The big boys don't care, as long as you hit your targets and don't cause MAJOR disturbances/complaints.
I wouldnt advise anyone to ever do it, not even as a "job on the side". You are monitored from the moment you clock in, untill the moment you clock out. While on the clock there are dozens of statusses you can select depending on what you are doing; available for call, making an outbound call, wrapping up the call, a status for logging the call, writing a file to the archive after a call, statusses for getting coffee, eating lunch, going to the toilet, being coached, coaching yourself, being coached AS a coach, are you sitting on your left ass cheeck or your right, are your legs crossed, is your headset mic on the left or right....
and all of it is timed, and at the end of every week or month (depended on the company) we would go through those numbers with a floormanager; "You spend X seconds on average too long on call wrap ups, your AHT is really good though, we noticed your toiletbreaks are more than usual this week, are you not feeling well?"
Then a call monitor, where they listen back to one of your calls and give you feedback; "Despite him yelling at you for an entire 5 minutes non stop and threating to find you and strangle you to death on a phonecable we feel like you could have empathized more with the customer here".
and no breaks, no time to gather your thoughts other than your brief lunch and coffeebreak. You end a call, the next one starts, doesn't matter if you just had an exhasuting 45 minute talk with someone, straight into the next call you go.
Now you know what we are doing when we put you on hold, we don't need to look up shit at all, we're just taking a breather so we don't feel like blowing our brains out at the end of the day.