Brain hack

Yeah I can't help but agree with this. Microdosing sounds like a great way to slowly kill your brain, develop an addiction and fuck your life up nice and early.

>bro your brain produces psychedelics they're completely natural
>*runs around the middle of the highway in nothing but his underwear shouting about aliens/the CIA*

>He isn't macro dosing datura whenever he enters the lab

Attached: 1559340632755.png (213x286, 5K)

1) So what?
2) yes it does, it's just less potent
3) if you say so
4) mkay

Your negative view on drugs is a socially programmed concept. If there wasn't such propaganda against them, you wouldn't even label them with a huge blanket. You'd look OK Modafinil has these benefits and these are side effects. That's it. This whole moral superiority stance is ridiculous if you think about it rationally. In your view it's like cheating when actually it's just an extra button in the game which let's you borrow energy from your future self.

based and daturapodded


>exposing yourself to barely known substances of questionable purity and source in the hopes of being a better slave to your master
cringe desu
Inb4 caffeine: no, i don't

Transcanial direct current simulation

I did this until I went psychotic. Lost my job and spent 2 months in hospital.

It creeps up on ya...

LSD opens a gateway for demons to whisper into your ear so that you can bring about the end of man.