Is this true?

After I told my professor that my favorite editor is Vim, he said this:
>An advanced Eclipse user will always be faster than an advanced Vim user
>They'll hire someone else if you say your favorite text editor is Vim
*copies and pastes some code, right clicks and generates getters and setters, clicks between classes*
>If you're having a hard time in my class, you won't be able to do C++, and I bet you can't do what I just did in Vim

My professor is black and this is java enterprise class (3 tier architecture) if that matters

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If you have to ask then yes, what he says is 100% true for you.
It's not actually true, there's nothing stopping you from using Vim or Emacs and autogenerating getters/setters or header guards or C++ templates or Go interface signatures or just about fucking anything you can think of, but if you don't already know that then you *will* be horribly useless with vim in the long run.

Also I forgot to mention, the reason why he responded that way was because I said,
>The hardest part of this class is Eclipse. It's buggy, slow, and 90% of the errors I get are Eclipse's fault
After he said that the hardest part is simply problem solving, although I'm good at it.

Gee, where can I start? All I know is everything from vimtutor and it actually does the job just fine for web development class.

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>generates getters and setters
>your text editor preferences will directly affect your ability to use a language

>An advanced Eclipse user will always be faster than an advanced Vim user
No, not really. Maybe its somewhat the case for the few languages eclipse supports really well, but that requires years of work put into each plugin, and many things you need when you get down to the sum total of text editable files don't have that.
>They'll hire someone else if you say your favorite text editor is Vim
Lel. No.

If they were any good at programming they wouldn't be teaching it. You should have known you were in for a bad time when there's a fucking class called "java enterprise class (3 tier architecture)". This is why CS is considered a meme amongst any scientific or engineering discipline, and even amongst honest CS graduates

He's a college professor because he couldn't leave the bubble of academia, so any job advice he could possibly give you is either 30 years out of date or completely nonfactual.

I would be more worried about being forced to use a language that has so much boilerplate garbage that the ideal editor actually generates most of it for you in advance because of how cumbersome it is to use.

there's your mistake, right there.
but if you have no soul, there's good money to be there.

>>An advanced Eclipse user will always be faster than an advanced Vim user
>>will always be faster

Code creation speed literally does not matter unless you're tasked with writing insane amounts of boilerplate.

>unless you're tasked with writing insane amounts of boilerplate
he's on enterprise java class...

don't try to be nerd and use fucking tools which everyone uses to earn money not dark hacker terminal memes.

Yes, obviously this is the case for large monolithic OOP languages where there is so much boilerplate and setup required for a project as well as intricacies for the most simple thing. But basically untrue for everything else. There is no Java or C# developer I know who doesn't use an IDE for those languages in contrast to sysadmins or web devs who use text editors sometimes.

Which, if doing conventional enterprise Java, you would actually be. That much is not just a diploma mill university meme.

>make mistake of taking programming courses in college
>kept meeting with dean every month to complain about my professor
>continually got marked with zeros because i was accused of cheating in introductory C course because I was using features not covered in class yet
>loops weren't even covered until the 3rd week

In class? Sure. In a real-world enterprise Java dev position? You're likely not gonna be writing all that many greenfield classes.

Yes you are.

How do you maintain an application with 1000's of classes without loosing your oversight?
You bundle (modularize / microservices / whatever you want to call it) related business functionality together, and try to keep it separate from the rest of the application, so people working on one part do not need to know the whole unrelated functionality.

To really keep it separate, you need to at least have all data objects in your module which are needed to do the specific business application. At least those are very likely duplicated at various other places.

As an example, separate account management & contract management. The Person entity with name/address/whatnot is in both modules, duplicated to avoid dependencies. In a large application, you'll likely have multiple modules needing to access the Person object.

>generates getters and setters
not using lombok

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Why is this meme of an IDE still in use when IntelliJ exists?

My professor only uses Vim and it can be tough to keep up. He's pretty young and still works in industry. I've never heard of anyone shitting on Vim as inferior besides Emac users. A competent Vim user will be faster than someone using a standard text editor



who seriously uses eclipse in 2018?
just use intellij if you need handholding...

My thought exactly, but he said that employers favor the engineer that can do the job quickest, so they can pay them less.
Yeah all my classes in college have been a waste of time, but all the job listings require a bachelor's in CS or similar. However I'm not taking CS, I'm taking a major unique to my college that's more programming focused than math focused. It also requires a few networking and computer security courses as prerequisites, but doesn't require calculus or data structures and algorithms. Is my degree, a variant of Computer Information Systems, a meme?
I strongly agree
I hate enterprise but this class is required
It's a lot of boiler plate code, there as much clicking as there is typing in eclipse. This: Trips of truth. I see.
College courses are a meme but the degree helps a lot
Is your professor Luke Smith
My professor says this is what enterprise companies are looking for, although intellij works too

did u called him a nigger?

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>right clicks and generates getters and setters
brainlet prof detected

Yui? More like cutie.