/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #29

Seizure warning edition

Previous Thread adventofcode.com/
>Advent of Code is a series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels. They are self-contained and are just as appropriate for an expert who wants to stay sharp as they are for a beginner who is just learning to code. Each puzzle calls upon different skills and has two parts that build on a theme.
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People who are inactive for 5 days will be kicked, but other leaderboards can be made if desired.

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Attached: 1544552361789.gif (600x600, 2.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Integrate (((((r) * y) + s) * (r)) / 100))dx dy

Whew, part 2 took me some time
root@82bccb12555a:~# time python3 main.py
Part one solution:
(32, 21, 42)
Part two solution:
(85, 230, 212, 13)

real 325m44.431s
user 317m28.632s
sys 0m41.388s

Managed to cut off 30 seconds on my program using this

It took some time but it got the right answer.

Attached: Capture.jpg (570x112, 17K)

Today's puzzle was fun

Attached: remi does an internet.png (1000x1000, 432K)

Friendly reminder that if you don't produce the output in under a second you haven't finished the challenge.

but user, an hour is 3600 seconds
you could've learned summed-area tables, implement the solution in 5 different languages, masturbate, fall asleep, get a gf and walk 500 miles before that program was done

Under 100ms, more like. Doable even in Python using as long as you don't abuse bloated, slow structures like dicts that people love using for some reason.

Or not used Python and brute forced it in C instead which would complete in under a minute anyway.

my memory is a bit fuzzy, but you should be able to fetch the newest commit, then either merge with or reset to that commit, and then commit and push your changes

>no convoluted input parsing
>easy logic allowing a brute force solution even for brainlets (provided you're not using Python)
>trivial but brilliant two-part algorithm that coexists with your existing brute-force code allows you to educate yourself and learn something afterwards
I wish all problems were like this.

I did. At least the masturbate part.
But I just wanted to see how long it took for my first version to run.

Attached: Capture.jpg (725x123, 20K)

try pypy and better algo

$ time python3 11.py
(manually terminated at 8 minutes)

$ time pypy 11.py
(21, 13)
(235, 268, 13)

real 0m26,050s
user 0m22,904s
sys 0m0,136s

hasklel version of module Main where

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.List (maximumBy)
import Data.Function (on)

type Points = Map.Map (Int, Int) Int

main :: IO ()
main = do
let xvs = yield 8141
let (keys, value) = findMax xvs [3]
let (keys', value') = findMax xvs [1..300]
putStrLn$ "Silver: " ++ show keys ++ " with " ++ show value
putStrLn$ "Gold: " ++ show keys' ++ " with " ++ show value'

findMax :: Points -> [Int] -> ([Int], Int)
findMax xvs = maximumBy (on compare snd) .concatMap (\j ->
map (\[x,y] -> ([x+1,y+1,j], areaSum xvs j [x,y])) $coords j)
where coords j = replicateM 2 [0..300 - j]

areaSum :: Points -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
areaSum xvs i [x,y] = sum [(if u == v then id else negate) $
Map.findWithDefault 0 (x+u,y+v) xvs | v Points -> [Int] -> Points
apply grid xvs [x,y] = Map.insert (x,y) value xvs where
value = point + get (x-1, y) + get (x, y-1) - get (x-1, y-1)
point = digit $ (10 + x) * (grid + (x + 10) * y)
get k = Map.findWithDefault 0 k xvs
digit n = mod (div n 100) 10 - 5

Attached: English Please.png (2363x1866, 605K)

INPUT = 9110

def power_level(x, y, num):
rid = x + 10
out = ((rid * y + num) * rid) // 100
return out % 10 - 5

assert( power_level(3,5,8) == 4 )
assert( power_level(122,79,57) == -5 )
assert( power_level(217,196,39) == 0 )
assert( power_level(101,153,71) == 4 )

def gen_grid(size, num):
return [[power_level(x+1,y+1,num) for x in range(size)] for y in range(size)]

def find_max3(grid):
maximum = 0
pos = None
for y in range(len(grid) - 2):
for x in range(len(grid) - 2):
s = 0
for r in range(3):
for c in range(3):
s += grid[y+r][x+c]
if s > maximum:
maximum = s
pos = (x+1,y+1)
return pos

def find_max(grid):
maximum = 0
pos = None
for y in range(len(grid)):
for x in range(len(grid)):
s = 0
for size in range(1, len(grid) + 1 - max(x,y)):
for coord in range(size-1):
s += grid[y+coord][x+size-1] + grid[y+size-1][x+coord]
s += grid[y+size-1][x+size-1]
if s > maximum:
maximum = s
pos = (x+1,y+1,size)
return pos

[-2, -4, 4, 4, 4],
[-4, 4, 4, 4, -5],
[ 4, 3, 3, 4, -4],
[ 1, 1, 2, 4, -3],
[-1, 0, 2, -5, -2]]) == (1,1,4))
assert( find_max(gen_grid(300, 18)) == (90,269,16) )
assert( find_max(gen_grid(300, 42)) == (232,251,12) )

grid = gen_grid(300, INPUT)
print( find_max3(grid) )
print( find_max(grid) )

time was with those 2 big asserts, so 3 times as big

Why does GHC depend on BSD cancer? I don't want 600MiB of BSD bloat pollution my disk and pure GNU system just so I can compile Haskell. What a horrid language - at least post your runtime.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-11_13-59-05.png (477x79, 11K)

cool. wished i'd known about those before wasting 40seconds of my life waiting for my brute force solution to finish


>tfw guessed that gridsize would probably be low so stopped calculating after 32
>tfw was right

whats the answer to 3628?
Since 236 175 11 isn't right for some reason.

no cheating user

i'm asking since even the solutions posted in last thread give the same answer and i have no idea what's wrong

how are you inputting the solution tho

Are you separating with commas?

I hope you aren't including spaces in your answer and omitting commas


no spaces with a comma in between and it's still not working

It's X,Y,size

i'm still stuck at the first part since it won't take the answer...

>Filtered because of real life shit instead of the actual problem

Attached: image.jpg (469x219, 54K)

That's because that's the answer to the second problem. How did you find the second problem without doing part 1 first? Very suspect, user

Might be on to something here but I think it is possible to integrate the "power level" function that allows the entire sum-table to be single pass

it ain't pretty

Attached: file.png (956x995, 369K)

Because i solved the first part, failed to figure out why the right answer fails and peeked at the other solutions. i know i have the right answer, just not why it fails.


I wonder if it eventually loops

libbsd is few kilobytes

why don't you tell us what you think the first answer should be?

Why is the thread moving so slowly lately? Have the brainlets really given up because they failed to solve one of the problems?

Post code. I read on SO that the summed-table algorithm isn't vectorizable, shows how retarded I am believing some random unsubstantiated post

Different user here
Ill be back home in a bit but I have a simd enabled version of day 11 using a derived integration of the power level function. Implemented up to AVX2 on my skylake
Stay tuned

how much bloat does Stack require? docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/#how-to-install

the code's right there m8, or do you want to run it yourself?
I think you can't vectorize building the table, since every element depends on the elements immediately before it
but for finding the biggest square it works

correction: you can vectorize the table building partially, but not entirely. i tried it and it didn't net me any noticeable speedup

>tfw looking at GeeksforGeeks for algos instead of coming up with them
Is this wrong?

Attached: file.png (3072x3118, 3.46M)

Until I get home though here's something to get anyone who cares started
wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Integrate (((((r) * y) + s) * (r)) / 100))dx dy

>finished day 9, most of the time was just me mentally making sure I didn't fuck up list indexing or whatever
>part 2 is that but more marbles

I'm sure there's some mathematical trick I'm supposed to do but full bruteforce brainletmode ahead.

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What algorithm are you looking up anyway? Most of this is entry level highschool math applied o puzzles
except maybe if the golden ratio is involved
fuck if I'll ever understand how that even happens

It just means you have to use a data structure with a good enough O() that it'll be done before the heat death of the universe.

Just today's problem. I wanted to get an efficient solution for it and I sure as hell wasn't going to find it myself

Only other one I had some issue with was the marble one.

You really just need to search this thread and the last one.

where's your intermediate truncation? so that e.g. values of 560 and 690 become a powerlevel of 5-5+6-5 = 1 and not 5.6-5+6.9-5 = 2.x

I figured each iteration would take about the same time, and it's memory that's troublesome. Here's hoping I don't melt my SSD like that other guy.

Yeah I learned something new and super useful.

Attached: 1535669761221.gif (1200x1200, 479K)

That's just a quick wolfram alpha I wrote up on my phone without putting floor()everywhere. The continuous versions should work fine for the discrete integer math up until some functions I believe.
Also I use the floor definition of the modulo function to allow it to be integrated and vectorized easier in case I have to use intermediate floats when porting it to SIMD code.
Unless I'm dumb and doing something terribly wrong but it should still work even with truncated integer arithmetic without me having to type floor() everywhere on wolfram
Should be able to at least verify it with the original serial method if you implement it plainly with c1 and c0 being (0,0) and do the modulo 10 and - 5 with what I have there.
Again, I'll type up more once I get home

Was a little wrong about the modulo and the - 5 has to be integrated too but Yea it's all there

>do you want to run it yourself?
Yeah, I'd like to compare against my own implementation. My code has 3 instances of automatic loop vectorization on -03, so I'd like to learn how far you can go just by relying on the compiler to do its job provided you help make code vectorizable - there is a lot of missed vectorization, so I'm wondering when, if ever, is it worthwhile to address that and get a payoff without having to manually vectorize.
>college math
Jow Forums told me you only needed arithmetic to program

change the #defines SER_ID, GSIZE and VECSIZE for serial id, grid size and simd vector size respectively
can I have a look at your code as well?

Still took 4 seconds in cpython with a summed area table and a list. Would probably be faster with a numpy array but I enjoy just using built-ins.

this is not the answer i get

(anonymous user #193354) ganbatte kudasai

Attached: 1315589348926.jpg (340x275, 48K)

Time for 4 hours of sleep and then prepare for the next one!
Good night anons

My dynamic programming solution in rust is pretty fast!

Attached: Annotation 2018-12-11 184536.jpg (300x204, 25K)

this is for part 2 btw

Instead of bigboy'ing it, try and find after how many consecutive serials starting negative your input you get a repeat sequence

>my code doesn't iterate over the full area
>my code has x and y swapped
>my code breaks halfway through
still not filtered

>exact same progression
>code still runs like shit
>waste time making .gifs and webms instead of fixing it

Attached: 1428153854806.jpg (1383x1600, 347K)

You just gave me a great idea for mine. Since 23 items are removed from the front of the queue and 7 items added back every 23 cycles, once the queue has more than (cycles_left / 23) * 16 + 23 marbles in it, I can stop adding marbles to the back since it will never get to them. Long story short, the code is twice as fast now and I can finally calculate a 4 billion marble game. Thanks.

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please tell me that python variables/arrays are stored in ram and I didn't just spend an hour and a half yesterday killing my ssd

Python data structures are stored in memory. Memory can get swapped out.


Powershell best shell.

Probably doesn't look as disgusting as my solution
function f2 (players, last) {
let target = { val: 0 }
target.next = target
target.prev = target
let scores = Array(players).fill(0)
for (let i = 1; i

>prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev prev

A sliding window approach is three times faster than using a summed-area table for my Python solution.
Just something to keep in mind if you want to rice your implementation.

what about korn?

When will aoc have a problem that requires a complicated algorithm instead of allowing you to cheese it?
So far only the bigboys have forced me to really activate the synapses.

dead thread

k not sure what I'm doing wrong here...finding the max in a 3x3 square takes miliseconds but finding the max in a 100x100 square square takes forever.

Fuck, I think I might not be able to be up tonight, I'm fuckin' swamped, and need to actually be on time tomorrow morning.

summed table algorithm

is the answer for day 10 supposed to be backwards or I am doing something (horribly) wrong?

Attached: file.png (626x259, 22K)


you're just putting your coordinates in your array the wrong way around

You've got one of your loops going backwards .

the origin (0,0) is in the top left. so your Y values assume up is bigger (but it's actually smaller)

thanks frens
took me two days but managed to complete it by own...

Attached: file.png (251x201, 19K)

there are 3*3*(301-3)*(301-3) = 8e5 samples for the 3*3 squares, but 100*100*(301-100)*(301-100) = 4e8 samples for 100*100 squares, so it's not weird if your unoptimized solution is 1000x as slow for that single size. If it's even slower than that, you might have an iterator or range problem.

dead thread
is Jow Forums giving up on aoc?

Ah thanks. Math checks out. I figured since the box was larger it would be easier to find the placement that gives the largest sum. Got my star in about 15 minutes. Too arsed to optimize.

brainlets are getting filtered and they were the main source of content

I feel like it depends on the challenge and time of day and such. It's the beginning of the week and I'm sure a lot of people got home to see a really math heavy and overall uninteresting challenge. It was nothing beyond "follow these steps to generate a matrix and now find the submatrix with the highest sum".

Weekend threads and days with interesting or funny challenges usually get more action. Those are the ones you see people making and posting memes about.

Staying up late to do these as they're released is starting to get old. Last 4 have all been easy problems where I've blown tons of time screwing up secondary shit. It's past time for me to start going to sleep on time again and doing these when I'm rested.

익명인 193354 짱!!

Attached: godjihyo.gif (500x280, 1.61M)

based and redpilled
cringe and probably a tranny

same desu
if i didn't have work i'd stay up

Would /ourguy/ kindly prove that he's our guy by posting his input* and output immediately after getting the stars?

*It's fine to post the input a bit later considering it's probably too big and uploading it somewhere takes precious proof seconds. And it's usually much harder to generate an input for a certain output than the other way around.

seconding this

Most people either got filtered or found out after two days that they aren't interested in doing this for a whole month.

he doesn't need to prove anything to anyone.

>h-he doesn't need to prove himself! I-I believe in him anyway
go cry me a river faggot

There's no way this is true. I'm 22 stars and a mega brainlet programlet. The filter has yet to come.

What exactly do you want proof of? Are you worried that I'm merely pretending to be -354? Because I've been posting working code within 5-10 mins of finishing every night this year, and I'm pretty sure a few of those went up before anyone else on the Jow Forumsderboard had a second star yet

30 MINUTES!!!!!!

go take a shit RIGHT NOW