Decent macbook pro costs $2000+

>why do people spend money on x. I get on perfectly fine with y. I hate people with x and think they're stupid.

More like:
>I hate people with X and think they're stupid, why do people spend money on X
It's not even about the money to a certain extent, it's more about the state of NPCs. We all know that in the end all this complaining won't do jack shit to change their minds and our only hope is their crippling debt that leads to loss of homes, cars and even jobs will someday teach them to make well thought out responsible financial decisions.

>our only hope is their crippling debt that leads to loss of homes, cars and even jobs will someday teach them to make well thought out responsible financial decisions.
Actually, I hope they just off themselves when the end up out on their ass because of a single missed paycheck due to something like a gov shutdown.

you understand that bitching online using a canned arguments with variable placeholders is NPC behavior, right?


True but at least we're consciously aware it won't make a difference. To some degree we're all going to display NPC behavior but being consciously aware whether said behavior actually does anything is the first step to enlightenment about what's really going on around us. I mean of course you see apple products all around you but at the end of the day it's just another credit card payment to most who can't afford them in the first place.

I buy all apple stuff I've ever owned off impulse buyers on like Craigslist. Either that or stolen. But always brand new (or 1 month old with receipt etc). Save so much fucking money. I'd never buy from the actual store