Are people gaming the algorithms or is it the other way around?

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yt is absolute cancer

>Are people gaming the algorithms
This has literally been known for years, and many YT content creators have spoken about it.

Reminder that this kind of content is aimed at zoomers. Zoomers and kids in general are a gigantic untapped market, and youtubers are the first to really understand this.

Attached: 1517681082905.png (550x563, 151K)

Jesus christ, what is that image? It's horrifying.

Even the Greeks knew the meme effect of exaggerated expressions

Attached: 1529228386107.jpg (605x768, 110K)

less youtubers and more google. monetized videos with a lot of views have infinitely higher priority than everything else. plus click bait videos that draw attention get pushed up even higher. Google couldn't give 2 shits what content gets favored as long as it doesn't make them look bad and gives profit

Not just aimed at zoomers, aimed at advertisers so they have their safe space so they don't pull an add due to things like swearing. It's really just a bias towards advertisers.

Welcome to capitalism

It aint just that, they try to push corporate media and push out the independent journalists on both sides of the spectrum. It's basically censorship so you don't know the truth about what's going on.

They're just using the same sort of psychological manipulation techniques you use in all mass media to maximize views
someones face making a stupid expression triggers your brain and makes you more likely to click the video

I don't think they're gaming youtube, but just doing stupid loud shit that normals love. I just wish I could make millions by smiling yelling and acting like a child.

crony capitalism*
in a free market, google wouldn't be this powerful.

>just doing stupid loud shit that normals love
I think your IQ has to been well below average to watch videos like this

>in a free market, google wouldn't be this powerful.
google started from nothing and turned into an evil megacorporation when they became successful, it has nothing to do with cronyism

>google used to be good
Shoot yourself

Ugh, I always have to delete these videos from my history again after clicking on them. Once YouTube starts thinking I could like one of their advertiser friendly YouTubers my whole recommended videos list gets flooded with their content.

In a free market Google would have either never been able to start because General Oil Search Engine would have taken over, or Google would be the first global monopoly of all markets.

>I think your IQ has to been well below average to watch videos like this

You're probably higher on the bell curve than you give yourself credit for. Think about the last public school you went to that wasn't a magnet school, and picture the vast number of kids in the "normal" classes who never took physics or latin. They are the ones who vote up "look at my dog lol" on reddit, and watch youtube crap like this.

Its kids with automatically play next video turned on. They sit watching that shit for hours.

His face scares me.

>and picture the vast number of kids in the "normal" classes who never took physics or latin.
Are you 70 years old or something?

Attached: 1530215275107.jpg (240x240, 13K)

Apparently thumbnails like that get the clicks.

yeah, I knew the latin thing was a mistake


The algo games the people they just don't know know it.

>babies click whatever they find appealing to watch
>algo learns
>insanity rises on top
Blame the toddlers that are fucking retarded

>Blame the toddlers that are fucking retarded

Watch morning TV sometimes. Normal adults eat up drivel. Occasionally I have to work in a house while the homeowner is there with the TV on, and it's absolute torture.

If you had javascript disabled by default and didn't have a jewgle account this wouldn't be happening.

no, they've figured out the algortithms for 9 year olds

If you don't control the algorithms, the algorithms control you

well fuck, I guess we soviet russia now

I think people in general are less dumb than you give them credit for, because most normal people like garbage but not absolute garbage like this or logan paul

>bright colors
>open mouth/outrageous reaction

Pretty much a science at this point. Just scroll the 'Trending' page -- its all open mouths with some form of bright color splashed all over it. Normies+Childrean eat that format up, without being self-aware they are doing it.

This guy is just as much hacking the viewer's brain than he is hacking the algorithm. His thumbnails are so eerily bizarre that people can't help to click on them.

If you were around during the first year of youtube, back then you had no control over thumnails, and I think it just took the middle frame, which quite often was blank.

Anyway, one of the first 10 million view clips was two Israli girls just dancing around to the Pixies "Hey", but at one point one girl with really long legs wearing shorts had just shifted around, and the thumbnail was her bodacious legs spread wide, which probably accounted for about 99.99% of the views.

>Pretty much a science at this point
anything that can make you money gets over the time more and more formatted and optimized to squeeze out more money (views in this case).