rest in peace
Rest in peace
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I got a house out of it, im content.
I am at 7x still but selling everything now.
>another day
>another 10% price drop
Isn't the proper board to discuss this kind of ponzi schemes?
Should I buy when it hits 100$?
oh not bitcoinc crashed for the 7th time already
guess i will wait for china to btfo usa again
nobody knows this user
We're still in early adopter stage.
keep telling yourself that.
lol, it's true though. I'm the only person I know who actually knows how to send BTC and can explain what it is to those who don't know. I have not met anyone else who has actually even tried to pay with or acquire BTC.
you probably don't know any pajeets then
>investors are going to give up
>sell as it hits a major low
>drive price further down
>I buy in at 900usd
>wait until the next bubble
>10x profit once it hits 10k 1-2yrs time
You can't adopt it any more. The blockchain is fucking huge.
Do you think it will ever be better though? Even if it gets better, who says it will be BTC? If crypro really will be used in 10 years it might be a completely different coin.
Why are people treating something that is meant to be used as currency like menial day-trading stocks?
Because it's far too volatile to use as money, so people treat it like a risky investment instead.
>people bought into something with an extremely limited usecase, with no interest for its usecase, because other people were buying into it
>it crashed
bitcoin is still alive for its original purpose, I'm also certain a bunch of people managed to launder (and make) a SHIT ton of tax-free money while everyone else was sleeping and they're laughing aaaaaaall the way to the bank with that
Short selling master race, reporting
You can make some good tax free money with BTC, but not like millions, it would be too obvious to the authorities. In most countries at least.
Being obvious to the authorities when it's perfectly legal doesnt mean much
Like 53% of BTC is mined by 3-4 groups iirc, that's a LOT of money and a LOT of resources
You still have to pay tax on that though.
You don't. You can buy items directly for BTC if the vendor has such option, you can sell BTC in-person for cash, or you can just utilize of the the hundreds of classic methods of money laundering and you can also diversify in all those methods to increase throughoutput.
To the moon!
Through the Earth's core and the other way out!
Press B to shit on linux
Nice try, Federal Reserve.
Keep, that denial, bro
I wonder how the #BitcoinCouple is doing
you should sell at $100 (or lower)
it makes me feel so good watching the price of this meme shit drop off a cliff
The dollar has been doing that for decades and no one is saying that the dollar has collapsed.
>b..buttcoin is not dead!
>it can't be!
>m..muh life savings are in buttcoin!
>first use bitcoins when they were $4/btc
>people tell me it's dead because it's only worth $3400/btc now
>steadily going down for an entire year
The gig is up bud, just cash out like everyone else did already.
Why would this based reply get deleted? Literally the only good reply in the thread and it got pruned
I can't cash out because I'm not cashed in. I use BTC how it's meant to be used. I exchange it for goods and services. From my perspective the only impact the Bitcoin boom has had on me is delicious salt from /v/ posters on Jow Forums bitching about gamer card prices.
Remember when Bitcoin was posted on Jow Forums when it was only a few dollars? Someone hopefully has some screencaps of the sceptical anons
Well I can still buy my weed with it soooo
What exactly have you exchanged using bitcoin?
Cryptocurrency is the future, even if bitcoin was a fad for normies.
I took out my principal a year ago so I'm at infinite profit, however after that I held all the way to 18k and down to now
I guess I should take all my profits and wait until crypto meltdowns end
rest in piss
>I took out my principal a year ago so I'm at infinite profit
I don't think that's how you calculate ROI
what's a good market?
>Isn't the proper board to discuss this kind of ponzi schemes?
The dollar has been going steadily down for over 100 years. Does that mean its gig is up too?
I remember these
list of things that can be bought using the CURRENCY OF THE FUTURE
>slightly different digital pogs
>child pornography
list of things that can be bought using normal currency
>a b s o l u t e l y e v e r y t h i n g
You can buy a b s o l u t e l y e v e r y t h i n g with bitcoin as well now that we have eGifter.
And nothing of value was lost. Literally.
I can at least wipe my ass with a dollar, can't say the same about this pretend currency
Imagine going to the bank to get toilet paper.
all fiat is pretend currency dumdum
I was here, laughed then and I’m still laughing at all these faggots.
why would you use shitcoin when there is monero
it said to delet it
>about Linux: the purple-haired pedo does not control it.
Wrong. she appointed a ''counsel'' to police developers, she owns them
>rest in peace
>not RIP in peace
"guise just hold your e-Tulips, they'll be worth something again someday promise lol"
Hello there
I buy pc parts and pay for my server/domain with bitcoin though...
The dollar hasn't lost 80% of it's value in fewer than twelve months faggot. It took nearly a century for that to occur and it still remains the most valuable currency on the face of the planet.
Why? You some kind of pedo and need unmarked pc parts or somethin'?
Hosting cp too? Why ever pay for a server in bitcoin?
You do know it's illegal to lie on a whois too, don't you?
dollar never cost $3000
Dollar can be used to purchase goods. Nobody accepts raw Bitcoins except with the goal of transferring it back into Dollars. Bitcoin is useless trash, the ONLY use it ever had was for circumventing bank arbitrage laws when doing transactions between countries.
hopefully they all kill themselves
All y'all fucking retards don't understand is that these dramatic swings are planned by the guiding hand. Accumulate, short, long, sell
fucking idiots
>But there was that one bar that was in the news because you could buy beer with BTC
>No it doesn't matter that they just did it for marketing and no longer accept BTC
>It still proves you can use BTC for real goods worldwide
Nobody accepts raw dollars except with the goal of transferring it back into labor or goods.
The dollar is useless trash, the ONLY use it ever had was for circumventing dumb bartering restrictions.
How do you make ransom payments without bitcoin?
I wish I was joking, as the only person in the organisation who can actually manage BTC I've been paid to go make ransom payments six times this year.
buy/sell ingame virtual goods
buy premium membership on firesharing sites
buy/donate to private trackers
can not be chargebacked by "never arrived" goys like on GoyPal
perfect fit for any payment where my personal information is not required
i can go on but remember user: so long as bitcoin exists it enables trustless anonymous payments that cant be chargebacked and it renders the ((( current ))) system useless, the price doesnt matter much, anyone taking btc and pegging it into $ on exchanges doesnt even know how it works
So.. if thats the case, why specifically use Bitcoin?
>People unironically still swoon over John McAfee
tell me when i can buy a car or GTX 1080ti with bitcoins
Good post.
Where can I buy Bircoin?
>Buy 1080ti
>Mine bitcoins
>Card pays for itself
>Also profits
Better than buying card with BTC desu
>so long as bitcoin exists it enables trustless anonymous payments
Bitcoin is not anonymous, it is pseudonymous
Is this shit even a currency?
>People being this worked up about wow gold.
fucking chink farmers.
It doesn't matter what pajeets and chinks post, the general opinion on bitcoin has always been that it's either a meme to get rich quickly or "currency" for illegal shit. That general consensus has not changed at all. Everyone still considers it a complete joke because paying for anything is cumbersome compared to using actual currency that is accepted worldwide. The whole bitcoin boom just undermined the entire purpose of the technology. You Jow Forums retards caused this.
you'd have to be retarded to ask for a ransom in BTC
This. I can't believe ppl fall for this ponzi scheme...
What shithole country are you from and what's the average ransom. Genuinely curious.
What is liquidity. Note that liquidity should be in something that doesn't lose 80 pct of value in a year.
wish bitcoin was still only a cryptocurrency that wouldn't be dependent on other currencies rather than some ponzi scheme