What language to learn

>be me 19yo student
>3rd year of medical university
>depressed as shit, and am on the verge of ending it all
>decide to give a last try to figuring out where I went wrong in life
>realise I've never ever in my life liked doctors, chemistry, biology or even people in general, and instead all my life had a dream of
developing self learning AI
>mfw I realise that I just waisted 3 years of my life on basically getting depressed (pic related)
>drop out the next day
>fastforward about 8 months up to present day
>got so caught up in relearning math and phisics which I need to apply for cyber security, that I completely forgot about the main point of me dropping out in the first place
Anons, can you help me with choosing a language to learn. Or what language do I start learning so that I could then switch to a more reliable and usefull one

Attached: PiFyY_bIjiE.jpg (662x720, 82K)

python or JS are ok for non-programmers

start with C

>start with obsolete garbage

Attached: eternal.jpg (387x550, 78K)

Start with c. Better take the cs50 introduction to computer science course from harvard on edx.org . It basically introduces you to programming, starts up with c and basicallly teaches other programming languages like python. Take time and learn. Spend 4-5 hours daily and be a good programmer. Good luck user


Attached: 1200px-Haskell-Logo.svg.png (1200x847, 15K)

guile best programming language

>leave a career that earns 300k+ a year for one that earns 50k and any pajeet or highachooler can do

3rd year and 19 years old? That is a pretty early start.

I suggest completing your studies, after all you have invested a lot of time by now. Then switch to research and see how AI can be of use in medical sciences.

I also know of attorneys who completed a medical degree first and are now very sought after for medical/pharmaceutical litigation.

Language is not the most important part, that is just a tool.

>3rd year
yeah ok kid
better fic that continuity error next time you pasta

sounds like he's from Europe
>medical university

start with haskell


>and instead all my life had a dream of
>developing self learning AI

Attached: AI.png (697x534, 262K)

Here where I'm from the doctors are severely misstreated, earn barely more then a minimum wage and are generally fucked in the head.
It's way easier to get a stable and well paid job as a cyber security expert
also what'd be the point in me having a degree in something that takes up all of my spare time, and makes me want to shoot my brains out
started school at 5, finished highschool by 16. I see no issue there

yes, but fuck you

Learning a language is for retarded beginners. Learn to program. Languages are nothing compared to the ability to understand what you need to do.

finishing my studies would take about 4 more years, 3 if I'm lucky. In this time I'll just kick the bucket

there's many things AI can help humanity with without "becoming all powerfull" "solving everything" and "having emotions".
Plus I never said that I wanted to develop anything beyond ANI

Although, just the Idea that AI can never reach the same level of complexity and capability the human brain has, implies that human brain is more than just a comlex structure of neurons and has a spiritual side, which we wouldn't be able to recreate artificially. which our brains don't have and therefor could be replicated when the technology reaches high enough level

Hang on in there user. I did a PhD and it is normal that it feels this way. If you quit now you will lose what you have invested in time. And this is no sunk cost fallacy - all knowledge will come in useful.

I have a strange feeling that I am talking to an immature teenager. You are not going to be anything other than a code monkey kid.
>had dream of creating self learning AI
These things don't come from some genius basement lab anymore like how it happens in your animes kid. These come from massive corporate and government funded projects worked on by massive number of nameless researchers, code monkeys, IT coolies and sheit.
As that guy said read that fucking book. You are not going to be anything other than be the average code monkey judging by this thread.
>what language
Doesn't matter as long as it feeds you. Python and JS seems popular amongst noobs these days. C# and Java amongst enterprises I guess.

Are you from post soviets?

Also this. You shouldn't even ask this question in the first place kid if you are not a noob to programming and computer science.
Yet another unique retard hit with special snowflake syndrome. But hey its his life. Of course if his dream was to make anime real, he should have just went for the career path that made more money and funded to make it possible instead of realising he has trapped himself to be a code monkey for the rest of his life.
