people to do better architecture.
in theory yes, in pratice people will just try to cram as many actions in a single line because its cool and """""""""""""""elegant""""""""""""""" making readability suffer
still, neither java nor python are functional languages

Choose Java, learn Python in your own time. You're welcome.

This thread ultimatively proves how retarded Jow Forums is. Java pays better, teaches you more about programming and won't give you bad habits. You will have a way easier time mastering other language after you've learned Java instead of Python.


Java if you want speed but can tolerate working with objects and too much abstractions.

Go if you want speed and hate object oriented approach.

Python if you want other people to do the heavy work for you and you just want a programmable calculator.

Perl if you want to work with Unix/Linux.

Ruby if you are too stupid to do Perl.

Haskell if you are a smart mathematician.

Rust if you are a cuck.

Javascript if you don't care running your outside a browser.

C if you want to accend to the masterrace.

C, Fortran, Ada and Assembly.