What do I do on Linux after installing it?
What do I do on Linux after installing it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Uninstall it.
unironically, nothing serious.
Anything and everything!
Use it as you would any other operating system
Install Gentoo
Start computing
>What do I do on Linux after installing it?
take off underwear and run everevere
Read this:
And this:
And this:
Install Steam and play games.
>a piece of shit faggot lurks on Jow Forums and asks what to do on linux
kill yourself
Or Skyrim or whatever.
>What do I do on Linux after installing it?
take off undwrwear and run everevere
buy windows 10 and install it!
Linux is just a kernel. Now install some user space programs and have fun ;3
update it
download some theme
shut it down
boot it up again after a few months
shitpost on Jow Forums
Setup a windows VM so you can play games.
What that?
Do everything inside electron apps or browser windows, and the rest in wine.
I think the only native apps I even use are the terminal and music player, very rarely I use the screenshot function and Pinta.
Kinda sad
Literally just use it as if you'd use Mac or Windows.
And then some.
Thanks based user
But I'm not a fucking manchild
rice it and make it your waifu shrine
Why not? What's wrong with you?
Tux racer
hello mr stallman how's your day?
ever thought about hiring a prostitute ?
or has a whore a proprietary vagina?
install emacs
unironically install wine and whatever old windows games you want then use your web browser like you do on windows
Learn English and then learn what his views actually are
install dota 2 and play this good game
He said linux
dota 2 runs natively on linux for years now.
plus it works great with vulkan
Oh, then play Diablo Immortal.
reboot into windows every now and again because that one program you really need doesnt work on linux
why should I ever learn bastardizied German. A German guy is at the top in the US, a German family rules the UK since 500 years. Rather go learn German.
Then you should go to Krautchan, rather than using an English speaking imageboard, retard.
but Germans colonized US and UK so Anglo world can suck Germs. dick. So I will stay
Anglos are Germanic, so that is an odd thing to say.
You can't play games on a bare kernel.
Some people refer to operating systems that use Linux as simply Linux, like Android. It's dumb, but they do it.
epic, simply epic
So, the same stuff you do on Windows?
This is Jow Forums. We shouldn't cater to retards. This is why this board is filled with win10 /v/edditors that are terrified of a terminal prompt
but US ans UK are ruled by German
1. Try to use it as you normally use your computer.
2. Fix the "it just works" problem that come up by searching for solutions.
3. Go to step #1
You'll either give up or accept that the above is all you deserve.
If you want to do something serious.
wipe whole drive and install windows.
Install GNU so you have an OS to go with your kernel.
Someone halp me install Zorin im trying to install it into a partition Also there is no "next" button idk wat to do also im trying to install it on SDA2
Spend the next several years fixing basic functionality and running shit software because nothing worth using in a desktop environment supports Linux.
Search for Windows bugs and laugh at them
change the wallpaper
Write games in C using Vim.
work you way towards using increasing obscure UIs. Posting each step in the desktop threads to jerk your epeen. I came to linux for the ricing internet points, but I stayed for the comfy freedoms
CTRL ALT F2 and hope for the best, muwhahahaha!
>this is what illiterate germanoids actually believe
Wanna tell me Trump isn't a German?
WAnna tell me the current royal British House isn't the house of Windsor which is just some idiot who renamed a split branch from the house of Sachsen Coburg und Gathe which itself stems from the House of Witten of which all three are entirely German families.
So the issue i my screen res im on a laptop itndoesnt detect any fix?
go to all those shady porn sites you've been scared of visiting
>tfw Windows Games run better under Wine than on Windows
fuck joseph "scam artist" smith
hurr durr I talk to god, give me woman and money.
hormones and programming socks
post cute uwu feet on your tranny discord and buy stickers for you laptop
>go to all those shady porn sites you've been scared of visiting
Whats the difference now?
Write your own wifi drivers.
Use it like you would use windows, except without the windows annoyances, but with the linux annoyances.
The websites will be unable to install a virus on your linux box, because they only write viruses for windows.
Don't worry, within a couple hours of installing it (if not within the first couple minutes) you'll have some autistic little issue crop up that'll keep you busy.
>ScreenFetch on reddit
tiling wm, Jow Forums desktop threads, facebook and anime
Rice it, break it, go back to Windows
>masturbate to how much of a leet hacker you are
>pull your hair out because of some retarded issue caused by having your OS be built like a house of cards where all the cards are different sizes and strengths and you don't even know what matches what until you try to put it in place and the people who made it actively avoid trying to make things compatible because leet hackers don't need plug and play
>successfully patch your house of cards back together and masturbate even harder to how much of a leet hacker you are
>find another problem directly caused by the way you fixed the previous problem
>repeat frustration and masturbatory self-congratulation until you realize that the last thing you did on your computer that wasn't related to fixing your operating system was before you installed linux and go back to windows, with nothing to show for it but 5 dozen desktop screenshots
ps while I was writing this a windows disk check finished and the results screen popup stole focus while I was typing, causing me to hit enter and close the dialogue box before I could read it
You're late.
Damn, the MS shills are trying hard in this thread.
Why I have never experienced these problems after almost a decade of using GNU/Linux? But to be fair the Dependency hell is real in some distros, I used to have a lot of dependency problems on Fedora and Debian, I haven't experienced any kind of problems after I moved to arch, 2 years now using it and just werks.
Install emacs and learn Lisp. Or if you’re a faggot you can install Steam and play gaymes.
you are in for a ride:
>where is photoshop
>gnome is slow
>kde is ugly and buggy
>gtk sucks
>muh canonical and redhat kikes
>lol noobuntu
>snap/flatpak is bloated
>arch is a meme
>i3 is reddit
>ricing is for kids
>llnux has no purpose on desktop.
end of the line