why don't you want to live in the country side? We have internet and amazon, you can be a shut in and brag about inane programming languages while enjoying the scenery. And if you are willing to work, you can do it online.
Why don't you want to live in the country side? We have internet and amazon...
I don't want to live in the country, but having a bunker in a rural area would be great. For those times when the internet dies.
because I'm not a Luddite
also spent my entire life in a city, without the pollution, traffic noise, and random crackheads yelling at night I won't feel at home
makes sense
sometimes I won't feel at home if a nigger or cholo rob my wallet once a week.
ok that happens like once a month at most
and also sometimes a white dude does it too. But it is uncommon (unless you live in eastern Europe)
Internet in the countryside sucks in my country. Currently I have 400/20 cable and my buddy in the suburbs barely gets 8/1. In rural areas if you don't have a 4G tower nearby you're fucked.
>eastern europe
The railings are ok, the fucking duck boards are goddamn useless in that image. What is the fucking point of a duckboard that rolls when you step on it? Someone is going to take a trip to snap city when their ankles get broken on that shit.
country people are not very smart, user. Also, that looks like it was made for tourists.
Fuck off, we’re full
Compared to the west, yes.
I moved to a mid-size town in the US, having only lived in fairly large (200k+) and larger (2M) central European cities.
This sucks. You can't walk anywhere, you keep pissing money away by taking the car the even the smallest errands. Shit's distressing.
Gas is basically free in the US. Even the poorest of poorfags will drive around just for fun.
because I'm not white and I would prefer not to be openly discriminated against/lynched
heh, touche
calm down Mehmet
get a bike, lol
rural areas in most (civilized) countries are chill and less racist than the cities. Stop watching stupid movies about country people-
>Gas is basically free in the US.
It's as cheap as an American's sense of culture, yes, but it's not free.
What happened to "poppin' out for a pint of milk"? Such a fucking waste having to drive goddamn everywhere in this godforsaken place. Especially since people can't drive here. What's the point of making these giant-ass wide roads, when people don't learn how to drive properly? 10.9 fatalities per 100k? Jesus fucking christ America!
>less racist
this. its called the exposure effect
not where I'm from
In Alberta (Canada's Texas) it goes from cities full of fentanyl to fields of burning crosses full of fentanyl
Who the fuck is shilling these threads?
>We have internet
Yeah enjoy 3Mbps ADSL or Hughes Net (Moar Latency == Moar Better).
nigga, you have the advantages of living surrounded by nature and modest internet.
>3Mbps ADSL
I fucking wish. I got quoted $15/mo for 1Mbps by frontier.
$12,000 one time install and $350/mo for 3Mbps fiber
Currently living as an internet refuge only 2min out of broadband range on Sprint business. Signal constantly drops, latency all over the place, and max speed of ~12Mbps...but at least it's unlimited.
Meanwhile, Verizon services the area with a solid 40Mbps no drop connection w/ unlimited data...so long as everything is done on a phone. Want to hotspot? too bad, fuck you, 600kbps.
What does luddism have to do with living away from the city?
You need to find a different town. Plenty of places left that were built before cars.
There are big ass nails on the boards you blind idiot. Although I agree that looks mighty slippery
Get an antenna on repeater dimwit.
I already live on the country side with the forest almost at my doorstep.
>tfw deers ocassionally show themselves out of the woods
>tfw birds singing as you work
Feels good, man.
I have 250down 100 up here in little town Arkansas. Nice to sit on the back porch and watch the sunset behind the marina. Sometimes the deer swim across the cove. Bald eagles have a big nest close by and I watch them pull fish out of the lake frequently. Very comfy and affordable.
Only in the south and flyovers.
i do actually and im still on 500/500 internet that i pay 20$ for
Because I don't live in the fucking US
What does that have to do with anything?
The rest of my family lives in the country side. I knw that it sucks.
My country isn't big enough to find a place where you can live in total isolation and anything else means you have to put with the village mentality. Everybody knows everyone and social missteps will be remembered forever. No, fuck that shit. I rather keep some amount of anonymity by living in a big city.
I live in the countryside. It's OK. I grow a lot of my own vegetables, and no one bothers me but the internet is only 7mbps DSL. It's a trade off.
I am in a 3rd world country.The countryside is literally 5km away.I often walk there with my dog.
Why are you not white?
I never understood why people would want to live in cities.
Yeah if you have to live there because of your job, sure. But it don't see why anyone would want to live in the city if you work a regular job, or even online.
The costs of living are much higher, you get drug addicts, everyone is rude as fuck. I'll be moving to the countryside very soon. The only thing that matters is having a good internet connection.
>so long as everything is done on a phone.
How would they prove you're using a phone?
Get a router with 4G and VPN, route everything through VPN
except we don't have mehmets here
>calm down Mehmet
How do I calm down Mehmet?
I don't speak Arabic.
>And if you are willing to work, you can do it online.
Not really, no
But I do?
>Live in rural town
>Everyone knows everyone
>Everyone talks about you behind your back and looks at you weird
No thanks, in the urban cities at least no one gives a damn and won't remember your face.
>in the urban cities at least no one gives a damn and won't remember your face.
Only if you live in a fuckhueg apartment building. Even then, the people who live on the same floor will probably know you and will judge you.
They don't
Nobody gives a shit about you
That's the best thing about not being rural
I'm not on welfare so living outside in nowhere might be comfy when I have pension but horrendous shit when I have a job that's 6 minutes away by bus or 20 by walking.
based Jow Forums country side anons
good luck, user. Send pics of your town.
>But it don't see why anyone would want to live in the city if you work a regular job
Because the wages are quite a bit higher, even when adjusted for the higher living expenses. I think the best way is to live just outside the city and commute.
It's more common in Europe than you think.
What is? I'm European btw
What's the best location in the world for living in the country side?
Small cities 50 to 150k are really the ideal desu.
I would if I lived in Japan where you’re not 100 miles away from civilization.
bBut I do. I live on 6 acres of woods. Feels great man.
Too big. 10k is ideal.
2 small, not enough employers
work online
just go work at one of those 50k cities. 20 minute drive.
So when is Elon going to get his global internet set up? I can deal with latency I just can't deal with data caps.
but I hate this company
What job? Where?
I do.
>We have internet and amazon
Yeah satellite, enjoying that sweet 800 ping?
Otherwise, yes it is very nice.
freelancer (programming, webdev, web design, artist per hire, journalism, professional blog poster, hacker per hire, AutoCAD specialist, copywriter)
per hours work (transcriber, translator, typist, call center specialist, phone salesman, etc)
sex worker
there are a lot of options, user
satellite is shit, WISPs are where it's at homie
We don't have that my dude
So basically do shit that I neither want to nor currently can? Sounds awful
>why don't you want to live in the country side?
It's boring as fuck.
>you can be a shut in and brag about inane programming languages while enjoying the scenery.
But the forced social interactions in the city is all the social interactions I have.
Literally just go to the workonline subplebbit and look at the top posts of all time
Is it some bullshit like watching ads in 50 tabs at the same time while answering surveys 10 hours a day in order to make minimum wage?
I live in Portugal contryside and I have gigabit. My town has 2k people.
And the worst thing as well.
No social pressure is also what makes the average city persons assholes, stupid, and idiots.
I don't mean those in gigh paying jobs i mean poir people and low-middle class.
Poor people in the country sode are actually decent and bearable. In the city they have no morals, ethics, or are just addicts. No respect for!any social rule. And drop garbage as well.
Due to low population the poor interact with the richer in the country side. In the city they do not. They just hate each other. The poor stay poor without even seeing what takes to improve. In the country at least they try to act properly, to emulate the!higher cast and learn something. Or at least recognize the heavy work that their peers put into getting wealthier. The poor in the city just know other poors and just make themselves anchors to each other, never leaving that.
Cities are cancer. But they are need for higher paying jobs, as they are in a population center to higher the odds of finding talent. Hopefully remote work will become more prevalent to stop the city chaos.
Your entire country is also about the size of the state I live in.
Not him, but this cop-out is stupid as fuck IMO. You gotta look at the population density if you want to make the vastness argument or whatever.
There are american states as small as mainland Portugal? Well among so many there should be at least one.
It has a higher population density than the state I live in as well. About 4 million more people in the same area.
Some smaller, some larger, some close to the same size.
>you can be a shut in
Absolutely false unless you literally live in a solitary house
>uneducated people surrounding you
>no one is doing anything or has any substantial wealth
>everything is 30 miles apart
well, you can go to the city and work, user ;^)
The phone in question is the access point and in their botnet you baka. You can't plug jack shit into your phone without them knowing.
I would love to live in the countryside, however it's pretty hard to make money out there if you want to live easy.
>Want to hotspot? too bad, fuck you, 600kbps.
You could root your phone so you can use the native hotspot and get decent speed without them even knowing.
More to do in the city and all my friends live here.
Silicon Valley nu-male coders BTFO.
There are no jobs there and basically zero networking opportunities
>b-but you can work and network online
Im fortunate to live countryside in an area with absurd ammounts of industry leading companys in their branch.
Jobs are plenty and drive to work is 10mins through lonely forests.