Me and mate pull out 2 128 gb ssds from shithouse school computers

>me and mate pull out 2 128 gb ssds from shithouse school computers
>faggot year 8s see us do it and the next day the labs in chaos
>fuckton of parts missing
>me and mate get scapegoated
>vice principle doesnt even know what an ssd is
>well user the school computers need the ssd because they run complex programs such as excel, they need the power
>literally no one would notice the missing ssd, shitty computers that are barely used
>would have gotten away with it
>fat cunt virgin who sucks head of dts dick dobs us in
> 2 days suspension, not allowed to participate in end of year activity's

god i hate the public education system

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give it back Jamal

postin in a troll thread. stealing is bad, you’re only mad that you got caught. that attitude is gonna mess you up later in life user.

give it back tyrone


>thread full of moralfags
the state of Jow Forums

underage b&

>Imagen being so dumb you cant even steel form school?

Holy shit...welcome to Jow Forums there newfag

>caught stealing and get penalized
>somehow the fault of the public education system
You got by easy you fucking retard, do you think stealing is ok because it wasn't something essential or expensive?
>not allowed to participate in end of year activity's
Show us your hand, poojeet. This is why your country is such a shithole.

>he's angry because he's a retard

>getting caught while doing it
>didn't have his mate on lookout
You deserve it.

You must be at least the age of 18 to post here.

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>being that poor that you have to steal 128gb just so you can load up csgo a few seconds faster
Start dealing drugs, kid. You're already in for a shit life, might as well try to make a few bucks.

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nobody mentioned csgo
fuck off

Supposedly all of the kids are playing fortnight these days.

Oh, I forgot India only can afford to play CS 1.6, my bad.

csgo is free as in free beer now.

well, you still gotta have the hardware

You're defensive, especially for a thread with a morally reprehensible OP.

>stealing means you're poor

>stealing from school
Unironically based. I once opened up one of the school computers and took a shit in it. After about a week the whole room started to smell real bad and they had to renovate it.

>he didn't pull the balls out of mice and swish them around inside his cheek during the day

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>took a shit in it
This is why no one likes india

I non-ironically took a RAM module from work and pocketed it.
It was technically in a locked desk from someone who left so I didn't know if work owned it but I felt guilty as fuck regardless and felt like a bank robber slyly putting it in my pocket away from the security cameras.
I'm still using the module to this day and I never got in trouble, still wouldn't do it again though.

>public school
>risking being caught stealing and having a stain on your record for a 50 dollar item
>not poor
yeah, I'm gonna call bullshit on that one

that's disgusting. It's full of germs.


>cleaning school equipment for free with your mouth
what are you, a cuck?

>admitting you're underage
get out, nigga.

>stupid nigger steals school's property
>stupid nigger has the audacity to unironically say he needs it more than school
>stupid nigger is mad he got caught
>stupid nigger thinks he doesn't deserve the punishment


OP is in school at a time when school computers have SSDs in them

SSDs were too expensive for gubmint to buy until maybe 5 years ago



holy kek

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i stole first gen xeons from my school pcs. Didn't put anything in their place just left the socket empty. Stole 3 of the cunts and never got caught

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If you got caught stealing you are poor

Give it back, Jim.

>year 8s
Should have got a theft license.

Holy fuck I knew it was you, Drew

This kind of explained to me how that whole Brexit shitshow could happen.

"Wheres your TV License, lads?"

now that this website has been segregated Jow Forums should honestly go back to being guro

youre literally a criminal. you stole school property. you should be in juvenile detention/jail. you're not even smart enough to not get caught too. you deserve every lick

>schools are funded by tax payer money
>op is a tax payer
how did he steal

We had a guy who really loved balls at the uni. One day the staff caught him opening up a mouse and inspected his bag, finding dozens of mouse balls he stole from all over the place. We got shiny new mice a few weeks later and I suspect that I know who paid for them.

he stole from other tax payers who got inconvenienced, lrn2socialism

he has as much of a right to that property as anybody else user.

and this is exactly why he can't take it, other people have equal rights to it too.

Kids who go to school don't pay taxes.

>do something wrong
>you were a bad boy! here's 2 days of free time to think about it
american education
>oh, but you have to do all homework and stuff still!
oh fuck off, unless you're a fucking retard that's not an issue

instead they should have brought you two, faggots, in a room with principle and people responsible for computers to explain your actions in written and spoken language, reported to your parents who, in the end, should replace all missing equipment.

stupid fucking US niglets

op is a shitskin in bongland
that means he paid the ultimate tax

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>It's someone else's fault we were caught stealing. Wegoodboys we dindu muffin!


>waah how dare someone not let me steal
Let me guess, you're a shitskin?

>mfw wall of dell monitors from old midschool
>mfw dell keyboards out the ass
ur a faget

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Sauce of the gif. Looks like KyoAni moeblob of the season.

>sales tax
>not working before you're 18

>not working in diamond mine when you turn 5

Can't spend any of your money if you don't have money as a kid. Your parents' allowance isn't your money. If he did work he wouldn't have to steal shit. Also, under a set amount of money, you don't get taxed on your income.

You're complaining about getting caught stealing?

>get caught
>mad that you're blamed for other people stealing too

Enjoy the slap on the wrist you fuck. Next time it's prison.

all income is taxed so long as you aren't some literal poverty tier shithole citizen who works in the coal mines for $500 a year
good point though, if he worked he wouldn't have to steal
>not getting crucial work experience before college
>not having pocket money you actually worked for (inb4 richfags)
>not getting used to work culture and things like shifts, cashing paychecks, etc

>steal shit
>get punished
Wow, school sucks, amirite guys?

Why can't I steal without consequences!?
life sucks

>all computers in my school have fucking padlocks on

>all income is taxed
Seemingly but you get that back with tax returns. Under a set amount of income, you don't actually pay taxes. That set amount depends on the country you live in. What I just said counts for the USA and most western European countries.

>This user is underage.
Enjoy the vacation

>steal shit in front of others
>surprised when caught
omg this is so tragic thots and prayers

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>Steal shit
>Get caught
>Get in trouble
>god I hate the public education system

You wanna know how i know you're a nigger

because he got caught?

Don't take what is not yours you shithead

> I got caught stealing
> I’m mad because I’m getting punished
> hurrrrrr

>me and mate pull out 2 128 gb ssds from shithouse school computers
Didn't you just a while ago make a thread where you were planning doing this?

Why the fuck would somebody wanna "steal" a bunch of steel balls covered by rubber? Oh, wait, I have heard of people inserting balls to their anus, it makes sense now

I hope you've learned not to steal, you dumb nigger.

give them back, jamal

Based dubs.

You should have been arrested and jailed for your crimes.


u r a fagoyt

Oh i'm sorry did i swipe your ssd? No? Then shut the fuck up.

>being so poor that you have to steel hardware from a public school just to run a free game
wew lad, I see why they call you "people" europoors

kyoani somewhat moeblob

gtfo my 4channel, newfag

Why are you judging someone who is still in school for being poor? It's not like it's their fault.

As usual OP is a mass9ve fsggoy

first of all nobody is gonna congratulate you for being a thief. second, if you're gonna steal do it right you idiot. It's nobody's fault but your own that you were caught.

Also mods? this kid is clearly underage

kys thief

>would have gotten away with it too
>if it wasn't for the meddling year 8s