>extremely specific hardware problem that defies reason but I swear ON MY LIFE happens
>look up a forum thread with other users who have THE EXACT SAME HARDWARE PROBLEM
>moderator replies with a totally unhelpful "solution" that boils down to the basic IT shit (turn off your device and turn it back on again, and remember, we're ALWAYS doing our best to ensure a positive user experience ;)
>he locks the thread
Look up a very specific problem
Or they hit you with that
>For future reference, Google is your friend :^)
It's a very valid question. I can't count the amount of times I've seen retards do something incredibly dumb for something very simple.
lol dude just reformat your computer
Cool, only you're posting on a support forum where you're expected to provide supportive answers, not shake down the OP on his user case you fucking shitstain
This is by far the worst variation
>searching solutions to a problem
>find a forum post asking my exact question
>first response is by moderator
>This question has already been asked
>Use the search next time
>Thread closed
>Go to the search box to find the answer
>Search is only available to registered members
>exit site and try to use my search engine to search the question by domain
>there's nothing
>fuck it i'll go back and register to use their search box
>Registration has been disabled
>Please contact the administrator
>Admin hasn't been active in years
>Contact link doesn't work
>Thread with issue you're having
>Recent reply
>Just necropost saying "I'm having this problem too." and a mod replying "Hey plox no necro xD"