Are you terrified Jow Forums?
Are you terrified Jow Forums?
Just as I predicted. You dumb fucks just signed our death warrants.
this is what you get for breaking ext4
Remember when we used to kill mentally ill people? I'm missing those times.
Corey is STRONG and I support her.
>be my personal army
ayy lmao
Same it's fun watching the world burn down from the comfy bed in my wood cabin with terrible internet
Fuck you Corey!
So what happened? Will we see some epic trap threads soon?
>Are you terrified Jow Forums?
Yeah. Because mods are doing nothing and these completely off topic threads are still being posted.
Holy fuck this man is so pathetic
I'm literally shaking right now
That would mean that every Linux user would be killed
Literally left rise up.
I'd be so happy if this were a front.
Imagine the following:
>Coraline becomes king of Linuxland
>coronation ceremony
>walks in, full nazi uniform
>proceeds to gas everyone who supported this tweet
>reached out privately
So she doesn't have friends or did he get a handjob for his flaccid penis?
>public show of support, alt—right
So without any proof, he wants to make it political and blame "alt—right" and raid student groups now? Ironically the same way US behaves invading countries because muh non-existent evidence of what ever threaf.
Kill the innocents, allahu pronounbhar
I'm only terrified of this fucktarded subculture finally hitting my country full force one of these days.
Media are already dipping their feet into it, and capital is already a full-blown numale-ridden cosmopolitan libshithole...
Deustch Operating systems beat the Jew Microsoft
>reeeee muh alt right doxxed me!
Nah, just Jow Forumslacks.
Jow Forumscucks don't use Linux--they lack the intelligence + they are cucks
is there anyone left who will unironically say that he is alt-right?
I don't care who did what. What concerns me is the Twatterverse blowing this completely out of proportion and we all have to suffer the results.This also reinforces the liberal memes about discrimination in Linux. Politics have no place in computing. These people need to fuck off.
>allahu pronounbhar
Top fucking kek
linux is technology
>suffer the results
oh pipe down and enjoy the shit show, you crybaby
Honestly, being critical of any left wing policy can make you alt-right in their eyes.
Fuck you Corey
>muhhhh lefty boogeymen!
>we dindu nuffin!
kys. you and the sjws are two sides of the same coin
fuck off corey
>Just as I predicted. You dumb fucks just signed our death warrants.
Because some kids doxed him?
He has no power and never had, nothing will happen and hopefully he and his son will kill themselves as part of the Darwin program.
I'm sick of the shit shows,user. I'm sick of having to listen to idiots and their political fantasy bullshit everywhere I go. The internet has become a monkey exhibit full of howlers and shit flingers. It's all so stupid and boring.
This bitch has a bf and I don't, I hate this planet so much.
Then log off, nigga.
This is the world we live in now. And we're not the ones that created it. Either fight back or pick up a non-tech related hobby or vocation
you can't be terrified of a random dude that puts on make up everyday to look like an AIDS ridden old lady.
Why would anyone want to have a "relationship" with that guy.
No worries, I bet "her" and "her's" boyfriend are the same person.
Quite terrified
Looks like your typical middle aged British woman,to me.
Least the odds of reproduction are absolute shit.
based slav trannyrekker
based and redpilled
this recent?
a distinct smell of deja vu in the air here
Always, I think I have anxiety problems. That post doesn't change anything.
Are you a fag or what?
are you a tranny or fat?
If I’ve made the world better for even one marginalized person who made their life better through involvement with tech, it’s all worth it. Tech has the potential to transform lives, and I want that potential to be accessible to as many people as possible. That’s why I do this.
*drops patreon link*
This reminds me of old Chan, glad to toast with u guys in ebin bread once more
So much this.
Jow Forums might as well be /pol2/ by now.
This is related to technology
Give it back Corey
>linux taken over by crazy tranny and got hacked by Jow Forumswoman
yeah that's totally fuking un/g/related
What a greedy mangina. Trying to profit off of user's hard work
>Jow Forumswoman
>Ignores the warnings on the label.
>Surprised when things don't end for the better
This person is a pedo trying to get into the women's lavatory so he can see little girls on the toilet.
I believe you.
>A Twitter post by some idiot about doxxing and the alt-right is totally related to technology
this actually has happened before funny enough
No you dumbfucks they're not going to even be aware of Jow Forums when they think Jow Forums was behind it.
Considering how SJWs are so fond of doxxing people they don't like, I can't say I feel any sympathy for him.
>this happened once so now this is common
You are the more deluded side here.
>I don't know the context, therefore it's not technology!
Yesterday, ** got hacked and the site was replaced with a comprehensive dox of Ehmke. The hackerman was confirmed to be a Jow Forums boy, he posted proof on the site itself.
Listen, my fellow white people, we need to show solidarity with this man in his time of need.
>implying that trannnies doesn't have mental illness and this is not their end goal
nice try, tranny
>Implying it isn't
Hello Jonathan Yaniv
> threads about fucking e-drama is techloli
degenerates aren't abusing children more often than normal people do!
>we all have to suffer the results.
no Jow Forums on this here 4channel domain bro
>now STFU already you whinging faggit
Boys in cute socks grow into women.
... but user, only degenerates would abuse a child, "normal" people wouldn't hurt any
Christians abuse children more than normal people, yes, but we're talking about a tranny, not christians.
lol, who the fuck would give away money to this thing?
No they don't, you just hear about it more. How many teachers have sex with kids, yet we don't hear nearly as many jokes about teachers as we do priests.
I think your brain is broken. Please ingest hydrochloric acid to fix it asap
CIA naggers.
They grow into the tranny in the OP, until they die from suicide for the crime of subversion of the natural order. Keep getting them to chop off their dicks though, that really helps them become what they are meant to be (men).
>1 (ONE) comment
>Keep getting them to chop off their dicks though, that really helps them become what they are meant to be (dead).
Fixed for you.
I look like that without makeup :(
jesus fuck why are Jow Forums users absolutely incapable of understanding sarcasm?
no user, you could never look like that even with makeup, since that motherfucker is nuts and hates life and people around it. Also you do not steal money under false pretences.
What the fuck happened now? Last time I was on Jow Forums was when the cock of conduct was rammed up Linux's bottom.
this a fucking lie. less than 1% of clergy abuse children
Someone hacked (a forum, not an offical Linux site) to show a pic of a tranny's butthole and dox Corey here.
oh, shit! his ssn is showing! someone might destroy his credit score now
SPOILERS: Catholic teachers
Yeah, that's what PIDF says.
Pity that no one else agrees. Especially not the children.
No. Registering ax expired domain is far from hacking, kid.