It's a CS final project episode

>it's a CS final project episode
>it's a search engine that uses a bunch of embedded webshit that we barely went over during the last week of lectures
>it's using deprecated libraries
>have to incorporate our choice of CSS framework and advanced SQL database functionality with a convoluted port forwarding setup for full credit
>we didn't learn the first thing about CSS and never did anything with SQL beforehand
>it keeps happening
Is it too much to ask for them to offer a dedicated Web Development and Networking class for CS majors instead of half-ass jamming random parts of it in as an afterthought at the end of every programming course?

Attached: welcome.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

welcome to university

cry me a river and learn to use google/duckduckgo

Every time I read one of these I feel more and more glad that I didn't go on to take CS at university.
What a fucking shitshow, honestly. They should rename CS to "random bullshit you can google if you really want to learn it and absolutely nothing of substance".
You should have taken mathematics.

Point of cs is showing you the underlying technologies/efficient development not walking you line by line thru code. Also if you don't know how to use search engine good luck developing anything.

It sounds like your university is just shit.
None of my CS courses were like that.

none of what you described sounds like a CS class, it sounds more like software engineering where they do have a "dedicated Web Development and Networking class"

in any case, what you described doesn't sound even remotely challenging if you have a few weeks to work on it

Been doing that like a mdacunt ever since the spec dropped. I'm kludging it together but I'm probably gonna have to tale the L on the SQL part because even just connecting to the database is complicated and finicky with how my uni's network is set up.

>You should have taken mathematics.
Our math department is trash.
It's bad enough we have to take a ton of math classes for CS. Half the CS majors I know originally went for mathematics and noped the fuck out to CS after a couple semesters of professors that didn't/couldn't teach and wasted their time so they were just teaching themselves everything.

>CS final project
>"Use any stack you want, as long as you use SQL, CSS, front and back end templating"
>Use Crystal and Elm
>100% for project

Maybe you need a better uni.

Uni expects people to be passionate about the subject and to learn in their own time outside of class, too. That's why most lectures recommends websites or books at the end of the lecture. This is where you choose your specialisation.

that sounds pretty cool actually, what does that look like

I'm not sure what you mean.
If you're asking how the tech stack works: Crystal was used for routing and SQL stuff, and as a web socket host. It's a neat little compiled language that looks like ruby.
Elm was used for front end logic, and for communication with the server. It was overkill for this particular project, but fun to use nonetheless. It mostly just re-drew the board in response to messages from the server.

If you're asking what the project was:
a Go game server. People created games and invited others to play. They'd see the moves live. I went for a minimalist look, but my group mates decided to add some random shit here and there.

It's not a search engine, but it almost feels like a similar level of complexity, unless we're talking Google level search engine.

It's a Software Development class. It's part of our CS major because my school's too small to have a separate Software Engineering program.

It's basically "learn everything about real-word professional coding in one semester" and they just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. I've learned a lot, the webshit at the end is the only thing that feels poorly taught and out of place especially since most of the stack we're supposed to use is pretty obsolete.

Nah senpai, we're forced to use shitty-ass Jetty and MariaDB(MySQL for poorfags). The CSS framework is the only free choice.

>misunderstands my point
I never said it was about walking anyone through code. My point was that teaching people web development in a CS course is like teaching someone how to do woodwork in a mathematics course. Sure CS is useful in web development but it's not the job of a CS course to teach menial shit like web development.

>what you described doesn't sound even remotely challenging if you have a few weeks to work on it

We don't.

If you had everything else done for the class you had a week at most during all your other finals.

Our software development class also did limit the frameworks we could use, but at least the project was easy.

Our framework was worse because it didn't report exceptions. Just swallowed them. I think jetty is more of an extensible web server, while we used some enterprise-tier software that took 30 seconds to compile and start

>when you have to do all the work yourself because you were assigned a team with a gook who clearly cheated through her degree and a tranny who slacks off hard.
Seriously, fucking wrote the entire project worth 40%, 25% for individual effort and 15% for team effort. Fuckers didn't even try.

How the fuck do these people handle the workplace?

Attached: supersaiyan two pepe.jpg (794x794, 60K)

They complain about discrimination and blackmail HR into promoting them

>How the fuck do these people handle the workplace?
They don't. They're the same whiny spoiled millennials who cry about not being able to find a job after they graduate because they think their degree is an automatic pass.

hearing these stories, it makes me glad I go to a decent school. heavy on the math side and theoretical side of computer science but still an appropriate amount of practicality

>teaching people web development in a CS course is like teaching someone how to do woodwork in a mathematics course.
How's that sweet COBOL job gramps?

Fucking everything is web-integrated now and it's only getting more so.

Not teaching at least the fundamentals of web development in a CS class is a major handicap nowadays. Nobody cares about your lame CLI toy programs and device drivers in C. They wanna see the next Facebook, Uber or Google.

What a complete shit eater attitude to have.
Webdev is a horrible meme, and no reputable CS course would force that on you.

Not him, but...
Not EVERY class has to teach web dev. There should be one or more web dev classes, but putting web dev into every course ( software engineering, which I think this is) is not necessarily the right choice.

what fundamentals though? what could you standardize into a course that won't be outdated by the newest meme framework in a few months? you can't make the next Uber or Facebook with jquery and CSS in any reasonable amount of time

Those things are not "computer science." They're web development. Some people want to learn "computer science" and not "web development" just the same way some people want to learn "mathematics" and not "woodworking."
I don't have a problem with retards who want to learn some boring web nonsense (not that it makes sense for there to be a course for it since as I've already said, this is shit you can learn in your spare time in a matter of months), there is still a demand for intelligent people who want to work on real hard problems and not just solve problems that 1000s of people before them have solved already. Those people who are not interested in all of mathematics but rather care more about mathematics applied to computers may be interested in a "Computer Science" course, but since those don't contain any "Computer Science" they end up just going to do "mathematics."
And this has nothing to do with COBOL, that's the dumbest example possible.
Some people just don't give a shit about fuckbook, uber or google, they want to work on the hard scientific side of computers and not on the social side of computers (web development).

You should probably have a single web devving paper available to do, which covers the harder stuff with web devving which is easier to fuck up. Stuff like authentication, proper password hashing implementation, proper database state implementations, in memory caching etc. Effectively a course to set up a reasonably high traffic, interactive and database dependent website. It should require some networking and database engineering courses first though. Maybe also concurrency/parallel processing as well as distributed computing papers.

>I think jetty is more of an extensible web server, while we used some enterprise-tier software that took 30 seconds to compile and start
Jetty isn't bad. It's just clunky, has not-so-great documentation and is hard to integrate with anything newer or more sophisticated than pure HTML without it turning into a garbage fire.

Even something as simple as setting up remote graceful shutdown via a servlet has no officially documented procedure. Everything I tried based on other people's suggestions either did nothing or made my server shit the bed and throw 35 different exceptions when I called it.

lul cs is basically math with bunch of random shit stapled to it

i used to think like you, but just realize that the concept of "Computer Science" isn't modified to recent trends or whatever hip shit to get a job, it's about the science of computing

it's like saying that high level mathematics courses should be focused around {trendy job market} instead of picking a major that actually focuses on topics that {trendy job market} uses

in your case the major youre talking about is software engineering, the practical application of some concepts in computer science, don't dilute computer science

even then, it's probably a better idea to use a library for security so you don't accidentally code a huge vulnerability

Use version control then complain to the course coordinator that they contributed nothing. Comment name and date in all files.

We literally made a guy fail his final year using the above method.
>Whole course is just a 1 year project
>Dude keeps telling us he has tons of work done
>Ok, push it to the git
>Every meeting he would say he is going to push it
>We would email him links to git tutorials and offer to do it ourselves
>Fast forward to 2 weeks before the demo
>"My HDD died and I lost all my work" XDDD
>Dude goes offline for a few weeks.
>We hack together his module in two days so we can actually demo our project (turns out it was trivial).
>He gets super salty that we "stole" his work. Tries to claim it was his etc, etc.
>Supervisor checks the git when marking the project and sees no work from him.
>The lies are blown apart

>You should have taken mathematics
This, I regret it every day.

Deep dive into HTML and CSS so you learn how to make sites that don't look and run like ass, learn how to make your shit large-scale, learn how and where to use SQL most effectively, learn how to make your shit truly secure against both accidents and malicious intent, spend some time at least familiarizing you with some of the new meme frameworks so you get an idea of what's out there currently.

Not too deep in the webshit game so I can't comment on the finer points but I think the above would be a pretty good start.

>in your case the major youre talking about is software engineering, the practical application of some concepts in computer science, don't dilute computer science
My uni is apparently too small for a separate software engineering major so our CS program is kind of a hybrid.

For some reason we do have a separate Data Science major though, probably because we're a private school and it attracts students because it's the hot new get-rich-quick career in the tech world. for people too brainlet for anything more advanced than Python and R.

>Menial shit like web dev
When you graduated from UNI you learned squat except for a bunch of math without any kind of practical knowledge. Calling it menial just shows how of a retard you truly are. Businesses are not in need of more "high-tech computer scientists". They are in need of more programmers and webdev. That's where they money is. That's what people actually give a shit about.

Next up:
>Why can't I find a job Jow Forums

>When you graduated from UNI you learned squat except for a bunch of math without any kind of practical knowledge. Calling it menial just shows how of a retard you truly are. Businesses are not in need of more "high-tech computer scientists". They are in need of more programmers and webdev. That's where they money is. That's what people actually give a shit about.
The businesses YOU'RE applying to.
Getting a job in tech doesn't require a CS degree.
Getting an interesting job in tech will be much easier with a mathematics degree.
That's the kind of job where they pay real money and don't deal with webdev and bullshit.
That's not to say that you can't make big bucks from webdev, it's just that it's a boring job lacking substance or difficulty and I would say it's overpaid considering any retard can get into this industry without a related degree.

You're vaslty overestimating the amount of people they need for hard problems. At most you'll end up in some research team or in some management role.

Again, value for companies exists in business tailored apps. You need good soft skills for that. Hard skills in shit like maths and CS by itself will get you some high paid research job without any prospects.

There's always a demand for intelligent people, that's why they get paid better. There might not be an enormous demand but there's also not an enormous supply. I can't stand the idea of learning and doing something un-engaging like web development when I have the skills and the ability to learn and do something much more interesting.
The point I am making is that the field of CS used to be for people who were not quite intelligent enough to be mathematics majors but were still very intelligent.
Now it has become a major for anyone smart enough to be a web developer. That's the disappointing aspect. It means that you have to risk yourself doing mathematics or maybe go to another engineering field just because the CS side of things is just so shit and the sort of jobs you can get out of it are so boring.
I don't care if universities cater for web developers and these casual programmers, it would just be nice if it hadn't stopped catering for the more hardcore programmers (of which there are obviously not many).

what university are you at? if it's not a very good one, then they may have been like "hey, everyone wants to get a degree in cs, but we don't have one. quick, let's add one one so we can get some suckers to pay us those big tuition bucks."

Exactly my experience, tranny and all. For my senior capstone, my group consisted of a chink that couldn't communicate engish, a tranny that did nothing but claim the tasks he was given were "outside of my expertise" (it was just getting a wsdl made for our api endpoint) and a knowitall "akashually" creighton.

Funny thing though. I'm the only one who got a 65k salary offered at graduation. The others didn't get shit.

>the field of CS used to be for people who were not quite intelligent enough to be mathematics majors but were still very intelligent.
fuck off, faggot. i got my degree in cs back in the 80's because i fucking love cs. why the fuck would i want a degree in mathematics, if i love cs?

Because in $(date +%Y) CS degrees don't contain any CS any more?