brain hack is technology.
Brain hack
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Fuck off, junkie. This is a Christian straight edge board.
Up next: consuming sub-perceptual doses of heroin to aid with relaxation
stay dumb 85iq alabama man.
Can't wait for the future, where you take psychadelics for 15 years so you work better, only to be dropped by your employer the mement the permanent destruction of your brain by the drugs is greater than the temporary boost they give you.
Enjoy selling your body for 15 years for an average wage only to end up as an unemployed vegetable for the remainder of your life. People who refuse to do this won't even be employable at all.
Oy vey.
Even if you achieve things because of microdosing LSD or taking ADD or Modafinil, it still was not you out of own power who accomplished it but you on drugs.
So how do the vegetables continue to live? Early retirement? Who is going to pay for it if people only for 15 years?
I never said the rest of their life is going to be long.
be a good sheep, drug yourself to generate more money for (((me)))
Protip: there are far better drugs to microdose than LSD.
LSD was one of the few usable synthetic psychedelics from the 30s and 40s.
Since then there have been discovered hundreds, if not thousands, of usable synthetic psychedelics. They have a wide range of effects and I am quite sure that there are ones more suitable to running a business, probably safer ones too. Not to mention, that for harm reduction you might want to cycle drugs so you don't overstress specific pathways in the body.
Nobody will agree to that. Especially if they are on a performance enhancing drugs. They will be riots and general shitstorm. Too brute force and too crude to manipulate the masses.
be a good goy dont ever use drugs to enhance your mental and physical performance, just use the poisonous drugs that are legally prescribable.
alright psychedelic druggies give it to me straight. what is it like to microdose? i only have a bit of weed knowledge at that.
good for me-on-drugs. It's still me that gets paid for that later. Also, you missed caffeine
>there exist worse shit than what I'm taking therfore I'm not a junkie degenerate
Yeah. Just like when the masses rioted that they'd have to pay a thousand dollars every couple of years to buy a surveillance device that is used against them every day... or when wages dropped dramatically despite massively increased productivity...
enjoy your illnesses as trade-off
isn't this just homeopathy for nerds
> $current_year
> choosing to live past 35
Depends on the drug.
I'm not going to say specifics because i guess it could be incriminating somehow,
but, I've microdosed some drugs that worked as better antidepressants than prescriptions with less side effects, and I've microdosed drugs that increase serotonin enough that I transform into a very socially dominant person. I've also used ones that make me more creative and more capable of performing at my maximum, and/or make me feel more like a child in the sense that my minor aches and pains go away and I don't feel strained using my body to it's fullest.
What people here don't seem to get about psychedelics is that you can't just take them every day, no matter if its a high or low dose, they stop working completely quite quickly. It's more like: have a big presentation? under a time crunch? use a dose that will improve your performance slightly but not make you tripped out and wont cause a crash. It's like caffeine but better I guess
Psychedelic drugs can cause permanent positive changes, and can at least increase brain plasticity. Think of them sort of like steroids for the brain. Dangerous for sure, but under the right circumstance could be very helpful if not life saving. Psychedelics have been used to cure PTSD, and other traumatic brain problems. Your argument is essentially like, "blood-letting was bad so lets not do blood transfusions"
Do those masses die after using the surveillance devises? No, they get entertained . It is suited for manipulation, drugging people while their family members die from the same shit is too in-your-face.
It's like your normal everyday experience. With one distinct difference, it's like basking your brain in a warm sun beam or wrapped in a warm blanket.
>shill deleted thread because people tore his dumb shit apart
Ok thanks have a nice day
You're right, I guess this concept needs more work before it can be acceptable to the population.
Well, no need to think about that now: The normies don't know yet that this stuff destroys their brain cells: You just have to sell it to them as miracle pills that make them smarter, like OP does. Nobody cares about long term profits anymore anyway, since companies are now lead by company hopping bean counters who implement measures that give a massive short term boost and then leave for the next company to do this in before the company goes down from the long term effect of those terrible measures.
It will be the same for those drugs. What comes after? Who cares.
I bet you fall for weed oil too, OP.
From what I've read the "plasticity" effect lasts about a year after a moderate positive trip and subseqeunt doses have less and less of an effect.
It's a great tool for assisted therapy but...making hard claims about permanence? I suggest you check your head
He's right sobriety is the only way to live life you degenerate fuck
Reminder for people using the internet to talk shit on LSD:
"computers are the new LSD" --Timothy Leary
Don't forget: LSD was used as a mind control agent during research into new weapons of warfare. Timothy Leary had many ties to the CIA and likely participated as part of MKULTRA or similar programs.
Computers, smart phones, the internet (and smart devices/homes) are all a far greater tool of mind control than psychedelics ever were. So get over your ideas about psychedelics, you're several steps behind the game. The truth is that they couldn't control psychedelics the way they can control the internet. But in a controlled environment you can use the effects of psychedelics to shape yourself into the person you want to be, just don't fall for old hippy bullshit "wisdom" about it all because all those hippies were brainwashed by the CIA or KGB. Think I'm schizophrenic? Go look up this stuff, most of it's declassified now. The conclusions I make are not a large jump at all.
>"it's true, go look it up"
>provides no source
Every time
Don't forget the part where he quite literally states that he jumped to conclusions.
>made the same fucking thread 5 minutes later
lmao seek help
One interesting book about mind control with LDS is Dr. John Cunningham Lilly's book "Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer: Theory and Experiments".
Try to find the version with the "Theory and Experiments" subtitle; the experiments were removed from later editions. It focuses more on self-help, using the results of his military brainwashing research to explain how you can remove or change undesirable parts of your "self program".
If you chose to try it out; remember Dr. Lilly's ultimate fate; believing that dolphins served as a "Earth Coincidence Control Office" (or ECCO (and now you know why that game was so bizarre)) on behalf of aliens that were observing us, and dedicating his life to a rather intimate form of dolphin/human interaction.
>le drugs haha amirite
are you 18 or just stupid?
It's said by therapists that it takes 3 weeks to make a habit and a few days to break a habit.
I would assume it takes several days of brainwashing for LSD to rewrite behavior at a minimum, and someone with a strong ego can still simply ignore the instruction
That's a pretty solid guide you posted OP
>microsoldering is brain soldering.
I've tried several but new to microdosing... what are your favorites?
What are these other drugs?
Duuuuuuddeee weeeeed
I'm smart because unlike some other people i do drugs hurr durr
Imagine drugging yourself to cope with being a wagecuck
are nootropics a meme? what are some good ones for beginners that won't turn me autistic or something
>Not skipping first step of microdosing and going full dose of heroin to veins
Not gonna make it, kiddo
And? It's not really you who typed that post it's actually you after eating food and sleeping. The true you (who doesn't eat or sleep) would never have written that post.
How did placebo dosing become so trendy?
Why do you think it's placebo?
It's the drugs.
Just like the adderall thing in us, oh wait
Just like the oxycontin thing in us, oh wait
Don't use adderall or anything that directly affects your dopamine levels.
The only useful drugs are ecstasy and viagra. Make a girl take them both and watch her hump the carpet.
>Even if you achieve things because you eat food, it was still not you out of own power who accomplished it but you fed.
What are you even trying to push, ethics, religion? Unfair towards others?
On the other hand at least with moda you're kind of borrowing resources from your future self, you can't go on forever like that. But I don't see shame in doing it if you organize it well.
Neither of them. I just could not arrange it with my pride that it hasn't been me without enhancement who accomplished things.
Also, will I have to take then, whenever there is some struggle in life, a pill? Why not instead better myself to get work and life done without the help of enhancing drugs?
What do you consider an enhancing drug?
Does coffee count? Why not?
If everybody took modafinil daily, would it change your view?
Why does taking some molecules into your body discredit any of your work?
>Enjoy selling your body for 15 years for an average wage only to end up as an unemployed vegetable for the remainder of your life.
So no difference between this and current military and other dangerous jobs.
Yes. Stop using vitamins. Stop drinking coffe or tea. Hell, stop eating. You don't need outside chemicals to achive!
it works
t. codeine chad
1) Modafinil, ADD and such. Those are actually misused since Modafinil is against the sleepers disease and ADD against ADHD.
2) I wouldn't count coffee in since it does not change the state of mind.
3) No, it wouldn't, since I do not care what others do. I just spoke for myself.
4) It would not discredit the work as itself, but my view upon myself.
And arguments like that are just plain retarded.
Yeah I can't help but agree with this. Microdosing sounds like a great way to slowly kill your brain, develop an addiction and fuck your life up nice and early.
>bro your brain produces psychedelics they're completely natural
>*runs around the middle of the highway in nothing but his underwear shouting about aliens/the CIA*
>He isn't macro dosing datura whenever he enters the lab
1) So what?
2) yes it does, it's just less potent
3) if you say so
4) mkay
Your negative view on drugs is a socially programmed concept. If there wasn't such propaganda against them, you wouldn't even label them with a huge blanket. You'd look OK Modafinil has these benefits and these are side effects. That's it. This whole moral superiority stance is ridiculous if you think about it rationally. In your view it's like cheating when actually it's just an extra button in the game which let's you borrow energy from your future self.
based and daturapodded
>exposing yourself to barely known substances of questionable purity and source in the hopes of being a better slave to your master
cringe desu
Inb4 caffeine: no, i don't
Transcanial direct current simulation
I did this until I went psychotic. Lost my job and spent 2 months in hospital.
It creeps up on ya...
LSD opens a gateway for demons to whisper into your ear so that you can bring about the end of man.