This card, at 1080p though
ITT: Graphics cards that aged like fine wine
Funny how the 3.5gb meme still hasnt cause me a problem once. Been enjoy it on a 144hz monitor for 3 years
I have that in my desktop right now, actually.
ikr, I think it's only a problem at 1440p and above.
i'm typing this on my laptop but on my desktop, i got shadow of the tomb raider running at 1080p with an i5 4690k everything at ultra(except pure hair set to low (one step lower than normal, the max setting) and space contact shadows set to normal instead of high) with TAA and it's about 50-60fps normally(can dip to low to mid 40s in crowded settings)
They patched it, you only have 3.5gb.
980 aged better, literal 1060 6gb competitor just with 2 less or 2 more GB. Also had a good price point at launch, which the 1080 and 2080 especially WONT have
980 was a meme gtfo
Working perfectly fine, only time I have 3.5 troubles is 8x anti-aliasing heavily modded minecraft
(X)X70 poorfags out
Same here. The only game that's given me problems is insurgency sandstorm and it's just poorly optimised.
Trips dont lie, a 1070 is only like 250$ now. Worth the upgrade?
Is it worth upgrading to gtx 1080? Is Nvidia going to gimp our cards?
That game uses all your RAM and VRAM even on the lower settings, I'm hoping they can fix that
Ngreedia: the way it was meant to be gimped
This given how shit and expensive the RTXs are
Gtx 1080 and Vega 56
Both oc like crazy
got mine from a friend for free earlier this year when he upgraded. I'm happy with it.
Still runnin that card at 1080p with a 2500K. Zero problems
780Ti in my spare computer. Got more frames than my rx580 in some dx11 titles. eg GTA V and grim dawn
Mine still runs okay at 1440p60hz
it actually started showing up when i was playing >Forza
with certain settings. I use it as my eGPU now and rock a 1080ti
sure maybe playing games on low
My 980 ti is holding up pretty well which I guess it should it's a ti that isn't that old but still. Nice to know I won't have to upgrade anytime soon unless it dies