Only people that use clean, nondigusting software are allowed to post here. That means arch using i3niggers not allowed.
Clean OS:
Clean WM:
Clean terminal:
Clean typesetter:
Clean Music:
>mpd + mpc, no curses garbage
Clean text editor
Clean video
Clean shell
Clean news/online video
>newsboat w/ mpv
Clean image viewer
Clean browser
Clean emulators
Clean software thread
Other urls found in this thread:
How do I make fvwm, windowmaker or dwm look like Windows 7 Aero? I also need a GUI file manager that can search for files.
I dual boot Ubuntu w/ KDE and Windows 10. Fight me faggot
Now why the fuck is this thread stickied???
Have the mods lost their minds?
Ah, vi/vim. The text editor of the perpetually perplexed.
w3m is better.
What is a good file manager that doesn't require me to install a complete desktop environment or a ton of dependencies?
Terminal and the & operator
Clean roff
fuck you
mandoc for manpages and lout for documents
I use CDE. Am I in the clear user?
Enjoy your fucked up syntax faggot
>clean os
>no dragonflybsd
kill yourself
>Clean text editor
>no ed
shit list
>mpd+mpc, no curses garbage
whats wrong with cmus?
lout has fucked up syntax??
Are you fucking kidding me? Have you ever used groff or latex?
Nigger 90% of the document attributes can be set in a persistant header file. You literally just make the paragraphs and shit.
lout can compile faster than your fucking viewer can refresh. Try doing this with latex.
5mb C binary that's a complete typesetting enviornment. it literally does not get better than that.
I was talking about mandoc you retard scum
jesus fucking christ you're more fucking annoying than a sales rep
mandoc has fine syntax too
are you retarded?
Void chad here.
I use void + 3bwm, also sage.
I am minimal, i am clean.
you're a dirty negro and not clean in any way.
fuck off
>mpd + mpc in a local computer
I never understod this meme. Why just not use cmus?
cmus is not clean
why not?
What's clean anyways? Its some kind of morality applied to software thing?
Bloated package manager in Python
40 MB bloated legacy shitware
Lmao Python 2
Its own manpage says it's bloated and slow
Nice try retard
If the software is clean then there it is not solving any real problem.
Real world problems are hairy and dirty. Deal with it. There always, always, be corner cases, exceptions to the rule, and the software must deal with it.
Pcmanfm or ranger
Stop sucking Uriel's cock.
>Lmao Python 2
They must do it because the kool kods and Luke Smith said so.
If you're simply running it on a local machine, cmus is better and simpler.
Only people that use the exact same software as me are allowed to post here.
Clean OS:
>my OS
Clean WM:
>my WM
Clean terminal:
>my terminal
Clean typesetter:
>look at me I use a typesetter
Clean Music:
>my music setup
Clean text editor:
>my text editor
Clean shell:
>my shell
Clean news/online video
>the shit I waste my time on
Clean image viewer:
>my obscure image viewer
Clean browser:
>the browser I use until I actually need to do something useful then I use chrome
Clean emulators:
why is that arab so popular on Jow Forums?
It's the pinnacle of neckbearded autism everyone here aspires to become.
when did I ever say anything about bloat you nigger
I said they're clean. And they are.
It's not.
no it isnt
>using a WM
GNU Screen masterrace here.
>not tmux
You're gay.
Windows master race reporting
you've to go back
it's the best
imagine being a gui cuck clicking through 50 different menus and having (((plugins))).
mednafen is pretty much as accurate as having a real ps1 outputting to your monitor at this point too.
An important point is that it's open source but doesn't have any public versioning so the cancer can't get in.
Based and clean.
>babby’s first attempt at clean nondisgusting software
nah senpai
try cwm
>Clean text editor
>using st when xterm exists
xterm is the comfiest terminal, it exists everywhere x does, and it has everything you need
>using anything but TeX
>not using emacs
>not having fish shell
>not using icecat
A lot of your software picks are cripplingly bad.
Brainlet post.
-tap tap tap
Is this thing on? Yeah, ok.
What about DragonFlyBSD?
What about WindowLab?
dragonfly is hacked together garbage