Lets Unionize

Unions protect people in unskilled jobs. If you are hard to replace you don't need a union to protect your interests, as you will already be fairly compensated.

That said, the reality is that union organizations are the modern day equivalent of mobsters charging protection money, only now they do it legally and force corporations to pay into funds that provide benefits to the workers, like a permanent salary for the union's management, and investment funds for them to play with.

>That said, the reality is that union organizations are the modern day equivalent of mobsters charging protection money
This is propaganda with no basis in reality. Especially when corporations spend an absurd amount of time and money trying to strip away any power unions do have.

(good) programmers are underpaid. (shit) programmers are overpaid. not sure a union is a good idea, though standards bodies similar to what civil engineers have would be a good start. we need to purge the garbage from our industry.
There needs to be some basic knowledge and standards for all systems we create for our customers. for normal corporate shit, you should know how to data model, how to do distributed programming and concurrency control... it amazes me the amount of systems I come across that simply do not meet some basic requirements like these.

>hard to replace

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Good programmers are hard to replace, yes. Some h1bs are good programmers and are compensated accordingly

ironically, a lot of programmers are communists

i guess they never read the history of the bourgeois engineers and the bolshevik engineers that replaced them.

t. Union Employee
Employees are a parasite a level above public sector workers. Still terrible, but some of them do real work.

Union employees I mean.

Not many at all actually, which is quite unfortunate, a lot of them buy into full blown anarchy libertarianism.