/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% --help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: apu-pizza2.png (785x847, 154K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What does this mean? Does the source have to be formatted to btrfs to move it to the btrfs backup drive?
In BTRFS mode, snapshots are taken using the in-built features of the BTRFS filesystem. BTRFS snapshots are supported only on BTRFS systems having an Ubuntu-type subvolume layout (with @ and @home subvolumes).

alright so i wanted to try linux arch, all i did was following this shitty reddit wiki tutorial reddit.com/r/unixporn/wiki/vm and after rebooting i get greeted by by this

what do?

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Is there some gentoo equivalent to arch's genfstab?
I can probably hack something together with some sed and awk autsim but I highly doubt it would well.
Basically I'm trying to script a gentoo install; making an fstab, and automating kernel configuration are my main roadblocks right now.
Also, how long would it compiling the base system take on a C2D laptop? I'm talking kernel, X, the basic userland and a window manager. I would be using surf as my browser but I don't know if I have to compile webkit or if I can just install a bin of it seperately.

Also before you say gentoo is a meme, I'm looking to switch from Arch + lts kernel because I'm tired of faggotry like this. I want to be able to have a stable kernel that I can strip out all the bullshit from. Switching to openbsd was also an option but all my data is dmcrypted so I would have to spend like 700 bucks worth of new HDDs + backups to move all my data. Maybe in the future though.

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install findmnt

use the actual installation instructions

Why does my public ip and router local ip show up in my torrent client?

I didn't even realize it was just a bash script kek.
findmmt seems to be included in the userland in arch and debian, is it included in the stage 3 tarball?

99% of le lunix install/ricing guides are written by dumb pajeets.
dont use them

blkid, findmnt and lsblk are from the util-linux package which is included in the base system of most distros

Where can I download menu icons for gno-menu and arc menu in Ubuntu?

writing fstab is actually easy
/dev/sdxY / ext4 defaults 1 1
/dev/sdxZ /home ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/sdxX swap swap defaults 0 0

I didn't complain about the difficulty, I wanted it automated.
Also using sdx instead of UUIDs is retarded and you should feel bad

>Also using sdx instead of UUIDs is retarded and you should feel bad


fun linux fact: I don't remember exactly which ones, but one linux util gets the devices from grub, while another gets them from fstab, and if you manage to fuck them up, mount (I believe) will tell you that you have /dev/sdfucked on /, while in reality /dev/some_other_shit is actually on /

I copied a distro from one partition to another, and forgot to update both, is how I found this, so yeah, it took a stupid mistake to confuse the system, but IMHO you should never have more than one source for that sort of detail. One or the other should override if they are not in agreement.

it's just an example you fucking autist
are you telling me to write UUID=abcdefghijkl-mnopqrs-0123456789, go fuck yourself

someone keeps posting this on Jow Forums

Is this one of those commands that deletes root or something?

now, if I want to really strip down the kernel, should I be using genkernel to make the initramfs or should I write my own?
And I know gentoo-sources doesn't have an LTS branch or anything, what would be the closet thing to an lts kernel on gentoo?

try it you baby

it matches
Jow Forums is /s4s/-tier, all the posts have no meaning, they just keep repeating the same shit over and over

>but one linux util gets the devices from grub
No. Nothing in grub is used in the system, grub is usedEXCLUSIVELY for booting.

I'd love to see an [s4s] meetup, but I'm pretty sure no one who posts there ever leaves their basement, and like Adam Lanza, they email their mom when they want more tendies left at the door.

yeah, all the gurus said I was wrong back then too, BUT NOBODY TESTED IT BECAUSE THEY KNEW I WAS WRONG. and maybe they've fixed it by now, as that was a few years ago.

you don't actually need an initramfs as long as you don't compile the filesystem for root as a module and you specify the root device on the kernel command line like "root=/dev/sda1" or "root=PARTUUID=ABCD-1234-ETC"
iirc it can't find the device by its UUID= without an initramfs but PARTUUID= or /dev/* works
you also might not need grub: wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/EFI_stub_kernel
>And I know gentoo-sources doesn't have an LTS branch or anything
gentoo does have most of the lts versions listed in kernel.org/category/releases.html
you can mask versions newer than the one you want:
echo '>sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.4' >> /etc/portage/package.mask
i am currently using void btw so i can't verify that this is correct

lmao looks like I made you do it anyway

I use root in an encrypted lvm so it looks like I do actually.
so I can use genkernel to make a 4.14 image? the wiki is a little unclear about what kernel genkernel will use. if not I can just write my own initramfs.
Also is there a way to save a menuconfig and load it later? Like say I want the kernel config to be exactly the same from one machine to the next, do I need to remember all my options or can it load them some a file or some kind?

>the wiki is a little unclear about what kernel genkernel will use
probably the version pointed to by the /usr/src/linux symlink which can be changed using eselect if you have multiple versions installed
>Also is there a way to save a menuconfig and load it later?
the config is saved as .config in the kernel sources directory (/usr/src/linux for the selected kernel)

You're right, thanks a ton user.
And I'm assuming as long as I'm using the same kernel branch and the CPUs have the same extensions that .config file is portable from machine to machine right?
Also last question, I maintain my own dwm.c st.c and the config headers. On arch I just wget the tarball from suckless.org and compile it (since they don't need updating or any kind of management).
Should I stick with the same in gentoo or is it better to manage them with portage? I use the releases not git

How much space do i need for loonix (for ex. Ubuntu)? I want to make separate partition for /home

40 gigs should be plenty even with multiple huge package families like latex installed

You didnt mention any tool.
Grub only handles booting, nothing in the system will references it when looking for devices.

How do I get desktop icons in i3?


Make sure you set your locale and language correctly; font rendering fucks up horribly otherwise.
Alternatively look up the font used my LXDM(?) and make sure it's installed.
If your DM/DE is horribly broken hit Ctrl+Alt+FX to to ttyX.

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There is no system but GNU and Linux is one of its kernels.

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Best tool to tag music from cli?

>Linux is one of its kernels
How are the other kernels going?

Hello 4channel,

I'm wanting to switch from Arch to Gentoo.
Have any anons made the same switch? How'd you find it? Anything I should look out for?

Kind regards,

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Based plus gnupilled.

Anything I should know about fedora 29 before installing it?

Read: wiki.gentoo.org/wiki//etc/portage/make.conf
Level up to: ACCEPT_LICENSE="-* @FREE"
Wished Arch would have this glory.

fucking freetards why would you restrict yourself lmao

You're welcome.

To take advantage of btrfs' snapshots with timeshift, you have to have a btrfs system with subvolumes @ and @home (like how Ubuntu sets it up)

dear lord no don't do this

how to remove all the gnu shit from my linux OS?

sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root $GNU/

What is the best way to pip install packages and have the new program accessible from PATH so I can run it anywhere? I heard you're not supposed to sudo pip install ever, but doing a user pip install puts the package in a shitty place.

I'm sorry to post here about this, but I don't want to make a new thread for such a small thing

Did anyone here save the pictures of the gentoo+thinkpad user and his gf? You know the ones, where everyone was speculating if she was trans or not.

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$ export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
$ pip install --user package_name

Which Linux distribution is the best for high quality sound, recording, and maybe even editing? It's a bonus if I can install a tiling WM without breaking it

Packages installed via pip are available immediately. Using pip is fine, just check your package manager first; no results = safe pip.

install gentoo

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I don't have any experience with any of that shit but really any distro will be able to run the linux audio programs available.
The distro choice depends on how you want the OS to be set up when you boot it up for the first time, and what you want from a package manager.
Ubuntu is easy to set up and the most used so you will find the most help for it, and you can install i3 straight from the repositories without any problems.



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ncmpcpp is my preference. But it's not just a tagger, it's a music library and controller for mpd.

What do you do to rate music?
I wanted to switch to ncmpcpp but I was looking at it and couldn't find a way to rate music AND see all of the ratings you have (instead of only the rating of the currently playing song)

Distro might make a difference if the kernel matters for audio quality, which I'm pretty sure it does.

Stop hording bad music.
No rating needed.

I believe a real-time kernel is important

I just want to keep track of the "GOOD" tracks from the "good" tracks.

Vanilla GNU distros work just fine for audio stuff. For hardcore audio production setups install a low-latency version of Linux.

I just use playlists. Just ranking seems too linear.

Although now that I look it up I found this which seems pretty useful
Looks like a simple bash script that maintains 1-5 playlists and automatically grabs the current playing song to let you rank it, removing it from any existing 1-5 playlist and adding it to the one you ranked it as. Having it in a playlist obviously means it's easy to see what's ranked as what.

I might adapt this script to my own needs.

what kind of pizza is this?

came to complain, that I have faulty ryzen 1700 which crashes linux and can't send it to replace because I'll be without computer then.
am using windows 10 and I hate it
thanks for reading.

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However, one caveat with this that I just remembered is that ncmpcpp has no way of updating playlists with songs that have been moved or renamed. So if you move or rename stuff a lot then this may not be a good solution.

Even with deadbeef there is a simple plugin that allows you to write a rating meta-data and display it in the playlist.
Sounds like a functionality that a lot of people would want and it doesn't look good for such a "big name" player not to have it

Although it would be easy to make a script just like that which would instead use some other CLI tag editor to add the ranking to the meta data instead of screwing with playlists.

How do I fix this disgusting text in Debian?
Certain letters look bolder than others and look quite jaggedy. I can't find an easy way to fix the problem and it's disgusting.

Does Windows have the same problem?

>using windows
which botnet swamp you come from?
anyway, please go back, thanks

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Never used btrfs, the fuck does that even mean?

Putting words in people's mouth just makes you look like a moron
Post a screenshot?

the filesystem thingy can do sorta backups and timeshift can use this ability to do backup stuff for you

No shit, why is it limited to ubuntu's "way" and how do you emulate it?

btrfs has subvolumes (which are smaller parts of the whole fs) and you can turn off some features for some etc. Like having @/home @/var etc. Timeshift is by default configured to leverage btrfs' snapshot feature to use the typical way how Ubuntu sets up btrfs subvolumes. Different distros have different defaults on how they setup subvolumes.

When I type in password when sudo asks for it why does it take (relatively) so long for it to verify the password and continue program, even longer if I type in nothing and just press enter? It's less than a second but still I expected it to be near instant, like after answering Y/n to something.

Built in flow control

I've tried the Gnome Tweak Tool and changed the hinting but it didn't seem to make any fucking difference.
Any suggestions?

Attached: awful-text.png (843x32, 11K)

No idea. Are you sure those words aren't actually just set to bold? Because it doesn't look like it's certain letters as you said, it looks like it's certain words.
Other than that I'd just say to setup your fontconfig properly. Most distros these days already have decent defaults but some are still shit, and I wouldn't be surprised if Debian still uses shit defaults considering how slow they are to adopt new stuff: wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/font_configuration#Anti-aliasing
Enable anti-aliasing, hinting, and set an lcdfilter.
Disable auto-hinter (if I had to guess I'd say you have auto-hinter enabled)
Pick other options at your preference.

The delay is intentional to prevent attackers from brute forcing your password.

Okay, I've set up RSA authentication on my server and I can access it from my computer just fine. I'll be traveling to my folks place tomorrow though, do I just put my id.rsa on a pendrive and put it in ~/.ssh on their computer?

Really noobie question here:

Whats the easiest way to put /snap/bin into my variables PATH?

Fucked up somehow and i dont know what to do to access some apps.

i3 is for faggots and losers

You don't have to put it anywhere, -i takes a path.

okay I gotcha it will be more secure if I just keep it on a pendrive and just point ssh at it. Thanks senpai

Only fags use snaps.
You're a fag for using snap.
$ export PATH="${PATH}:/snap/bin/"
Reminder: snaps are for fags only.
Also: Ubuntu is botnet, install Debian.

Audio sounds absolutely shit out of nowhere.
Sounds distant and muddy and i have to have it 50% louder to get the same loudness as i had before
Where do i start?

I want to install texlive-most but i don't have enough space in my root partition, how can I install all of that directly in my home partition??

Pulseaudio yes or no, anything changed in alsamixer?

How do I auto remove duplicate files? fslint seems to require you to manually delete every file

apparently my post is spam and im not spending 30 minutes fucking around with it
check pic

Attached: fuckgook.png (1920x1080, 106K)

HAHA disregard that, I suck cocks
I just used fdupes

which controller would work better with Linux, Dualshock 4 or Xbone. Also would the Asus BT400 adapter work for them?
Thanks bros

I can confirm that the Xbox One controller works perfectly fine on Linux. That's with the USB cable, not the wireless adapter, though.

How does it feel to have a less functional desktop than faggots and losers?

>install i3
>no longer need to place my windows
>but sometimes i want to place my windows
>controlling windows manually is actually slower in i3
>my terminals have resized themselves
>text is cut off, wrapped oddly, or is printed more than once
>oh god now i need to manually juggle windows between desktops
>and there's no good way to "stick" a window to all desktops like a floating manager

Your blog is not relevant to i3 in general.

Got a fun one for you guys. Rather than try to get help with the problem that I have, I'm trying to figure out what I need to google.

Ubuntu 18.04 with GNOME. When I've got a VM open (Oracle Virtual Box) and mouse integration is turned off, the mouse inside the guest OS will sometimes be "stunned" halfway across the guest OS screen and cause the host OS's GNOME favourites bar thing to pop up. What's the right words for "stunned" and "favourites bar" so that I can stick this shit in to a search engine and find a fix?

Is it worth to use Alpine Linux as a firewall?

Who did this?