I can't understand why foreigners always dream of Finland and our snow

I can't understand why foreigners always dream of Finland and our snow.

It's 4/2 and there's yet another snowstorm. No spring in sight. We get an inch of snow per hour.
The thing about snow is that it never snows just a little, there's no calm and quiet snowfall. Like you would see in those cozy postcards from Lapland. It either doesn't snow or it's a full-on snowstorm. Snow only comes in storms. That means you can't go out and buy candy and soda while you play Overwatch. You just have to drink water and wait it out.

You guys dream of living in Finland, all I dream of is moving out.

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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Snow Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The 60th Parallel Like Nigga Move South

Stfu faggot this snow will last literally one day. I was cycling outside when it was -10

Very nice

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Iktf bro. Ten years ago winter (snow) lasted from October to February. Now it goes from late December to fucking June. I'm sick of this! Summer is gonna be really cold this year.

I live in the south by the way.

post a pic

Sounds great, op. Why you crying? You lucky af.

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>I was cycling outside when it was -10

Get to my level, I don't own a car so I ride a bicycle every single day of the year, even if it's -25.

nobody dreams of finland except for Jow Forums autists and muh pale blondes shitskins from reddit


You literally have the best climate in the universe, so fuck you.

>Now it goes from late December to fucking June.

This. For some reason Finnish winters last till summer these days. Last year we had snow in May.
It's depressing.

>You literally have the best climate in the universe, so fuck you.
but they have big spiders and nasty ass animals, fuck that. African climate > Australian climate

I live in the south.

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>You guys dream of living in Finland

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It is a known fact that Finland is the country everyone loves more than their own

Post more pics please

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>Happiness report: Finland is world's 'happiest country' - UN

Spring is finally here

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nigga, if I want snow I just would drive to the closest mountains

What else would you expect from retarded memers? There's nothing comfy about snow unless you literally never ever leave your home at all.

we also had snow two days ago
calm down, Kimi

>go out thinkin it's gonna be a beautiful day

>Finland says nope

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Know that feel desu
>be me
>black guy from Brazil
>stuck in Germany because of work and gf not wanting to leave

It's going to be up to 10C this week in the metro area. What the fuck are you crying about?

yeah temprary, next week again is promised more -10 celsius

I'm with you, snow can fuck off. The cold is good but if it's below zero, an hero.

Be like Varg and become a caveman in the warm weather of France.

bet you would love some BFC fucking your women pierre

>buy candy, soda and play overwatch
No wonder Europe is falling apart

How's weather relevant when I stay inside all the time?

Spring is here for us haha get wrecked.

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Silence southroid subhuman

>I can't understand why foreigners always dream of Finland and our snow.

yeah who does this?

who the hell thinks about finland?

basicly everyone, like you just did

>It's 4/2
Are you really that cucked to use the american notation?

Americans are so dumb and ignorant that they literally won't understand you if you don't use their notation and anti metric system.

So you kinda have to play by their rules.

I love snow, I would live somewhere snowing all the time if i had the money

Actually, pretty accurate.

Spring has come
Too hot today