What would Jow Forums do if you were born into the Roman empire?
What would Jow Forums do if you were born into the Roman empire?
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Probably collect fresh water from one of Rome's many public fountains.
become a blacksmith
get eaten by wolves during my first night on earth
spend my life collecting gold to purchase an equus
Watch my step, cuz there's poop all over the place.
Go to Pompeii for celebration.
They had designated shitters, unlike i*dians.
Based and aquapilled
Romans invented plumbing my guy
try for engineer, possibly get killed by some barbarian during service
Their animals used toilets?
No. But they had designated shoes for this.
get fed to lions for being Christian
install gentoo
I do not want poo on my shoe.Poop was a real downer for civilization, even up until fairly recent times. Hell, New York City in the early 1900's had shit and dead animals all over the streets.
I'd be dead at birth from starvation. I required a surgery on my pyloric area when I was born, couldn't hold any food down.
lift weights and fight barbarians
So... Make an ICE, so you can make a car, which would run on veg. oil.
nissen fundoplication?
do as the Romans do
Depends on the age but I would probably use my knowledge of the historical events, technology and science to be some kind of god sent. Literally just get enough money to fund an early expedition to the americas and get there 1 thousand years before everyone, sack everything and build my empire there.
>born into
>depends on the age
>nissen fundoplication
i dont know if it was that, it was explained to me that i had a second flap which would block the opening at all times. i don't know how accurate that is because it was quite a while since it was explained to me
as the romans do
Are you fucking autistic? The Roman empire was comprehended between the 500 AC to 400~ BC of course it matters
Go to the forum and bitch about brass steam engines with other autists
>What would Jow Forums do if you were born into the Roman empire?
How the fuck would I know? I'd be in Roman times and you faggots would probably still be here arguing about trifling shit like a bunch of women.
Romans were mostly gays, lesbians and bis. So Jow Forums would die as incels untouched.
Nothing different, desu.
Invent the wheel and get mad cash.
Get stabbed and die
i'd go full titus pullo
Blacksmithing requires physical strength and this is Jow Forums so
do what I already do
go to local forums and shitpost until I get banned
Breed a med bitch
I would be a cute sex slave.
I would be scratching anonymous messages onto walls.
shit there goes my master plan
Have a consensual sex with my sister.
Do as the Roman do.
This and mosaic penis graffiti.
rough, first-draft take: societies with less technological ability need to share the available technology in larger groups, whereas high-technology environments allow people to be more individualistic. for example: gathering water from public fountain in ancient rome, being among people for a basic daily need, vs having an infinite supply in your own bubble of isolation. or sharing your food with literally everyone you know, the people you've lived with your whole life, vs getting it delivered to you by a drone backed by a fully automated process, no human involved.
Not a lot, really. It's more about your ability to execute your swing with consistency and precision than hitting really hard. Contouring and crimping is mostly a matter of leverage anyways. Being able to tolerate the fucking heat and smoke if you're using coal is another matter; Propane is so much better.
stare at buttcheeks and nipples in togas
I, too, would add to the graffiti in Pompeii
Re enact skits from The Life of Brian
>The man I am having dinner with is a barbarian.
Sleep with a Gaul, wake up to the maul
>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1864: Samius to Cornelius: go hang yourself!
Kys goes way back
Dad was a soldier so I would probably be a soldier as well. Which isn't so bad because you're guaranteed land and a thicc Latino wife.
Can't say the end would be great, but I mean here were a few decades of quiet times
There were sacks you stick on the back of your horse so it collects poop while in the city (some people still uses those on carriage shows, like on Disneyland); if it's other animals you're talking about, people cleaned after them just like we do today.
Not liking to walk amidst piles of shit isn't something new
Very carefully monitor events to quell the eventual mass adoption of Cuckstianity and maintain Pagan majorities for all posterity
Heheheh, nice post, my friend. 9/10
That doujin is nice.
>thicc Latino wife
hmm... this is Jow Forums after all...
Get fucked by a Sicario.
Things would happen like Stargate where you easily offend someone and are thrown in jail.
invent memes
browse roman annonyomouse messages wall
Move to Sparta. Kill everything I see.
I want to say invent the steam engine, but realistically, buy cute eunuch slaves to ravish
>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1864: Samius to Cornelius: go hang yourself!
Shitposting hasn't really changed much.
>being born in Italy back when Italy was Mexico-tier
I'd probably kill myself, as someone who grew up in Mexico I don't want to live in that sort of world.
>VII.12.35 (Vico d’ Eumachia, small room of a possible brothel); 2145: Gaius Valerius Venustus, soldier of the 1st praetorian cohort, in the century of Rufus, screwer of women
Absolute lad
I'd be dead because I'm American, but America didn't exist until God said "OK, let's top fucking around and make a nation for real this time."
newsflash: he was trolling.
I would probably be dead and do nothing
>he doesn't use GNU/Antikythera
>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1904: O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffiti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin.
Farewell /b/ and Jow Forums ...
>IX.8.3 (House of the Centenary; in the latrine near the front door); 5243: “Secundus defecated here” three time on one wall
Literally shitposting
Shitpost on Pompeii city walls.
>IX.8.3 (House of the Centenary; in the atrium); 5213: My lusty son, with how many women have you had sexual relations?
Same desu
Fuck a slutty barmaid
Been a longed time since I jerked off to this classic.
Almost certainly would have died by now tbqhmhsfamilam
Don't do it Jimmy
Become a gladiator so my name will be heard by people for once before I die.
Open source bath houses
yeah and not much changed
Ayylmaos confirmed
i don't remember this from puzzling world
I would become a religious zealot
>What you're referring to as Christianity, is in fact, Judeo-christian, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Judaism plus Christ. Christ is not a religion unto itself, but rather another prophet of a fully functioning Judaistic religion made useful by the Judaistic core beliefs, penance practices and vital moral components comprising a full religion as defined by YHWH.
Well, considering my point of origin and ancestors irl, I'm 99% sure I'd end up being an imported Slav(e) at a latifundia somewhere in Cisalpine Gaul or wherever.
reborn eith my knowledge or without a future f.o.r?
if reborn id just invent shit in primitive form, reform the language to english and maybe voyage around to americas and ocania.
if without id probably still end up as an engineer or philosopher
probably destroy this empire of degeneracy with my vandali tribe
Every single one of you would be dead.
Sauce: reality.