Linux and Macfags BTFO

Attached: 1529176744988.png (608x511, 146K)

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Who asked for light themes?

People with lamps in their homes


you losers never deserved eyes anyways

>microshit is so bad at designing they ripoff kde

Enjoy your Chrome reskin so you can get both MS and Google spying on you at the same time.

Paзpeшитe Bac пepeбить. To, чтo Bы нaзывaeтe Linux,
пo фaктy, GNU/Linux, или кaк я нeдaвнo нaчaл нaзывaть, GNU плюc Linux.
Linux - этo нe oпepaциoннaя cиcтeмa, a cкopee cвoбoдный кoмпoнeнт
oпepaциoннoй cиcтeмы GNU, cocтoящeй из библиoтeк, yтилит кoмaнднoй cтpoки
и дpyгих вaжных кoмпoнeнтoв, кoтopыe дeлaют GNU oпepaциoннoй cиcтeмe
coглacнo POSIX.

Бoльшoe чиcлo пoльзoвaтeлeй иcпoльзyeт GNU нa кoмпьютepaх,
дaжe нe пoдoзpeвaя этoгo. Пo кaким-тo зaгaдoчным oбcтoятeльcтвaм GNU,
кoтopaя шиpoкo иcпoльзyeтcя в нaши дни, чacтo нaзывaют "Linux", и пoльзoвaтeли
дaжe нe пoдoзpeвaют, чтo этo GNU, paзpaбoтaннaя пpoeктoм GNU.

Дa, Linux вoиcтинy cyщecтвyeт и эти люди им пoльзyютcя, нo этo вceгo лишь чacть
cиcтeмы, кoтopyю oни иcпoльзyют. Linux этo ядpo, пpoгpaммa, кoтopaя
pacпopяжaeтcя cиcтeмными pecypcaми и дaeт их дpyгим пpoгpaммaм.
Ядpo - вaжнaя чacть OC, нo ядpo этo HE OC; Oнo paбoтaeт тoлькo в cocтaвe OC.
Linux иcпoльзyют oбычнo вмecтe c GNU: пo cyти в GNU дoбaвили Linux, или
GNU/Linux. И тaк нaзывaeмыe диcтpибьютивы "Linux" пo фaктy диcтpибьютивы

wow i am so BTFO!!11
so this... is the power... of wangblows
truly flabbergasting

Is this a machine translation? I wanna know so I don't learn something that's wrong.

still windows

I wonder what the suicide rate is like among windows 10 developers.

No, it is mine translation, tho I'm not good at translating stuff.

Microsoft is literally the only one that was going to take on the electron menace.
Microsoft was hoping Edge's browser engine would eventually be feature parity to the point it can replace chrome in electron apps as using Edge would make electron apps more efficient for windows users.
This was never going to happen so MS just gave up and decided to just mess with chromium to make it work better on windows and to get chromium working on windows ARM

You’ll be old like us soon, faggot

There is literally nothing wrong with using google chrome

why not actually make windows lighter instead of these dumb makeovers

Scrape all the bullshit away and Windows 10 is lighter than Windows 7 ever was but the bullshit comes in the form of UWP which is forced upon top of the ancient NT 6 kernel which erases any gains from work put into windows since windows 7




Higher than the loo rate.

it unironically is just KDE

Attached: Screenshot_20181207_053920.png (423x666, 86K)

Doesn't look good IMO. The blue metro squares don't match with the taskbar.
Also, it's botnet.

Oтличнo пepeвёл, нe пepeживaй.

Light theme? We need a full dark theme that's easy on the eyes. Not blank white or pitch black backgrounds, can't look at that for longer than a few seconds.

Wow! colors!

fuck thats ugly.
also, linux & mac have dark themes that save your eyes while those currys at MS want to kill your eyes.

that's because pajeets

What? They're literally just copying KDE, how are we BTFO?

mac just recently got dark themes and only for newer devices. You can't even update from high sierra to the new one on a 2011 imac.

haha that icon with kde's wallpaper colours


light themes make sense if your monitor is at a lower brightnenss, in which case enjoy going blind from pwm
dark themes make sense if your monitor is at a higher brightnenss, which it should be to avoid pwm

>using default wallpapers

Attached: cab.jpg (625x417, 64K)

>Using default anything on KDE

I use KDE and this is correct. The defaults are only midly better than gnome

Wasn't it "light" from the beginning? Couldn't you just change the highlight colours in the settings

install linux on that old thing. you can also get 3rd party custom themes for old versions of MacOS that look just as good or better than the apple one.

Luckily with KDE that is much more easily fixable.

literally the only thing I can complain about is the unfixable tearing on my secondary monitor but I'm pretty sure X is to blame for that crap

Just make wayland not-shit already

just buy a real computer, dork

Attached: best pc.jpg (452x420, 52K)

>software issue
>suggests hardware to fix it
you have to go back

>let's create a dark theme!
>fuck, this is too difficult
>let's give up and make a light theme instead!
>changes two color options

gnome is alright tho and anything but it's default makes it look funny

jokes on you gramps I'm killing myself before I turn old


>Desktop environment
>doesn't allow icons on the desktop
>literally lost the desktop metaphor
GNOME is just desk at this point

why can't i stop laughing at this

icons on the desktop don't really make sense in gnome, afaik you always have some window on it and the applications grid is basically like the desktop icons

You can only use the superior MacOS on a Mac, sweety

Attached: 1542587426285.jpg (487x457, 35K)

uh, no?

install gentoo.

This guy gets it.

Attached: 1516595578637.jpg (395x398, 15K)

What y'all "muh eyes" motherfuckers need is to apt-get install redshift.

>viewing everything through a shitty ugly filter for 'comfort' sake
What a faggot.
Nice sunglasses, faggot.

I still don't even have the fucking update that will make my file explorer dark properly and they go on and release an even uglier than normal light theme.

Jesus Christ why do Microsoft and Google suck at design so badly?

Literally just default KDE5.

Attached: 1507783697421.jpg (934x524, 63K)

>using KDE

Call me when the start menu can open to the folder list "Downloads, Documents, etc." instead of the programs list.

> Our UI is still a trainwreck, but we changed the colours a bit.

Is that just Stallman's GNU/Linux copypasta in Russian?

Ok im calling you.

I already changed the colors on my workstation to a lighter theme and then saved the theme. How is this new?

Attached: Rajash.png (653x892, 163K)

reminder that while no one bothers printing LCD tips from the 90s anymore
LCDs still last longer with dark themes

also, UI trivia like context menus is more consistent of late

it's autist translation

Attached: lightdows.png (679x274, 41K)

*deletes your documents folder*

that's a big bait

0% brightness 98% percent of the time, my monitor doesn't flicker

i doubt it doesn't but some do exist that don't at like 20% as low, those are very rare tho

Looks like default kde plasma.