Only web browsers can open this shit

>only web browsers can open this shit
>no offline converter
>nothing can open it to edit the image
>literally all you can do is printscreen
>and on top of that wikia adopted i, now it appears when you search images
Fuck this bullshit

Attached: furious-young-man-breaks-hammer-computer.jpg (381x289, 42K)

Works fine on my machine.

WebP is the future of images, fuck off luddite

but in all seriousness, why google still tries to push .webp when many developers have refused to use it, and the average user can't do shit with it?

Remember how Google disabled "view image"?
Google and the EU want a world where you aren't allowed to save images, because that could be copyright infringement.

Works on my machine

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-08 14-38-20.png (805x789, 551K)

heic > webp

>only web browsers can open this shit
Perhaps you should look for a better image viewer then. Extensions or native support are quite common.
>no offline converter
What are you talking about? libwebp offers a multitude of tools for WebP manipulation.

You mean HEIF? Sure, but nobody except Apple is going to put up with the inherited patent nightmare.
I'm still mad they put their money into an HEVC based image format. They should've invested into an AVC based lossless image format instead.

>Remember how Google disabled "view image"?
To be fair, that wasn't Google's preference. That was because Getty Images sued the fuck out of them and they had to remove it in the settlement agreement.

>navigation buttons on the right

DDG does not have this problem.

Clearly it's Linux themed to look a bit like OSX.

>end of 2018
>still believing in nothing after death
I've seen a lot of things, and I know people who have seen a lot more.
There is some kind of extra dimension and there are supernatural forces at work.
It's just so easy to keep your eyes closed and to keep your heart hardened and to not believe in anything.

For some it's a comforting thought.
>You know, you come from nothing - you're going back to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing.
as Monty Python put it.

why cant you edit it? does it have some built in protection?

its fast as fuck BOI

no major image editor will touch a format that is basically a single frame of video *in the same format*

This right here is why the world will continue to use JPEG for the foreseeable future. As soon as you get your fancy new format shilled halfway to the point where it might take off, someone makes a slightly better but completely incompatible format and the cycle repeats, leaving JPEG on top.

>that is basically a single frame of video *in the same format*
And? Does that make the format somehow worse?
Also there's a bunch of editing software that supports WebP either natively or via plug-in.

What in fuck? Still suprises me that people believe this superstitious shit even though there literally doesn't exist any evidence to prove it, only wishfull thinking.

An afterlife is nothing more than human fantasy.
Maybe there is something greater out there, but who says they give a fuck about what happens to you after you die?

Isn't webp just mkv with more restricted code support?

You're thinking about WebM.