MS kills IE

This is a disaster.

And the people to blame for this are the bureaucrats who went after Microsoft for Internet Explorer.
By the time the antitrust cases in the US and EU had progressed, Internet Explorer was already losing ground.
All IE development had to be supervised by a gov't appointed 3-person panel, originally supposed to expire in 2007 (the case ended in 2002) but because California and other states objected, it was extended until 2012.

By 2007, Firefox was already dominating IE.
By 2012, IE was dead.

This should be a lesson, but instead people are going to sperg over Microsoft using open source software or how Facebook should be treated the way Microsoft was back then.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>mozzarella ceo says
Did he say how bad was for the web the dropping of xul plugins?

Oh fuck, I ruined it.
Is this thing on?

>regulate social media to go after Facebook
>Facebook, a $400bn company, hires an army of lawyers to ensure compliance
>no other startup can ever pay these kinds of costs
>Facebook becomes a government protected monopoly on social media
It's coming sooner than you think

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The web is already dead. Let it all burn. We're one step closer to the US federal government breaking up Jewgle and scattering the pieces to the wind.

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I agree but what could they have really done differently? It honestly seemed like that was the trend in the first place

Nowhere near as bad as Google becoming the new MS

>too much control
Microsoft already owns over a million domains. Google+MS+cloudflare+Facebook own the normie web. It's been like this for years and Microsoft using chromium won't make it any worse. It just means more standardization, even if a shit browser is becoming the standard.

The problem is when the web is built to conform to Chrome's standards and not universal standards.

It already is, I've seen plenty of websites with "This website may not be properly displayed in browsers other than Chrome" signs on top of it

The fallout from Firefags has been the icing on the cake from this announcement

Yiff in hell

Most people today get on the internet from their phones, and the web is only a last resort, an outdated way of accessing information.

People open their Facebook app, their Messenger app, their WhatsApp .. app, their Reddit app, their CNN app, their Twitter app, their Amazon app, their Bank app and so on and so forth.

The web doesn't really come into play unless it's a last resort or they're tryna fap.

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Imagine being this much of a woke zoomer

It's true though, it's what people do

user's right though. It's even true on PC why would you use anything other than Chrome?

When Firefox fanboys ask you to use it they always demand you accept an inferior experience just to help their beliefs

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>universal standards
These are mostly decided by Google anyways. They have over 65% browser market share and will have even more now. Their word is law.

It's like Internet Explorer in the 90s and early 2000s all over again

>And the people to blame for this are the bureaucrats who went after Microsoft for Internet Explorer.
Wrong. That isn't why they are changing this and it has nothing to do with it.
Bureaucrats went after Microsoft for IE because it was supplied as the default browser which gave some users the illusion of having little choice. Microsoft changing their default browser to something else doesn't change this at all.
You're just dumb.

Mozilla is just butthurt because they can't corner any sizable section of the market due to cutting features that people used and adding shit no one asked for.

everyone seems to forget that Microsoft laid the foundation for what is now the modern web
in spite of the random bugs through the years (cf. IE5 CSS1 box model bug)

I agree. Edge wasn't great but at least it didn't have google botnet. use it whenever a page wouldn't load right in firefox but I won't when this happens.

If Chromium/Blink overtakes them they could just start using the engine and (maybe) rip out all of the jewgle shit

I wonder how the people who worked on EdgeHTML must feel right now.
Probably utterly devasted. Edge was terrible because of the horrible UI and the lack of customizability, but the internals were fast, compatible and energy efficient. A shame that Microsoft is going to keep the wrong part of edge and instead throwing away the part that was actually working well.

The weird thing about that is, if MS hadn't started being anticompetitive and bundling IE with Windows, we'd still be paying for our web browsers. It's funny how things work out.

25 years of work ruined in the space of a week
OLE > NPAPI > XUL >>> PPAPI (re: plugins)

Will this hurt diversity hires at Mozilla? Or should I donate again?

If microsoft plays their cards right that would mean the people would have less of a reason to adopt mozilla

Don't be retarded.

Microsoft refusing to adopt standards held back the web tremendously.
All that wasted development time to make websites work on IE.

>second browser wars
try again

This actually. Microsoft is now paying for its past reckless and destructive approach they had by forcing everyone to adopt IE standards and basically ruining the web.
Browser wars were caused by Microsoft and they fucked the web so hard, it took a decade for the web to unfuck itself.
The reason why Chrome is so popular now is because IE was such a nightmare, that it spawned a number of alternatives to IE, which eventually got better and better. Once people started adopting alternative browsers, IE became the most hated browser.

Microsoft are now reaping what they've sown. Them becoming irrelevant in the web space is their comeuppance for the miserable failure of them forcing proprietary IE standards on the rest of the web.

I fail to see the problem.

I really don't like decisions like these.
Where is the competition?
Edge and IE had the advantage of being the browser already installed.
Google got rid of that by making it extremely easy to download and install Chrome.

Now they are almost fully giving in.

Great job. PUSSIES!!!


Web standards

Soon the web will be built for Chrome.
Google will trample all over web standards in its way to increase ad revenues, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.

post 3 nigger

one million web devs will be put out of work if IE disappears.

>And the people to blame for this are the bureaucrats who went after Microsoft for Internet Explorer.
No, those people are to be applauded. IE was always shit, but MS's desktop dominance allowed them to shove it down our throats. well, their shit was shit, so we used something else. fuck off, MS cocksucker.

>Soon the web will be built for Chrome.
Sounds like a web standard, to me.

Imagine if Google had full control of web standards back when Apple took a stand against Flash.

We'd still be watching Flash videos on YouTube

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firefox is a piece of shit

netscape 4 and the old mariner engine really sucked
IE5 was still mostly usable right up to around 2010 in some places (i.e. if it worked in v6, most of the site worked in v5), simply because its CSS and JS degraded somewhat cleaner than netscape's half-assed attempt to implement what would become current web standards
eventually coming back to get itself together by 2005 when firefox launched

>This website may not be properly displayed in browsers other than Chrome
airbnb, groupon, seamless

do you know how to google, nigger?

>We're one step closer to the US federal government breaking up Jewgle and scattering the pieces to the wind.

You're delusional. Google is practically another branch of the government at this point.

There's nothing that can stop them now, if you haven't realized.

It's even worse now. Back then the internet was populated by tech-savvy nerds who would be willing to switch to another product if the one they were using sucked. Now the internet is populated by normalfags who just use whatever whatever comes pre-installed on their laptop and start autistically screeching if the interface changes even a little bit.

Makes me think - What did google give to microsoft in return?

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If this was true linux would have been mainstream decades ago. Normies always have and always will be the dominant population. You are delusional.

The FTC investigated Google for antitrust issues during Obama's admin.

The report was damning, if you read it they make it clear that Google is abusing its position and causing real damage to the technology industry as a whole.
But at the end of the report, they recommended no action to be taken at all.

Before that report came out, Obama launched the "Obamacare website" (the one that was widely reported to have more lines of code than Windows and cost hundreds of millions to make) which just plain didn't work. Google sent its engineers to fix the site and get it to work.
Then the FTC issued that report I mentioned above and found Google to be just fine.

It's important to not have short memory sometimes.

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Android development

Yep this is the major issue.
Problem is web standards are made by 4 companies.
So even if you, say, start building an open-source browser that isn't controlled by any company, you will have no say in what web standards are defined.

Standards are made by a cartel, basically.

Microsoft makes a new browser based on Chromium and in exchange they receive permission to make a new Windows Phone OS based on Fuchsia

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Or their jobs will just get much easier.

Tim has it all backwards.

I hate this guy so much. Seriously, fuck him, fuck his disingenuous virtue signaling, and fuck what he's doing to the tech industry by selling junk products at an inflated price and encouraging other businesses to do the same.

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That would be nonsensical and suicidal.

Microsoft is in the business of selling operating systems. And they are in the process of trying to make Windows on ARM mobile devices a viable product.

You're not thinking like a business manager.

Microsoft is no longer selling operating systems since Satya Nadella became CEO.

Microsoft is now selling services, like Azure or Office 365.
There's a reason Windows can now be legally bought for like $20. It will soon be entirely free.

No, they are still selling Windows systems, about 7% of their total revenue is from OS sales. Sure, it's no longer their main product, but it's not something you'd simply throw out either.

>resurrecting NT on RISC
they should look into digging up the power-arch port too
t. somewhat interested in talos

Why the absolute fuck would that ever happen? People buy Talos to get away from jewish propietary malware, and you want to run exactly that?

>would be willing to switch to another product if the one they were using sucked
You obviously missed this part.

least the malware is contained to the software layer
t. uses both unix and windows (and can't abandon one for the other entirely for practical reasons)

>could have had the current webshit years ago

We cannot thank MS enough for stalling this garbage.

So Mozilla's saying it wasn't terrible when they did it?

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Even if they ported it all the useful windows apps would run like absolute emulated crap because companies are too lazy to do architecture ports.

>the government ruins things


Opera did it, not Mozilla.

We have an open sores reference in Chromium. It's not like Microsoft who did everything behind closed sores.

Press F for IE-chan

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maybe don't integrate the web browser into your entire fucking desktop environment next time.

IE was a shitshow from the outset. Before firefox people were using netscape navigator because IE was that fucking bad.

Any more of these? Or the IE-chan comics? Let's pay proper tribute.

>Edge was terrible because of the horrible UI and the lack of customizability
The UI is great now and customizability literally doesn't matter as Chrome proved.

These are not the reasons people don't use it

I'd rather pay for a browser with cash than with my data.

>Chrome's standards
The fuck? Chrome/Blink follow all W3C recommendations, meanwhile Firefox are full retards that need spaghetti code in border-radius


I'm sorry, I forgot my browser not eating up all my free RAM is unacceptable in $CURRENT_YEAR+3

Well, the age of meritocracy is over :^)

>Google got rid of that by making it extremely easy to download and install Chrome.
By "easy" you mean using bribes to hijack every Windows software installer ever to install it by default in the late 2000's-10's? I heard it got as high as $10USD/install for high profile software.

Firefox was making good ground doing it the honest way with word of mouth, but could not break IE as the sheep will just use whatever is there despite Firefox being better in every way at that point, Google saw this and used the aforementioned method to switch out IE for Chrome right from under them to get 100% of the sheep users. Bam, suddenly they are #1.

IE was beyond dogshit and stagnated everything to hell, but I have to agree.
At least then all you needed to do to make a browser was get feature parity with IE. Try make one form complete scratch now and have it be worth a damn.