Basically if you’re not using go then you’re a nigger

Basically if you’re not using go then you’re a nigger.

There I said it.

Attached: golang-5.png (700x482, 73K)

And you're a faggot if you do.

enjoy your GC zoomer

Oh no 4-8ms for a 50gb cleanup, during normal use it is well below 2ms

Attached: Qc9SI.png (700x480, 46K)

Okay nigger

On a computational time-scale, 2ms is not insignificant. Don't forget that everything halts during that time because of STW.

>Can do only backend nothing else the language

Its unironically garbage

If 2ms is a problem and any downtime is considered a failure then you would be using Erlang anyway

>slow code, poorly optimizing compiler
>slow compile times
>too much unavoidable dynamic dispatch
>very limited code reusability and tons of boilerplate
>retarded assembler, limited support for various CPU features which is literally why to use assembly in a first place, not talking about poor documentation and yet another different naming conventions that make searching for references harder. Incompatible with existing tools.
>riddled with weird design choices with no obvious advantage but obvious disadvantages
>didn't fix slow JSON yet, it's known issue for years and there are fast 3rd party implementations
>really really really slow calls to C, at this point it's probably faster to run local RPC server written in C as separate program

I appreciate their progress (e.g. with new bound-checking), but the lang sucks for low-level optimizations and is too clunky and impractical for bigger-scale projects. I just don't see where would I want to use it.

For the cases where GC is acceptable, I'd just use Haskell.

I said nothing about downtime or reliability. No idea where you got that from. 2ms will almost certainly be a problem in any kind of data processing.

Attached: 15416117156930.jpg (644x500, 35K)

>slow compile times
what are you talking about? it has some of the fastest compile times ever

>People still crying about compile times in 20fucking18

Do you have someone pointing a gun at your head measuring the time it takes something to compille? Jesus fucking Christ

>Do you have someone pointing a gun at your head
They're called project managers, user.

used to be, it got way slower then they ported the compiler into Go
still nowhere near TCC despite the lack of solid optimizations

The problem with implicit garbage collection isn't its efficiency, but rather that it adds indeterminism to execution path.

Golang as language is the most retarded I've ever dealt with, but it still produces a single fast binary with lots of supported cloud, web, rpc and security packages

>Work at Kike Inc. with Team Pajeet
>Jayesh, Lahkshi, have you pushed your changes from last night?
>Jayes: yes
>Lahkshi: everything ready sir
>Me: good. Ill hit compile and then we take 30?
>Lahkshi:I push my poo in loo now
>Jayesh: haha Lahkshi lets go outside
>Me: *takes comfy smoke break while watching pooinloos defecate on the concrete*
>*boss comes around*
>Bergstein: what's going on here? Oy, vey! Time is money, chop chop!
>Me: just compiling sir.
>Bergstein: Ah good goyim. Ah. *looks out window at poos* Now that's diversity. That's strength. Strength is money.
>Me: yes sir.

Attached: gnnfud.jpg (1307x542, 18K)

of course you would

any other specifically Jow Forums approved languages you'd use?


For the no-GC case, Rust.

A, B, C, and D and F are all languages.
What happened to E?