/pcbg/ - Pc Building General

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>Learn how to build a PC
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Want help?
>State your budget & CURRENCY
>List your uses eg Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors include purpose and GPU pairing
>NO Speccy. Use HWinfo
>For Win7 in Ryzen pastebin.com/TUZvnmy1

>CPUs less threads usually suffer lower 0.1% minimums
>Athlon 200GE - Bare minimal desktop/gaming
>R3 2200G - Light gaming(dGPU optional)
>R5 2400G - Consider IF on sale
>R5 2600/X - Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPUs
>i7-9700k/8700k - If you have a $2000+ budget and pairing with a 2080 or better
>R7 2700/X - Best value high-end CPU on a non-HEDT platform
>Threadripper/Used Xeon - HEDT

>Always choose at least a 2 stick kit
>8GB - Bare minimum/Light desktop use.
>16GB - Standard amount
>32GB - If you have to ask, you don't need this
>CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 2933MHz+ is ideal. Check "more" for true latency formula

Graphics cards
>RTX 2000 cards; cheap models usually low yield processor. Aim for factory OC versions for best performance
>use your due diligence with cheap MODELS ie MSI Armor (Mk2 is ok), Gigabyte G1/Wf, ASUS dual, and others w/ small heatsinks and low quality fans. They may be cheap, but won't get high boost clocks like better models
>RX 570/580/1060 6GB - standard 1080p 60fps+ options
>Vega 56/1070ti best value, Free/G-sync monitor highly recommended
>Upscale from 1620-1800p. Or 2080Ti, but awful value
OpenCL use
>Vega 64

>Backup before using StoreMi
>Consider a larger SSD (better GB/$) instead of small SSD & HDD
>2TB HDDs are barely more $ than 1TB
>M.2 is a form factor, NOT a performance standard

>Always consider FreeSync w/ AMD cards
>START YOUR BUILD WITH A MONITOR FIRST, then make a build to drive it appropriately



Attached: 1542620461358.jpg (2592x1936, 610K)

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Which motherboard maker has the best quality control? Asus has let me down and I want to try somebody else when Zen 2 comes out.

You stated consider a larger ssd instead of a ssd and big hdd but why? Wouldnt you want all your games and the os on the ssd and put everything else on the larger hdd? I might have worded things incorrectly.

Post luxury computers
this is mine
its redpilled and based

Attached: rsz_1luxurycomputing.jpg (2735x2051, 1.59M)

Is this monitor good for this build? What would you change? I have a $1400 USD budget, but I guess I can wait another paycheck or two to get something that is worth the wait.

Okay faggot, so when are you going to put it together or are you just going to keep posting pictures of boxes?

nothing personel kid

Attached: hwinfoi9.png (642x573, 62K)

lol @ that keyboard

Would an i7 6800k bottleneck a 2080ti @ 3440x1440?

you paid all that money but you sit here on a pc building thread instead of actually playing something
just how much of a virgin are you? and this is coming from someone with a much better setup than you but I'm here to help others, faggot

>buys k series processor
>doesn't overclock

rich brainlet detected

dont need to overclock it
runs everything at 1440p ultra 144fps

Depends on the game. Most it wouldn't, but something like Star Citizen it might.

Attached: hwinfo.png (864x575, 70K)

27 year old boomer here
post your setup then faggit

>1 gen meme threadripper
>titan xp

nice outdated build

>Post luxury computers
you must be at least 18 to post here

>Core i9 "unlocked"

Attached: bluegh.png (432x415, 177K)

Yeah, it's about a year old. Funny how reality works, huh?

Attached: edonis shig.jpg (1280x720, 243K)

>he thinks mediocre amd is luxury

hows life with minimal income?

if my setup doesn't run games at ultra @144fps on 4k then your shitty one doesnt even reach 100fps faggot

its good, not living with parents is great.

You should try it sometime instead of wasting it on overly expensive pc parts

fuck your infighting gayness
how hot is too hot for 8700k? where is the comfy temp listed for this processor i cant find it

It's designed to run at 85°C-100°C. The only thing that's variable is the clock speed.

Is this good enough cable management? Case is the HAF 912 combat edition

Attached: 1536521942589.jpg (1265x961, 391K)

who the fuck cares about cable management
does nothing except waste of time
just connect it like normal people

Are you using the least amount of cables possible?
Are they out of the way?

Autism, I love having clean and nice looking cables in the back, even though no one's gonna see them. I also don't want the cables to be visible from the front too much.

thanks user, your help is appreciated

Attached: 1460659486294.gif (550x400, 188K)

i bet you are a retard that likes flashy lights also?

Who the fuck cares how the fucking pc looks? your suppose to look at the screen not the box

I think my G500 is dying, lads. It can't see too well.

Attached: 1484552493635.jpg (540x540, 42K)

I'm using everything short of a second PCI-E and an extra molex cable. They're visible from the front but it's a clean look for the most part.

The box sits on my desk and I love cleaning it and looking at it, it's to me what cars are to normalfags.

show the other side

Wait, I think it was just some dust.

AOC - Q3279VWF 31.5" 2560x1440 75 Hz Monitor for 200EUR. What's the catch?

It's 1440p and only 75hz

Considering the fact that you need at least a 1080Ti or 2080 to get above 75fps without turning down settings at 1440p, if that's the only "issue", this looks like a steal to me.

Is this build good enough for gayming?
Is there something I'm missing?
Is there something i don't need?
How can I improve it?
Haven't built a pc in almost 10 years, I'd be really glad if someone could help me.

Attached: 1540829784473s.jpg (250x227, 9K)

>you need at least a 1080Ti or 2080 to get above 75fps

Attached: 1508694673367.png (645x729, 80K)

based and redpilled, don't listen to the losers who will tell you to get the Vega over that 1070ti.

mirin' that credit card debt

>without turning down settings at 1440p
...yes, and?

I like to think it's some faggot who stole boxes from some dumpster and posted it here hoping we would suck him off.


thank you for the list, but why did you remove the cpu cooler?
does it come included with one of the other parts?

He was posting that for over a year. Adding a new part every few months. This is how long it took him to save up just to post on Jow Forums about how rich he is.

Yes the CPU comes with it's own cooler. So unless you are going to overclock your cpu it should work just fine. I'm sure the stock one will work to some degree of overclock, but I'm not sure how much.

nice, I'm not planning to overclock any time soon so it should work fine.

I'm running some 4x4gb DDR3 G-skill RAM (old, but I got it because it was on sale and I wanted to get 16gb). However, now it's overheating whenever I play games for a long time. Would a RAM heatsink/cooler help, or are those not very effective?

>would making the thing that is overheating cooler make a difference?
Take a guess. You could upgrade though if you have the dough.

I was more asking how effective they were or if it was just a meme. Does DDR4 process heat better?

heatsink will just delay the overheat, add a fan blowing on the rams instead

It depends, if you have the ram sticks from somewhere like corsair that adds all this garbage metal and RGB shit all over it the fans won't be as effective. I'm sure the liquid cooling would work well but those always seemed overkill to me. Dunno on the better heat on DDR4.

Don't really have room to stick a fan directly on top because of the CPU heatsink. Are there any that I can plug into the motherboard and rearrange to blow onto them?

Based Threadripper pulverizing i9 garbage housefires.

Attached: Ryzen-Threadripper-2000-2nd-Gen-CPUs.jpg (922x519, 205K)

threadripper have the worst single core preformance ever

I've never heard of RAM overheating before.

Stay mad with your shitty stuttering housefire. It's already dead and obsolete.

Attached: AMD_Ryzen_Threadripper_banner.jpg (640x263, 36K)

Apparently it's more prone to happen if you have 4 sticks. Might be the voltage, but I haven't touched that. I blasted my RAM with some compressed air after it shut down with a MEM error light on the motherboard, and it booted back up. I guess it's not a common problem.

>buy threadripper 2
get average 50 fps less than i9 9900k
>stay mad


Hello Jow Forums, I'm looking to upgrade a 5-year-old build of mine

current build: pcpartpicker.com/list/GqnZbj

My main focus is VR, $2000 upgrade budget. What parts would it be most worth it to upgrade?

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Avoid that Intel garbage.

Attached: deadripper.png (2560x1440, 1.04M)

Hey fellas, is this a good build for some 1080p gayming and possibly some light music production?


>buy intel
>burn your house to the ground
No thanks.

What is the cheapest Ryzen model that is actually worth buying?

all 4 of my ram slots are full and mines have never overheated, but then again my ram sticks have heatsinks on them.

maybe you can try lowering the voltage and see if it reduces heat and is stable. or you could improve case airflow by adding more intake fans. if that's not an option then see if a RAM heatsink outfit would help. I know ebay and aliexpress sell a few and they even come with gay shit like RGB.

>somebody actually compared those two
>even a $1500 GPU will dip below 144fps at poverty resolutions
jesus christ


when will amd ever make something to compete against intel?

How can people possibly defend this? threadripper 2 gets shit on by the i9 9900k

Attached: deadripper2.png (2560x1440, 773K)

2600 is a good buy if you need something to tide you over until 3600x

>struggles to beat 2700x

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Yeah, I'm considering some gay-looking upHERE RGB heatsinks since they're cheap. Oh well, thanks for the input.

A true baller.


Jesus Christ everything Intel releases now is a stuttery useless garbage, no wonder everyone on the planet is buying Ryzen. Except indians.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

amd has always been for the poor guy


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It's pretty much over, Intel is dead. youtube.com/watch?v=sf5wX8_tg1s

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what a retarded argument
thats like saying a WV golf is better than a ferrari because it sells more

jesus amd poorfags are dumb

I've always held the belief that AMD CPUs+Nvidia GPUs are the true masterrace.

intel is useless garbage, amd is infinitely better at basically everything so everyone is buying amd, it's simple


do you use drugs often?

>doesn't know jack shit about PC hardware and has to constantly ask /arse/
>giving advice here at the same time

You have to go back

>that indiantel who fell for 9900k meme

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No idea what you're on about m8

Attached: 1544287713671.jpg (225x225, 62K)

750w psu is overkill
Go for two ram sticks for dual channel

>m-mummy I need a new graphics card

Attached: 1480232667554.png (852x1256, 55K)


I dropped my Rx 580 nitro+ from a little over a meter while it was in its box, I don't see any visible damage
Is it fine?

Attached: GAYME ON.jpg (1355x969, 439K)

>muh 100MHz

Attached: AnonsRoomAfterOpeningHisPC.jpg (640x433, 40K)

>$2500 PC to play at 1080p

Attached: 1544389642769.jpg (1024x576, 52K)

But VW Golf is better than and Ferrari.
Italians are horrible at engineering.

swap 1060 for rx580
buy 2x4gb ram for dual channel

hey, retard
threadripper is not a gayming cpu

The box foam and bag should protect it

I dropped my 1060 naked at that height, didn't do a thing. You're fine, pussy.

Who knows man, I have no idea what I'm doing. What should I get instead

>what are minimums