Any software fags from Singapore here?

Would you recommend moving (from Europe)?
What's the acceptable salary for comfy life?
Is it possible to comfortably live with just English?
How's dating?

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>comfy life

lmao you wish

>comfy life

Stay in Europe.

Nah Europe sucks. Fucking Muslim takeover

>Fucking Muslim takeover

>33.2% Buddhism
>18.8% Christianity
>18.5% No religion
>14.0% Islam

OP you are a total rascist retard, who can't even use Wikipedia to check the percentage of muslims in Singapore.

Suck my dick and kill yourself.

Maybe do something about it, bitch.

Laowai stay where you belong.


I've pretty much maxed out European salary considering cost of living and taxes and all other options are shit
Don't want to live there because I like bacon
It's impossible to get visa, also I don't want to get shot
Have to learn weeb language and also horrible work culture

That wasn't me

The issue is the ridiculous cost of living. English is plenty sufficient to get by.

What are those magical expenses though?
Apart from rent it seems to be on par with Berlin which is not a super expensive city at all and is comparable to most big cities in Europe. So considering that they're paying more in Singapore what's exactly is the problem here?

>living among soulless Chinks
lol no thanks

It's fine here just the cars and housing are fucking expensive. Also not a lot of open space but the only good point of that is that the country is very connected by train. Every train station is 2 mins apart.

In most areas you won't even see Muslims. They're normally all in the same housing area or at the mosque. And most Muslims are fags that follow black culture and drink alcohol.

Cars generally cost upwards of 70-80k for cars like a civic. Government housing costs about 300k on the cheap end. My condo I'm staying in cost nearly a million and that was 20 years ago.

Better to be a chink than whatever the hell you are.

One of the contributing factors from your link.

Also basically everyone here speaks English. Of course, I still wouldn't recommend you move anyway because you'd have to fit into a new society and you'd have to leave Europe. You should just stay and make it better since our programming sector is quite oversaturated. But that's just my opinion.

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Cars are a bummer but if I manged to not need one here I guess I'll need it even less there. I don't see the point in having a car in a huge city with good transport anyway.

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retard theyre governed by China not limpwristed eurotards. Theyre kept in line the moment it becomes a problem for the state. Last I heard there werent 200 people run over in singapore by an arab.

user, I know it's tempting but its not worth it bro .... You just have to give up and move forward. Stay strong.

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We're not governed by China you nigger but they are kept in line.

>money = life

Money is literally 90% of your happiness