Oh no no no no no no

>factor in


Attached: 1559546615064.jpg (277x277, 17K)

STFU pedo

its ok user, they used inferior memory because they had issues with getting their flareX running at 3200CL14

realistic latency is around 56NS

>muh 7 nanometers
>muh superior chink manufacturers
>muh cores
>muh chiplets
>muh better yields
>muh major performance increase
>muh wait for Ryzen 3 to upgrade your PC
>muh Intel is struggling to keep up

>Muh Intel

Habían puesto que iban dar seguimiento con la x570, ¿qué pasó con eso?
That result is extremely sus. A big regression over previous gen feels very weird to me especially with the cache gains. Either AMD fucked up or the reviewer is just pulling shit out of the ass.

it's a lateral move where you are smoke screened with more cores

>MUH Latency
>does not take into account the fact that it outpaces last gen's 8-core variant in gaming benchmarks, with a gimped BIOS.
>$200 vs $500 CPU
this level of cope is over 9900K!

>beta bios
>unoptimal RAM for Zen2
>surprised at high latency