Has CS become a meme degree...

>why are you not getting a job?
If I knew I'd be fixing whatever it is I'm doing wrong.
> no one is contacting you?
I've had lots of interviews, but they never get back with me afterwards. Whenever I would try to contact them, I'd get the generic "we don't know yet, we'll let you know." Sometimes I get a template email months later saying they hired someone else (I still get them occasionally).
> or you are failing technical exams?
I don't think so, I usually feel at least somewhat confident in how I do.
>they dont like you after interview?
Maybe, I'm not a very social person and I know my general lack of social skills gives some people a bad impression of me. But I always try extra hard to act like a normal person during things like interviews.

> Maybe, I'm not a very social person and I know my general lack of social skills gives some people a bad impression of me. But I always try extra hard to act like a normal person during things like interviews.
When they send you back those emails consider asking them for feedback. alternatively find someone who you can do some practice interviews with and they can give you some feedback.

> I don't think so, I usually feel at least somewhat confident in how I do.
Its rare to have one that is ambiguous in my experience... are you finding the solutions or not?

>Can someone get a job nowadays with just a GitHub "portfolio" and contributions to the open source community?
Sort of. You still need functioning projects. The more people that use them, the better. You also need to know people. Don't think you're going to get the job by applying on indeed, or the company website. You wont. If you're going to contribute on GH, find out where the team discusses things, if they do. If they're on IRC, get on there, and start talking to people. Get on linkedin as well. Talk about the shit you're doing.

How is OPs question politically incorrect?

I’m not even a CS major and you’re a fucking idiot. Of course a different field would be “way over your head.” CS is a subfield of math, like physics, so you should have a good mathematical background rather than being an IT monkey. I don’t understand why CS is the one field where no one even knows what it is.

Because most undergraduate CS programs have a focus on programming and software development, leading people to think that CS is just programming or that it means "know everything relating to computers".

Implying that CS and the current educational system are bullshit is pretty much villifying the bases of our society. Since such a realization may threaten the current course of things, it is politically incorrect.