/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

(some shitter with a script killed the old thread)
Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:

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Other urls found in this thread:


(shit OP, forgot this)
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Install Fedora

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why isnt void booting on my t440p, my disk is gpt and i mounted my 512mib boot partiton as /boot/efi
wtf i hate linux now

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About to distro hop over to debian with cinnamon de.

Good choice?

Yeah, I moved the files into a different folder. Of course, though, when the game boots and doesn't find the files where it thinks they should be, it downloads new files. I figured a link would redirect the game to the appropriate folder.
I want my home directory to be MY home, not home to every little life sucking parasite dependency.

I would like to archive twitter profiles with their tweets, reply-chains, likes all intact, and some wordpress and blogger sites just in case they get nuked, for future reading.

but how? I'm on Ubuntu.


Have you updated to Plasma 5.15 yet? Has there been any change that you liked in particular?


search archiveteam.org for the thing you want to archive
for twitter there's twarc, for the blog platforms you'll have to use wget

Where are you coming from?

Check out this. wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface
Obviously you have to work around the lack of systemd but this article helped get things going.

So, I decided last night in a drunken stupor to put Linux on my computer, now I'm running Solus and have no idea what to do with myself or where to go from here. Any suggestions?


what do you want to know?

>search archiveteam.org for the thing you want to archive
Probably apart from using their tools to archive it, also report the URL as worthy of archival by them (usually they use their "warrior" docker / VM images with volunteers).

It can then actually be added to archive.org quite well.

Well, usually you just install software and use it as you please every day?

I don't have instructions for Solus, though.

Full time mint, but in the past I've used ubuntu, and I've messed with manjaro but went back to mint.

Now I've kind of realized that there's no reason I shouldn't be running Debian instead.

What distro(s) run the newest kde plasma the best?

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Gentoo is always good at this.

I want to like KDE Plasma but it is such a messy thing.

I would use XFCE but it doesn't scale to HiDPI monitor (13" 2160p) so I'm stuck with Ubanto which actually does it very well.

serious or meme?

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use tiling window manager they taste pretty good

Serious. Part of Gentoo's team has long worked hard on KDE, they offered packages split into (almost) individual programs when KDE still worked with slightly more than a handful of large sauce files, patched KDE quite a few times, moved KDE ebuilds to newer EAPI when it helped and were influential in making the ebuild's EAPI better. The point is: they mostly did really quite well.

This is also not wrong though. Not much that can go wrong with a tiling WM.

If you don't need ALL of plasma-shell's feature, you can just run KDE software and stuff on the tiling WM as you please.

i'll try it, thanks

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Any distro/DE recommendations for muh new X230?

I wanna try Gentoo with kde and probably Fedora

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I have a laptop with an Intel i5 8250u, 8gb ddr3, nvidia mx150 and 256gb SSD + 1TB hdd.

What distro/DE should I use? I've never used linux before. I'm probably gonna dual boot it with w10 ltsc for gaymes (linux on ssd/w10 on hdd). I want something as easy to use and maintain as windows (not necessarily looking like it).

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Use Devuan instead

how do I add apt sources to sources.list?
can I open sources.list in vim and edit the file to add sources?

well if you move 4 folders out of your home, but still want them accessible from your home, you need to make a symlink for each folder, so either way, it will still be 4 files in your home folder

Yeah, I guess I'm retarded.

sources.list is a plain text file. Just add new lines to it using any text editor.

Yeah I figured it out, thanks.

Check out ubuntu and variants (kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu-mate etc) and openSuse

Which do you recommend specifically? I want to use it as my daily driver

Ubuntu is one of which works out of the box the best imho. (Not the you talked with).

Meaning, if you don't want hobby out of OS, try it first. If you want hobby out of OS, try Gentoo

Distro probably isn't relevant to you as a new user.
The "important" thing to figure out is what desktop you want.
Ubuntu have made it very easy to try them all out, simply download an iso with ubuntu-mate, gnome (the default), kde, xfce and boot into them and play around to see if you like that sort of thing.
I personally like kde as it offers the best graphical frontends plus the most features for people like me who want to use the keyboard all the time.
But form your own opinion.

What's the difference between DE's other than visuals (which can be customized anyway) and the use of resources?

Either go with elementaryOS, Linux Mint Cinnamon or Kubuntu imo

>elementaryOS is an ubuntu-based distro made to look and feel like macOS
>Mint is the currently most popular newbie friendly distro, based on ubuntu (which is based on debian), cinnamon desktop is very similar to windows and should be easy for you to understand
>Ubuntu is the mother of all non-free newbie-friendly proprietary loving distros, kubuntu is just ubuntu with KDE desktop environment which is another windows-like gui experience

No matter what you install, you can change the look and feel by installing another desktop environment and window manager. Starting with any of these will get you familiar with dpkg which means you can eventually move on to Debian if you like (what I did).

Also, do the smart thing and just install the iso's and try them out in a VM or create a live install boot usb. Most of these distros have live installations which let you play around with the distro to get a feel for it before you install it.

Have fun.

DE is everything you see on the frontend basically. Some people forgo a DE and just use a window manager (like i3). Many DE's like KDE and Cinnamon are theme-able and allow you to easily customize icons, ui colors etc.

So, if you've seen someone's i3 rice for example, you don't have to be running Arch to do that. You can run that on Ubuntu or Mint if you wanted to.

>the use of resources
what do you mean?

I'm trying to dual boot MacOS and Gentoo on a mid-2012 Macbook Pro

Anybody got any advice? I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the guides I found

if you're feeling overwhelemed, fuck gentoo and just learn linux basics on something like ubuntu

Neon was basically designed for this

That's not a bad idea, I'm ok with Linux in general, I've run some VMs and I have a spare PC I use as a server box, but I'm just a bit confused by the way bootloaders are handled in Macs, because I don't know anything about the EFI in macs

I need a laptop that's small. As small as I can get while having a good screen. All I need it to do is watch videos and browse the internet. Going to use Manjaro on it. Budget is 150$-200$.
Any recommendations?

Is there a way to run a package manager on a LFS system?

I am looking forward to create my own, because they are very platform-specific, but maybe there is already a highly-customizable package manager.

A second hand thinkpad of some sort, and slap an SSD in here.
>Going to use 'Arch for babies' on it
Just use Arch.

>what do you mean?
I mean the ram & cpu usage. Some DE's are considered light whereas others heavy, etc.

I am still new to Vim and Plugins for it.. What would you recommend to make it more like an IDE?

Elementary OS is great for newcomers.
I use it being quite experienced because I don't care about customizing the visuals and need stability.

How does it compare to Ubuntu
t. retard who just reads pdfs or watches YT with laptop

Personally I think it looks better than ubuntu. Its a bit lighter on the resources and I prefer the programs that it comes with.
It also comes with less random programs so you can install just what you need.
That said it's less customizable, some people don't like that but if you enjoy the desktop experience as is, it also means less stuff will break.
Honestly, you can live boot all of these and try them before installing.
I'd get them both and run them once to see what you like better.

I have an Asus laptop that runs Ubuntu. Now I want to get a docking station, is there anything I need to consider? How well do docking stations work with GNU/Linux?

I have Dell XPS and Dell's docking station and it works great. So I can't advice you on Asus and random dock lol

I want to get into linux but i don't know if all my games would work on it what do you think

stop being a manchild who plays, problem solved

Check this site: appdb.winehq.org
You can look up how well some games run.


Can someone brainpill me.

How can something be 'closed' code
How can it not be opened and reverse-engineered?

Yes, you can set up dpkg with your own .deb packages for example.
You can add extra data to the packages that
-prevent installation on other dpkg based systems to avoid problems (using a pre-install script)
-prevent installation of other systems' deb packages on yours.

Welp, after half a year of using Arch Linux, I am putting it down. I worked hard on ricing it out, getting things working and customizing it how I wanted.
The hard reality is that Linux does not run games well. YES, it does run the games. I can technically play most of the games I want to play. But there are some games, like Guild Wars 2 for example, that simply don't run smoothly at all.
I can still use Vim in windows. So its not that bad. I will have to rely on my mouse more but its not a big deal.
Its like arguing between QWERTY and Dvorak. Yes Dvorak is better but it is impossible for you to avoid the universal influence of QWERTY no matter how hard you try.
So I will stop wasting my time on Linux. Disappointed but I have to move on.


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closed source means that the author doesn't give you the original, human readable source code of the program.
Disassembly is possible but usually a violation of the program's EULA and you can get into legal trouble for doing it. Code resulting from disassembly is not the original source.

> Disassembly is possible but usually a violation of the program's EULA and you can get into legal trouble for doing it

But I can disassemble my car and not get into legal trouble. IP rights are silly in computer space.
> the original, human readable source code
So the program runs on scrambled (crypted?) code unless you can create de-scrambler to find the real code?

just play online chess or go

>But I can disassemble my car and not get into legal trouble.
Stop being retarded man, don't compare a fucking car to software.
Also, in case you didn't notice we are heading to this direction when using a car will require an EULA, cars will be licensed and not sold and if you open your fusebox without a Official VW Silver Grade Mechanic License (TM) you will get sued.

>So the program runs on scrambled (crypted?) code unless you can create de-scrambler to find the real code?
Know what, nevermind.

I said I need brainpill my dude I'm retarded sorry

I have similar feelings although I've never used linux. I've been trying out various distros in vm's but they all seem more trouble than their worth. What benefits does Linux have compared to Win 10 LTSC?

If I use a linux distro (kali) from my usb as a liveboot, will I be able to save data to itand basically just use it as a VM, or do I have to have virtualbox or something else installed?

Open and Closed is brainwashing terminology. Think of Free Software as in Free as in Freedom and you get the idea that free source code has certain freedoms, which include source code availability, obviously.

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I'm pretty new to herbstluftwm and I'm a bash brainlet, sadly. I've scripted before, but most of it has just been piping commands into other commands, regex, etc. Nothing with arrays.

My current goal is to just have a new scratchpad(like the one from the example), that contains every popup. As soon as a popup appears, that tag(called dialog) is focused. I've got the rules set up in herbstlfutwm autostart, something that listens for the hook, BUT it's not always working. I actually can't tell what I do, but at some point, it just works and the popup appears on the tag dialog AND gets focused.
This is the relevant scripts. I've asked on the irc but I dont think anyone knew what was going on. Anyone uses a similar script or something else to get decent popups instead of 10px taking up half your screen?

debian is a meh choice and cinnamon is a bad choice but you ought to see for yourself I suppose

Would it be bad to run a cron that sends SIGCONT to my wm every minute? Sometimes it freezes and that unfreezes it but I need to go to another tty and send SIGCONT to it whenever it happens
Also it's a ThinkPad so would this drain the battery?

Benefits are customization and no bloat. These are great benefits, but the cost is lower video game performance.

Once a minute isn't so fast it'll drain the battery noticably.

Most of the time live usbs are read-only. You can install directly to a usb, but it'll be really slow to use.

Programmers write code
Compilers convert code into machine language
Closed-source programs come with only machine language and not the original program, and (often) make it illegal to reverse-engineer the machine code.

And there won't be any other side effects of flooding it with sigconts?

I don't think so. But if it freezes, do you really want to wait up to 1 minute before it gets continued? That seems a long time. Might be better to just find a WM that doesn't freeze so often.

Install GNU on baremetal.

Easy solution:
A Windows machine as "game console" that can do it's occasional hour-long updates and virus infestations and shit. If Microsoft or someone else adds another privacy invasive botnet layer or fucks everything up again, it'll not necessarily matter TOO much to you.

A Linux machine for everyday use and programming and work in general. Far more trustworthy, long-term maintainable, useful.

> they all seem more trouble than their worth
IDK how you use computers. Maybe you're literally better off with Android if you need virtually nothing more than something that launches a web browser.

I suppose so, although 1 minute would be the worst case scenario if it freezes on exactly the :00 mark
It's just i3 though with no DE, I don't understand why it freezes, I think it's a compton issue

>install KDE neon
>it's now claiming to be regular Ubuntu

is there a way to change the identification? I know it's based on Ubuntu but I really hate the name of it

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>babby installs ubuntu
>b-but I don't want it to SAY it's ubuntu!

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I cucked myself out of being able to use sudo by using the same name for my user as the system. Any other retard traps I should know before I go much further?


You tried to name your user root?

why yes; I don't like it. If I wanted to a big Ubuntu at boot i'd just install Ubuntu with KDE

>guild wars 2 doesn't run smoothly
Well there's your problem right there. Arenanet lost all their old devs and are working with legacy shit the don't know how to fix.

I anally gimped myself, that honestly any diffrent you cumguzzler?

>KDE neon

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>Go to install manjaro
>Get to partitions
>Can't do anything
>Only option is to manually partition
>No matter what I do I cannot select 'next'
What did they mean by this?

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>200GB+ boot partitition

try revert changes or format the drive before installing

>Funny GNU/Linux Thread

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>Formatting it before install completely fixed it
Thanks, I'm retarded. I shouldn't be doing this as tired as I am.

>file system: NTFS

And it is to be used as /boot.

WTF, format that shit and define a / partition at least.


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>even "people" like THIS are switching to GNU/Linux
man, microsoft really fucked up didn't they

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This is gonna sound insensitive, but why do you have to play all those specific games? Can't you just play games that run well? Maybe even games you weren't playing before? You could probably even replace games with watching movies or TV. It's weird how attached people get to very specific things. I think it's best to distance yourself from proprietary games because of all the issues that come with them. If you want to try some libre games, I recommend minetest and xonotic. There are also a bunch of roguelikes, but not everyone is into those. nethack and dungeon crawl stone soup are good.

Are you sure it's freezing or is it just the mouse cursor changing? If you start programs with "exec" instead of "exec --no-startup-id" it has an hour glass for up to a minute I believe.

Gaming in GNU is extremely pleasing when you discover /vr/ emulation. The olden days when games were actually hard, satisfying and great - and proprietary software wasn't equal surveillance capitalism malware as today.
Get Retroarch.

not him, but i can sympathize with wanting to play specific games
i don't play games often anymore, and so it takes something really unique to to get my attention
yes, there's plenty of older games which i want to play at some point and i'll totally get around to them eventually maybe oh shit it's been 20 years already haha.
ah yea, it's nice to be able to try out that neat new indie 3D platformer, some games can't be replaced