Stupid question thread.
Ask your stupid questions here.
>GNU/Linux questions?
>PC building?
>Programming questions?
>Good, cheap, laptops?
>Cheap electronics?
>Windows questions?
fuck off
Stupid question thread.
Ask your stupid questions here.
>GNU/Linux questions?
>PC building?
>Programming questions?
>Good, cheap, laptops?
>Cheap electronics?
>Windows questions?
fuck off
For my networks class our professor tested our home made servers to see if it could handle Dos attacks but I just realized couldnt I just be fucked depending on my cpu? If I had used my old laptop to run the server and set all the sockets to non blocking I still could be successfully dossed right?
Which motherboard maker has the best quality control? I'm beginning to plan for Zen 2 and I don't want Asus trash anywhere near it unless they improve.
Re-asking from old thread >reactjs
const ModalPopup = (props) => {
return (
{close => (
I want to give the children the ability to trigger close on the Popup. How can I do this?
Gigabyte aero 15x or msi gs65. It would be for work because they require me to have a gpu and decent cpu for testing some camera shit.
Also how is the 8750H at VMs?
I'm about to buy a Xeon e3 1270 processor, but the in cpu support list of my motherboard it only list the 1270v2 ivy bridge version.
It should work regardless right? it lists all other sandy bridge Xeons
Yes it is safe, replace thermal paste in the meanwhile, is it oc'd?
it is not oc'd and just replaced the thermal paste, i'm using the stock cooler from my old i5-6500 for now
lower the graphics settings and watch the temps, but yeah, you need a better cooler.
really stupid question here
I've got this program which sorts arrays using 6 different algorithms and then prints the sorting steps. The only problem is the program needs to be formatted better so It's ready for my github, I've also got tons of methods here.
How does one manage the length of programs? When do i know to start a new file? Shoudl I make a file for each algorithm and call from them? I'll get a codeshare up if anyone wants to help me out with some C++.
I'm searching for something like this except it should be from based AMD B350 chipset.
I just cannot find it on AMD official documentation page. I assume it might be an AM4 datasheet. Does anyone know if there is a document like that?
Anybody using foobar know of an extension that provides a song info overlay and shows over a fullscreen game? foo_osd does not.
Just noticed that the old thread's dead. Reposting my question.
So, I have an HD Fire 10 at I'd like to put android on it, so that I can use apks, and not have ads. All the information that I'm finding says that the bootloader still hasn't been unlocked. Which I assume means that I can't put a custom rom on it. Does anyone know what I can do with this fucking thing? I found this guide,
Anybody know of any good books on computer graphics? The /3/ readme isn't much help
How do I know the MAC address for someone that netcutting network in the office? I want to blacklist his address.
Why the fuck does google still censor 4channel blue boards
Is it possible to study for the Security+ exam without other certs or professional experience? I have an opportunity for a job if I can get certified, but all I know how to do is setup routers and printers and build pc's
>complete retard here, so i just upgraded my internet to 400/20, new modem, new router. everything is working fine on all devices except on my 8 year old computer thats barely getting speeds of 10/10. ive tested the computer with both an ethernet cable and a 5 year old wifi adapter (TP-Link TL-WN722N N150) but im still getting those bad speeds. what gives?
Is there some kind of 3rd party tool that can track my daily usage stats for Steam?
Length of time played per day/week/month
Time played per game
Older NICs usually only support 10/100 speed. Gigabit support came later.
See what speeds you're getting in network adapter properties.
Is it possible? Yeah, of course it is.
Will it be easy with no experience? Hell no
You do still need to study. Plenty here will shit on it but just get the A+ to have it on your resume. It's the easiest fucking exam I ever took. If you're the kind of person that reads Jow Forums all day and spends a lot if time around computers, you likely already have a lot of the knowledge it covers.
Long run, it's mostly useless but plenty of entry jobs do like to see it on a resume. Got me my first interviews.
I just picked up a razer deathadder elite on sale. How do I get it to have no lights on without running synapse all the time?
I got a free HD 6450 1GB from work and I wanted to give it to a friend with an i3 and it's 4600 iGPU. Would it be better somehow or should I just save our time and just use it on something without iGPU like a xeon server? I'm planing to build one but I think I don't need a display on that.
Kill the Leds. No more Leds but I guess it's worth it. I got an orbweaver chroma and I think I will kill the Leds as I don't want them killing me inside.
Welp, that's shitty of them. Not gonna do that though, don't want to open it up until a switch goes to shit.
If you're just using basic sorting algorithms, just make 6 functions, one for each algorithm, in a class called CSorting or something. You're over-thinking really simple programming stuff.
What was this for found on early web pages?
i like the google wavenet text to speech. is there a desktop program that lets it read to me?
says 150mbps
Currently have a 1050, 4690k, and 8gigs of ram. Bought components for a new rig for 1440p 144hz gaymen. They're a 2700x, 2070, and 16gigs of ram. Problem is that Fedex lost my ram. I won't get the replacement ram for ~10-15 business days so I'm looking at probably a minimum of 2 weeks until I get them in. Should I just move the old ram over until the new stuff gets in or will that low amount of ram hinder the performance of my new rig?
I just learned about storing members of an objects in such a way that accessing them is more efficient. It involves allocating a block of memory equal to the total size of the member variables and just placing them at offsets, making all the data contiguous; this is fairly straightforward.
While playing around with this idea, I found two ways of getting the size of a struct which leads to my question. Something Interesting I came across on line 14 is that the compiler is able to work out how big the object is at index 0 when there is nothing there. Does it just make an inference based on the pointer type? Also, is there a reason one would use line 14 over line 13 or vice versa?
An extra question, are all pointers 64 bits for 64-bit applications?
That's not an ethernet port.
I bought a modem off of Amazon and it didnt work so they sent me a 2nd one. I forgot to send the 1st one back. It's been like 4 months and I got charged for both.
Can I reach out to their customer service and get a refund for the 1st one if I send it back?
is filezilla botnet
Will my 950 be able to support dual 1440p monitors without shitting itself?
I used a bunch of electrical tape to fix my headset which had a part of it falling off. But I just realized electrical tape might leak trace amounts of BPA or some other plasticizer. The non sticky side of the tape was in contact with my scalp
Have I been microdosing myself with that shit by wearing my headset all the time?
Standard version is. Try
How the fuck are people building in PC cases either with removing all the drive cages or using cases with no drive cases to begin with? Are people storing all their shit in cloud storage or what?
Drive bays are stored behind the motherboard now.
I can no longer use escape, or any of the home/end cluster of keys.
All the keys show a keysym when pressed.
What can cause this?
Toast crumbs and other shit. Pop all the keys off and clean the cat hair out of your keyboard.
Its not a hardware issue, as i said, the keys produce a keysym, if there was a hardware related issue, the key would not generate a keysym when physically pressed donw
>Its not a hardware issue
Have you tried to treat it as a hardware issue yet?
LMAO dumb frog pooped himself hahahahaha
If it was a hardwre issue, at any point, the keys would not generate a keysym. If physicallty depressing and releaseing the key, generates a keysym, it cannot be physically defective.
I think you've got a stuck key.
>stuck key
Again, they all generate keysyms. Furthermore, if it was " a stuck key" why does ESC no longer function? Unless there is some new switch i dont know about that links ESC to the hom/end cluster?
Check with Google how to reset your keyboard settings with your OS. Scan for malware would not hurt either.
Is 35 bucks a fair price for an FX 6300? Would be upgrading from an athlon ii x4.
Is it realistic to start a career in IT without any post-secondary schooling? I've read that eventually you'll hit a ceiling without any form of degree.
Western Digital vs Transcend? (durability)
You guys probably seen a few laptops. At what size/resolution reading have been a most comfortable for you?
I've tried a tiny 11.6" screen for easy carry, but then I always had to enrage everything to 200%, making navigation on pages hard.
Anyone have experience with this or offer a suggestion?
How do you record your phone calls? (Android)
For web pages it depends on the resolution and font size. Also most modern webpages waste a lot of space. 11.6" should be enough.
I returned a monitor the other day because I thought it had an stuck pixel but today I realized my old monitor has the same stuck pixel, is my gpu dying? What causes this?
Try another cable?
You mean signal cable not power cable right? it cant be that since the new monitor was connected via DP and this on via HDMI, I'll try power cable now.
whats the best mail client out there for linux?
anyone's ever used the keyboard on top? I've used the one on the bottom and it is about the best rubberdome I've used yet, need a new keyboard and found the one on top. Is it as good? also that mouse decent?
I meant signal cable. Is it a discrete video card? If so, maybe try removing it and plug the cable to the motherboard.
If I have a sound card installed, does sound quality improve for whatever is plugged into the sound card directly?
If I keep my speakers plugged into the card and my headphones plugged into the front 3.5mm headphone jack will they both have equal sound quality? Or do I need to swap them each time?
I play alot of vidya and I fucking hate swapping my headphones with my speakers every time. Is that why there are those switches or amps that i've seen where you plug your speakers and headphones into it?
What free email provider other than gmail offers option to receive and send mail from external accounts?
I want to aggregate all my fake/burner email accounts into one easily accessible inbox.
Thanks. I'll check this out.
What the fuck is that image?
To reply to your question:
An internal sound was probably a bad choice, it's harder to make those perform well due to the noise inside the case and as a result they're usually more expensive for no real benefit.
If you had the choice again you would be better off buying a cheap but decent desktop DAC + Amp combo which would have a preamp output to powered monitors or you could just have some split output.
The front IO audio is going to be using your motherboard's sound. Unless your soundcard had some pins to plug it into. Even then, if the cable is unshielded you're going to get audible noise on lower impedance headphones.
You can get a passive unswitched splitter or you can probably find something with a switch which you can use to switch between headphones and speakers.
The sizeof operator does not evaluate its operand unless it's a VLA (At least in C, C++ might have some more rules) which means that in this scenario it's equivalent to sizeof *v which gives you the size of the pointed-to type of v.
And I didn't see your second question:
Pointer type sizes are allowed to vary as per the C specification, there's no guarantee that they will match the machine address size or will be the same as other pointer types. There was actually a time in the distant past where machines did have pointer types of varying size but it's not something you see these days. Regardless of this, as it's something the C standard allows for, conforming C implementations do not need to produce meaningful results if you DO make these assumptions so unless you want to spend the time working out what your particular implementation does then it's best not to make these assumptions. In practice making these assumptions is not necessary with properly written idiomatic C and isn't really something you should see when writing "proper" C++ but at the same time most compilers don't take advantage of this part of the standard and any relevant architecture will have pointers which have uniform sizes which match the expected size.
I imagine the above notes on C apply to the C++ standard.
Ex-mining. No warranty Gigabyte Gaming 580 8gb. Not the aorus version. been offered this for £120. Thoughts?
Why isn't there a right-wing version of The Verge? Why are Jow Forums faggots so fucking afraid to voice their opinions/stand up for themselves in the public sphere?
It's not even like The Verge is that reputable of a News agency
Just reinstalled my windows and I can't remember that extension that's used together with Tampermonkey to make custom themes for Jow Forums.
Not that one, there's another one too if I remember right.
I strongly dislike one of the data analysis monkeys at my firm. I've figured out exactly what he does and am writing a program that will do this faster and more accurately so he gets shitcanned. How do I license this such that my firm can use it only so long as they continue to employ me or pay me for it when I leave? I don't want them to be able to modify it, use any of the code, or redistribute it.
Any terminal emulators that compile as a stand alone binary? I'm looking for something portable with no dependencies.
>autist can't play nice with others
>proceeds to ruin some poor guy's career
What is wrong with you?
I think I don't fit well for the programming. Things are very difficult to comprehend, meanwhile everyone here says that CS is one of the easiest curricula out there. Thing is, being a third year of Bachelor's, I won't even come up with explanation of things people learn in HS. No matter how thoroughly and dilligently I study, I am still being doomed going back to square one sooner or later. I am already employed (here you'll be hired if your English is decent, disregarding your poor abilities overall, requirements are kind of low), but the my learning curve is much less steep compared to peers and friends.
I passed everything because my friends were concerned about me. They indeed were hunted by top companies with good salaries, while I think I am doomed to stay junior-level forever.
What should I do?
If you really want to get rid of that coworker, you are going to have to give all rights for that program to your company. Why? Because it is the only way they will adopt it. Oh, and write some good documentation for it.
My x220 is getting hot af during things like watching youtube. Haven't got time/tools to clean it yet but I was wandering about fan speed:
At peak it's 3890 rpm. Is this "normal"? Too slow maybe?
Nevermind, I found it. It's called oneechan
>t. Dylan
Your days are numbered you son of a bitch.
Seriously though, this guy is a total dick. He drank from my fucking coffee cup. Just strolled up and grabbed it off my desk. Had it not been for the laws of this land I would have slaughtered him. Also other things, this is just the most recent. I'm not even ruining his career, just sending him away to be someone else's problem.
Fuck no, that's a deal breaker. I guess I'll need to discuss licensing terms before I proceed. Either way, I need to know exactly what license I'm proposing.
I was pretty sure they'd take it as long as the contract buyout was well under the cost of keeping him (and the three others who do the same thing) around. Why do you say they wouldn't?
>good documentation
Yeah, I've also been keeping it super easy to read module to module. My boss said he wouldn't consider it if he couldn't understand how it worked for security and liability purposes.
Nothing you code is your property, it is property of the company you work for. This is documented in your contract.
Nope, because I was not hired as a programmer. I checked.
Even if you were a contractor, anything you produce for them, is their property, you do not own copyright,trademark or any other rights to the code you produce both while you are on the clock and while at home.
No, you don't understand. It's not in my contract. I was hired, but not as a programmer. Programming was never in my job description.
And every contract since the fucking 80's, anythin you produce,all rights are transferd to the company in which you work for.
Standard fucking compliance in every contract.
You could be a secretary and write a book at work. You dont own any rights to it. It could be a hentai fan fiction, does not change the fact that you produced it.
Being a programmer does not matter, ven on legal books. You are creating a scdipt/program/etc for the company. You dont own anything
>So I downloaded some files from hitfile
>they came to my computer as RAR. files.
>Open them, expecting some sort of media files
>They contain a txt. file.
>Open that and they contain pic related.
What now? Is there some sort of program I need to open it with?
I've got a Oneplus 6T, and I wanted to know what are the best apps to replace the stock apps?
I got the google camera app for extra functionality, but if there is a better app, I wanted to know.
Should I upgrade to android 9? I don't like the idea of having the clock on the left side.
How should I go about making sure my RAM is at the correct speed? I installed some cheap old RAM I got, but I remembered that I never did any sort of testing to make sure it was running properly. The model I have is
>G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)
so does that mean this should say 800/1600 MHz? Maybe my BIOS setting is wrong, I never messed with that either.
Does anyone have a spreadsheet for laptop recommendations?
Is this a good ereader or skip Kobo Clara HD, 6", 8GB, Wi-Fi, ?
>You could be a secretary and write a book at work. You dont own any rights to it.
You're a retard user. You have now confirmed that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Do you think that all authors are fucking full time or someshit?
I'll let you in on a secret: most authors don't make money from their books to support themselves, so they have to work for a company in a "job".
Alright, so I just read my contract (again) and still see absolutely nothing about any of that. I've kept a copy of everything I've signed since college, down to so much as a bloody take out receipt, so if I signed it I would have it. My conclusion is either they made a huge mistake or the world is slightly less terrible and draconian than you imagine. I also can't find any references to it being common practice outside of the tech industry either, but I'll just write that up as me being bad at searching for things online. It seems incredibly odd that nobody working with a title above burger flipper or grocery bagger can sell a post it note drawing without being sued, but that does sound like something the US legal system could produce to me.
user, they do not own everything you write. They likely own every piece of CODE you write at WORK, if you are hired as a programmer, but that is it.
That other user is a fucking dipshit trying to imply that authors cannot have fucking jobs.
>They likely
You might want to look up "work for hire" before you go spouting your fucking mouth off on shit you clearly dont know anything about.
Anything you produce for your company, rights are transfered t othem. This is basic copyright law
one thing is certain, if you are using privileged, inside information of the organization to write such program there is no way you can have complete right over it. I've studied it in a class, its a fucking debate on whose is the intellectual property of stuff created by employees inside a company.