/csg/ - Chink Shit General - Emergency edition

Where are getting those?

GSLEBDI ==> $222 - 22

I want to buy a desktop cnc from chinks but i am kind of scared.
It costs about $380 and i am not scared of getting scammed, since i have the money back guarantee plus there are lots of rewievs, but i am scared of the possibility where i will have to get on my knees and deepthroat DHL's meaty throbbing cock.
With tax the cnc will cost about $470 and DHL will charge me $25 handling fee, but i read horror stories of people who got slapped with massive prices out of nowhere from DHL and ended up paying absolutely riddiculous amounts.
For example if chink doesn't specify shipping costs on the package the DHL calculate the tax from the shipping cost you would pay if you sent that package back to the chinks, and if chinks pays $50 shipping, that means for me it would be at least $500, so that would be extra $120 out of thin fucking air
I literally starved myself for a month to be able to afford this machine and if DHL tries to rape me like that i will be asbolutely fucked

It says invalid code

any anons know a good SBC that has gigabit ethernet? orangepi zero doesnt have gigabit and i want something cheap to use for a small home fileserver

how can I screw the chinese so I get my money back? I'll probably have to pay import fees so I want my money back

Shill user is back


To answer some questions on previous tread. About Tronsmart Element Force

>>How do I know if this shit will actually ship and I won't be CUSTOMS'd even though I'm in EU.

They have EU warehouse and usually, well in my experience I haven't been customed for small things like this

Attached: isis-kids-1.jpg (634x351, 60K)

baste and redpilled


Are the SHP9500s on ali genuine?
Theyre all around £60 right now