Why don't we build in classical styles anymore Jow Forums ?

Because modern architects are autistic

Extremely inefficient compared to modern industrial standards
pic related is before and after modernization

Attached: Frederiksplein.png (662x792, 897K)

>Why don't we build in classical styles anymore Jow Forums ?

because it's being replaced by modern architecture.
gothic architecture was the old church ways and white man's architecture.

Attached: modern architecture.jpg (2472x2008, 2.93M)

Because western civilization has lost it's soul. It's spirituality. Architecture is a reflection of a nations spirit. As you can see, creativity has been pushed aside for uninspiring husks that represent the society it resides in.

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Don’t think they even know how to anymore

Look up the definition of classic

>my manifesto
So which will it be, mosque, girls or classic high school?

Went to Prague, had this one disgusting looking modern building completely shoehorned in. Absolute eyesore, especially during the day

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Because our culture has shifted, its reflected in our architecture. No longer is it necessary for people to be great, now its all about being mediocre and unique.

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Structural steel.