I want Spanish boyfriend. Are they racist?
I want Spanish boyfriend. Are they racist?
Spanish men seem to be attracted to Slavic, Germanic and non-black South American women, but do not pay much attention to East Asian, Muslim or black women; that's my impression.
that is the gayest uniform I have ever seen
I'm not a girl
halitosis bomb done right
nothing gay in that pic
spaniards are subhumans
yes, specifically against gay little thai boys
Nah, it's pretty gay, man. Pic related is what a military uniform should look like.
>that collar
>half open shirt
>soldiers allowed to have beards
>that little pom pom hanging at the top
>buffed dudes
>T. manlet, dicklet, slanty eye, virgin hikikomori soyboy incapable of nothing but to play videogames, jacking off and shitposting
Also yes, that uniform can look pretty gay
Stfu krautnigger and go prep your girlfriend for ahmed
Gays are the manliest men. The rest are fags
we're not
>Being so manly that the only thing that provokes arousal in oneself is subduing other men to bow their asses for you
Ah yes the peak of manliness
this makes the average soyboy feel uncomfortable
Franco was a homosexual man
no u
Trap then?
What? Are you afraid of masculine muscles?
Soyboy detected
It depends, girls mostly are leftists, the guys like those in the pic care about race and can be racist but if you're pretty etc they can fall in love for you, just like every man
mediterranean stallions gang, here we come bros
They are sexual deviants be careful
the virgin g*rm microaggression vs the chad MED sexual attendance
>being this soy
I like this word. Sounds powerful and not dehumanizing unlike bull.
You aren't speaking for yourself
They're expressing their masculinity you double fag.