Vim or Emacs? The Great War!

Vim or Emacs? The Great War!

> btw I've chosen Nano

Attached: Vimlogo.svg.png (1200x1202, 106K)

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ironically scite/geany/mousepad

>Vim or Emacs?
Both. Emacs with Vi keybindings

also vim for quick edits in config files from console

I prefer using Microsoft Office Word



Install Kate.

echo, cat, grep, split and >>

shit thread

Emacs with ido-mode and auto-complete-mode is TOP comfy


I used to prefer Vis but to be honest, it's too fucking slow.

org mode is fantastic and doesn't have a worthy alternative in vim.
vim keybindings are more ergonomic.

So I use evilmode emacs.


The only thing I want from kak is a file browser

just use notepad like everyone else

no need, start Emacs in daemon mode and alias vim to emacsclient -nw

Emacs in Viper mode.
But I'm not a Vim expert, so I'm not missing much functionality. I just enjoy being able to have control over my text while in insert mode, too.

While both Emacs and Vim are the best professional text editors without any serious competition, imho Emacs is a better software and Vim is a better text editor... Now Im not a programmer but I believe text edition is the basis for all other computer tasks and following the unix philosophy of "do 1 thing only and do it right" I would always pick Vim over Emacs and start covering my needs from there as needed.

Emacs org mode is awesome and stuff but you lie when you say there is no worthy alternative, you are wrong because you simply are spoon fed and dont know any better... with a simple wiki plugin of a few dozen LOC I have all a I need to make a vast personal information project exactly the way I want and more complex and personalized than I could achieve with org mode.

>picture unrelated

Attached: file.jpg (640x480, 95K)


I'm interested. Can you get agenda views in VIM?

Give me one reason to use ex over ed. It's more or less the same program.

Evil mode in emacs for anything longer than a page, normal vim for everything else

ex comes with vi so you don't have to download 40KiB of data after installing arch base

Red pill me about emacs evil-mode.

Ed is smaller, more lightweight, and works far better on very slow remote connections.

Vim is a text editor. Emacs is an operating system. Comparing them is like comparing Notepad to Windows.

emacs with evil is the enlighten man text editor

Visual Studio


Red pill me about emacs evil-mode.

Visual Studio Code with Vim keybinding plugin, sublime default theme, and only use it through the cloud.
Fuck you.

never bothered to learn a whole new OS, so
vi because it's basically everywhere and
vim when it's my machine
also, have some stuff in my config, like latex/c/c++ recompile on save

Can anyone tell me why vim bindings are superior to Emacs bindings?

I like Vim but only for writing/editing system/config files, constantly switching between modes would be too aggravating for larger files. Visual block mode is also insanely useful. Haven't tried Emacs; would anons recommend it?

Attached: 1544084270073.jpg (250x204, 7K)

It's emacs with vim style keybinds. Not all plugins will play nice with the keybinds, due to conflicts. But you can easily edit them.

Modal. With less modifier usage, they're more ergonomic.

is the Yi editor a meme?

blessed and coffeine pilled

Emacs is ok, but comes with a lot of useless shit. Also setting it up to be anything but a shitty text editor is a science by itself

Installing melpa packages isn't that difficult

Check out evil mode. It's not hard to set up just follow the guide on emacswiki.

I would love a vi expert to help me with this.

I want NERDTree to close every time I exit a buffer, but the following doesn't work (raises unhelpful error).

autocmd BufDelete * NERDTreeClose

I would also like NERDTree to open when entering a buffer, if it is not already open, but this does nothing

function! g:OpenNERDTREE()
if NERDtree.isOpen()
echo "Already open"
autocmd BufEnter :call g:OpenNERDTREE()

You can also install spacemacs for a "just werks" version that comes with some bloat. But really we're talking about emacs. It's bloated by default and still so light weight that most modern computers have no issues.

I never found the hjkl bindings very ergonomic though while ctrl+n/p/f/b seems more suitable? Is modal really that pragmatic?

I remapped them to ijkl. Makes much more sense to have it as an intuitive T shape.

>Is modal really that pragmatic?
I don't understand why people would ever question this.
If you just want to enter text like in a non-modal editor you press one key and when navigating, single key presses are obviously superior, don't tell me that M-f and M-b are better than w and b.
Most of the time you also shouldn't be moving by hjkl,
f, F, t, T, /, ? all do the job better.

Ctrl+n/p/f/b relies on uncomfortable pinkie placement.

>constantly switching modes would be too aggravating for larger files

>Some text
>More text
>Even more text
>Esc drives me up the wall if I'm using it for more than ten minutes

Attached: batemannyeh.jpg (223x226, 6K)

What drives me up the wall is using arrow keys or the mouse.

I never found it uncomfortable personally, I have big hands /shrug

you can use the mouse in vim you know?
which would be the alternative to move around in any other editor

> insert text
> arrow key press 5 times
> shift-enter (if there's even a shortcut to just enter a new line)
> insert text
> scroll to bottom
> end
> insert text

And still vim allows you both ways

Emacs does, too, by the way.

Neither. Vim if you ssh into random servers because it's there, but neither for actually editing your files on your machine.

TRAMP mode is goat in emacs, just fire up a dired buffer in that shit and you can even copy files from server to server without leaving your local machine

>I use vi(m) becaue it's preinstalled on my servers

Attached: 1533761944263.jpg (320x307, 28K)

Maybe i should try the caps lock to Ctrl rebind others suggest. But spacemacs with space bar is so comfy.

>TRAMP mode
Good god, freetard software may be the last bastion of resistance against the feminist bullshit.
Thank god not even a single woman on this planet uses Emacs or they wouldn't stop bitching until it was changed.
>But it can also mean vagran-

Hold up why would I want to use neovim?

it promises easy integration with IDE's in the future, so instead of running a VIM mode or some shit, you would attach a neovim backend to the IDE, but for now, nothing

stop visiting Jow Forums so much, chill out

>Emacs users pass our interview at a rate 50% higher than other engineers. What could explain this phenomenon? One possible explanation is that Vim and Emacs are old school.

Attached: uganda.png (1470x745, 77K)

I wish I could, user. Help me.

in my case, I started using neovim when vim didn't have built-in :terminal. now i'm using it just because.

I'd think you'd love that Satan.

Attached: 666.png (666x666, 666K)

This one wants to bring peace to the editor war
There will be no peace as long as emacs continues its bloated feature creeping ways

You mean vi vs emacs?

Suitable for something that tries to get you to give money to Africans to pull the WE WUZ card.

Attached: vi_man.png (400x288, 24K)

What,. You don't find Tetris essential?

The multiple buffer and window management in emacs leaves vi(m) totally in the dust.

Ed is for those who can remember what they are working on. If you are an idiot, you should use Emacs. If you are an Emacs, you should not be vi. If you use ed, you are on the path to redemption.

>picture unrelated
simply post without a pic, retard

>this new

then how do you enter insert mode?

I bet he's using the vim clutch

>Excuse me, but to fix your machine I have to plug in my clutch.