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International #877
On this day, 69 years ago, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was founded
Czech pornstars look like THIS?
/fr/ - le francofil
A foodstuff which most of men in your cunt dislike
1. cunt
How do I move to Helsinki, Finland?
What would you say her ethnicity is?
Why is Poland so modern? Where did they get the money to renovate every eibfle building ib country...
China announces new tariffs on soy
Do you want to find love in Japan with a hipster girl?
1. Your country
Do Americans love France? I hope they like us
I never seen a muslim in my life
Tfw not living in an homogenous society
/deutsch/ 87 bitte 14...Feierabend!-Ausgabe
NOBODY can explain what happened here
What's a country in Europe that's not shit/going to be shit...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do Germans do this?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Was the USSR a bad thing? What did eastern european and central asian countries and Russia benefit from the USSR...
Remember when based POLISH man was a pope and did not do shit like this devil Francis do?
What do you think about Yasuke, the black samurai of Japan?
Are old Americans sad that brown people ruined their country?
Daily reminder that tomato is a new word fruit given by us amerindians to you pale faces
If you had to live in one African country which would you pick?
What's your favorite city in your country?
Galiza is Portugal
And its beautiful
Do you want to find love?
Are they great again?
Post your desk
I literally cannot take it anymore
Are white people just vampires in denial?
Why do racisters come to this board to be racist? don't they have Jow Forums?
Tell me about Nordic Somalis
What would you say her ethnicity is?
Hello, I'd like to kill the Tzar and his family...
Which country is most like britain? i think its australia
Jow Forums is saying I should not go to college because it encourages people to become communists. What do
Why do they keep trying to breech every country's sovereignty and territorial integrity...
This woman is American
What would you say her ethnicity is?
Before I arrive on Jow Forums, I was unable to name the countries of Eastern Europe on a blank map, except Russia...
Coming home after a long day of work only to find your qt Asian gf cooking you traditional food from her homeland
Post pictures of things that will no longer exist in 30 years
Why do Americans feel they *need* to own a tactical strategic assault weapon?
I really, unironically, no joking, seriously hate wh*Tes, ameriKKKans and europigs
Coming up on 5 years no job
1. your cunt
/rus/ - Russia and friends
Do you love secular nationalist Arab girls who happen to be Muslim but don't wear hijab and support Assad and hate all...
One chance at life
Comfy Jow Forums Architecture
Makes ideology about how cripples and disabled are inferior
What would you say her ethnicity is?
Wh*Teoids BTFO
Do you like muslims? Why or why not?
There is a country out there that unironically thought it would be a good idea to appoint this clown as their top...
Kurva anyátok
What’s the worst pizza topping? I vote mushrooms
Why don't white people have cool martial arts?
The state of Canadian culture
Charge my comrades!
Rank these 3 countries and explain why
Which country has the most beautiful and wifable girls?
Ancestry Thread
Immigration and race mixing is bad
Save this picture
Why are they such abhorrent posters?
Daily reminder that we built those while you were a cavemen monkeys
The shooter is Persian
Explain yourselves Britain
Lay it on me. What do Muslims actually believe? I honestly have no idea, just what I've been taught by the media...
How do Australians feel about the fact that the White Australia policy was discontinued?
Which state in Eastern USA has the best nature?
user go back to where you came from
Why the fuck are you gringos so afraid of our electric showers? they're harmless...
Let's be honest, if most of you didn't live in your mother's basement and actually had the chance to visit the USA...
Have you ever tried African food?
*figures out terraforming*
Do americans realise they live in a fucking shithole right?
Where should I search for a good-looking brown GF?
1. Your re cunt
Which is the best sate of your country? In México the best state is Aguascalientes
How common is yoghurt consumption in your country?
Rank the national cuisines
Your country
Tfw 1%
Mfw gay and atheist living in the most conservative state in Mexico
/fr/ - le fil francophone
The most active volcano in the world is french, Piton de la Fournaise
Why Jewish girls are so perfect?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono I
What is some good music from latin america?
What is their fucking problem?
How do you call this in your language?
/ita/ - il filo
I want to learn Arabic and interact with Arabic speakers in the internet. Where do I find them...
Tfw your ancestors were basically failures forced to flee to buttfuck nowhere and start from scratch because they...
UK: explain your self, why did you do that
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Hilo latino - /lat/
Do you consider your country to be the best in the world?
Why do Germans have such shit English compared to Dutch/Scandinavians...
What's the go-to 'drunk food' in your part of the world? In Europe it's probably kebab
How people live in warm countries??
Choose your warrior
Explain yourselves, Brits
What's the first thought that comes into your head, when your see this image?
Turkish people
Why are Americans scared of raw meat? I eat metrbrötchen (bread with raw pork) several times a week and I’m fine
I am all alone in my house and i am scared
Your government asks you to simplify your country's immigration system by having only one requirement...
This is what Germany is like now
What country has the coolest-looking main government building?
Why are Serbians so strong?
Pray for America about shooting at YouTube HQ ;_;
What's the deal with Russians?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
One chance at life
Your cunt
United States of Brazil
What is the informal word for currency in your language?
Why brown people eat with their hands?
How different would the Western Hemisphere be if the Amerindians were totally wiped out?
What do you think of this latest measure Americans came up with to fight mass shootings in school?
Your cunt
NPC edition
Is this country salvageable? Or is it just Africa 2.0? France NEEDS to repay for their crimes against this nation
How is pedophilia viewed in your country? Does your country have its own Dan Schneider?
Greatest love story ever told
Are the Portuguese people Hispanic?
Eiffel tower
Very close to north africa and ar*bs
Would you, Jow Forums?
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
*blocks your path*
Moving to France
Am i white?
How is religion viewed in your country? In Poland non-catholics are often considered anti-Polish
Why is latin america so shitty?
NOOOO my chinese gf is getting fucked by an anglo guy and she despises Paris because too many blacks
Generally, the more developed a country the less working hours they have but Singapore and Hong Kong big exceptions
Japanese people do not travel abroad
/v4/ + friends
Is your city safe to walk at night?
/ita/ - il filo
French: french empire
Brits unironically think irish people are as mean-spirited and hateful as them
What is the richest South American country?
Russian """"""logic""""""
/fr/ - le francofil
Thinking about visiting Barcelona, really looks like one of the most beautiful cities in Europe...
I want to move to eastern europe for the low cost of living...
Why are we better than other slavs?
Clean your room lobsters xD
Why do Arab girls love posting their feet so much?
Why do americans dress like this at music events
European lies and corruption
Dear Russianons, is travelling to chechnya...
1. cunt
Why isn't there a single muslim country with average iq higher than 90?
1. You are a cunt
If you were on vacation in India,would you dive in the Ganges?
/lat/ Hilo latino
Can someone explain to me how America is an Anglo country if we aren't in the commonwealth...
Ur vagina
Explain Portugal to me. Why does it exist? Why wasn't it folded back into Spain?
Take our negroes
Be finland
He's not Maltese
Say a nice thing about the UK!
Why weren't these greasy wops punished for their role in WWII, like Germany and Japan were?
Okay, but which country in Sub-Saharan Africa has the hottest men?
Prostitution in europe
Do any girls like short boys with avpd or should I kms now?
1. Your cunt
Sverigestormen - Kampupplagan
Tfw WW2 could have been avoided if France invaded Germany when they declared war
Today I accept that I'm gay
1. Your country
Why do women use a lot of toilet paper?
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone - Edition de la mécanique
Are you guys sure you know what you're doing?
USA: "Let's rival the continent of Bach and Motzart with quality music of our own style"
My trap transitioning starts today
What's the female version of Fernando Martinez?
/lat/ hilo latino
What the fuck is it with brits and pedophilia?
If they cant drink, what do the muslims do when they go out?
German VS French
/ita/ - il filo
Came back from lunch to find a note on my desk saying "virgin freak'
1. Your cunt
You think Portugal is weak?
Why do Europeans and people from other Anglo nations unironically cheer for the death of White America?
Alright Jow Forums, lets decide once and for all, does northern or southern Europe have better women?
He lives in Brazil and is still a virgin
/Prostatauntersuchung/ ehemals /deutsch/
I'm in my mid twenties, have a good education and a big salary with a car, a house but yet i'm not happy...
What a stupid country full of reactionary mongols or whatever the hell they say they are
1. Your country
Friendly reminder to wash your hands if you accidentally touch a Dutch "person"
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Italian girls belong to white men
If you're using windows then stop
Do you feel European?
/rus/ & friends
Tfw sminem went to the sea with his friend and the last time you saw the sea is 7 years ago
/rus/-/bel/-/ukr/ general
Been learning spanish for 6 months
Tfw she'll never date u because u are 5'6 and shes 5'8 and she said she likes tall guys
Cities of Russia by shitholeness
Are they Europeans?
How are non-English speakers viewed in your cunt?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Meet syrian/palestinian/jordanian/iraqi/saudi online and reveal to him my nationality
Portuguese music is so beautiful
Is the old American Midwest dead? The romanticized and appealing version
Post Russian style in your country
Is American high school like it is in the movies/
It's settled then
1. Your cunt
/fr/ - le fil francophone
% growth in real per capita GDP from 1995 to 2014
Is this how Australian girls usually celebrate their 14th birthday?
Tell me again why Spain is considered first-world?
Why are americans cat and stupid?
American Niggers in Seoul
Start taking estrogen
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
Describe yourself in one picture
French people aren't med
Brasil for fuck sake :---DD
What did you learn about Australia in school?
Would you kill your mom for 1 million dollars?
*pisses on it*
Culture Pals - /cp/
Ur cunt
/ita/ il filo di umaru
Could I pass as a local in your country?
America is now starting to implement mandatory clear backpacks in schools as a security measure
Russia's biggest exportation is literally whores
Clean your room, Bucko!
/deutsch/ am Morgen
What happened to this meme? did it die already? i thought it was pretty funny
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone - Edition du changement
Take our niggers
I have lived in Worst Korea for a very long time
The USA has given nothing of value to the world
Together we are strong
/v4/ + orks
You make fun of Iberic and Italic people, but the most handsome men come from these countries
1. country
America will turn communist in our lifetimes, or their country will fall into total chaos and destroy itself
This is mayor of London
Why are Slavic countries so inferior to western Europe? Is it genetic?
Things you'll never experience
Is this true?
Is your cunt gonna be celebrating this today?
Kurva anyátok
How do we make our dream a reality, bros?
Washington: China must stop unfair trading practices and dismiss tariffs
No culture
Do Italians really eat this?
I smoked for the first time in my life today
Woah, so the original Chinese were nordic?
Just go back and fix your country bruh
Italians are white
How can Jews just do this?
1. Country
/the commonwealth/
What the fuck europe?
No culture
Why are they becoming increasingly rare outside their general
ITT: you share stories about about experiences living or visiting other cunts...
Why is it that accents in the UK differ to the point where you can pinpoint based on accent what town someone is from...
Tell me about Tennessee, Jow Forums
Why is Japan such a perfect country???
1. Your'e cunt
Hey, so I found out my girl, and possibly soon to be ex girl, has been talking to some russian dude. She speaks russian...
No culture
Why are Europeans so weak, feeble?
I fucking hate him so bad
Latin American migrants are heading to the USA
Why does this food trigger foreigners so bad?
Considering getting tattoo of visigothic symbols. Any ideas? Greatly appreciated
Tfw refugee/economic migrant
/rus/ - Russia and friends
Tell me about morocans
Found this for sale in a Reno, Nevada Walmart. What the fuck, euros? Why have you been lying to me for so long?
Watching a horror movie
Useful words in your language with no English equivalent
Guys, what's going on here? I thought we made guns illegal? Why do people keep getting shot?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Are Puerto Ricans soy boys?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
No culture
/luso/ fio lusofono
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Which country other than your own do you willingly serve?
The Netherlands exports $92,845,387,781.00 worth of food every year...
Are Anglos the real Jews?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Having a 15 cm penis is good
Yas hallo dis drump
How come Latin American posters here speak better English than the Latinos I see in real life living in the USA?
Why are slav females so attractive while the men like albino ogres?
The 100 million city: is 21st century urbanisation out of control?
Damn, South Korea looks like THAT?
Your country
London murder rate overtakes New York's
Why don't white people like fun?
How can we make the Greeks understand that this isn't a sound long term economic plan?
ITT: Propaganda posters from your country
I love flags
Trap Versions of yourselves
/brit/ + /birt/
/lat/ Hilo latino
Post some info about your ancestors
Why is japanese porn so weird?
Daily reminder
Big tits, Asian face
This is Bruna Griphao, a 19 yo brazilian/greek actress, say something nice about her
Mexicans BTFO
My Brazilian gf doesn't want to move here
Faggot nigger mods i want you to permaban me from Jow Forums
1. ur cunt
Why do wh*Toids do this?
What city is the Portland of your country?
He falls in love and imagines living together with every woman that talks to him
/fr/ - le fil francophone
This invasion start in 2016, but, last year were critical, about 1.000.000 haitians has entered to Chile...
Do whites notice their downfall?
I Vladimir Putin a dictator? If so, how did Russians allow this to happen, and why?
/ita/ - il filo
I'm sorry to tell you but if you toilet got no plateau you are third world
Who would win a war?
Let's settle this once and for a
Johnny Rockets
Preferring beer over wine
/Innsmouth/ ehemals /deutsch/
Is it hard to move out in your country Jow Forums?
International confession thread
This is the perfect Europa. Perfect Europe thread
/asean/ - warna coklat edition
Hilo latino
Why can't whites into humour?
36th anniversary of the Falklands War
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Ma cemu vise sve ovo...?
Daily reminder that most Americans do not consider this America
Spend the whole day defending the United States of America from insults by pathetic envious Europoors and 3rd worlders...
/djt/ - Daily Japanese Thread #1991
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
You can only post in this thread if your grandfather fought in WWII. Pic realted
Learn the difference
No culture
Ugly language
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Shithole Map Part 3
Rest in Peace John Paul II
Scotland hate thread
/deutsch/ Tägliche Messer-Ausgabe
Sex and gender are the same steven crowder told me so!!
How accurate is this?
Jow Forums is full of some of the greatest people i'll ever know
Brazilian cuisine thread
Hey guys, this is actually pretty important and not a meme. I'm a biologist, by profession, and there's a very serious...
Every city in America has neighbourhoods like this. :/
*spits on it*
Are Israelis aware of how bad this? You just made sure that instead of 50% westerners hating you, now 90% hate you LMAO!
Would you drive on this Ukrainian highway?
Literal perfection
Stop having brown eyes and brown hair
Buying an European or Japanese car in 2018
1. Your country
If the EU was composed of just these countries, would you be more, or less opposed to it?
Culture Pals - /cp/
This is Latin America
Europe as a school class
Why doesn't Indonesia speak Dutch?
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
Woah...this is deep
/fr/ - le francofil
Fuck, I’ve always been a gay faggot, I just repressed it for too long
Tfw you realise that you're gonna be fighting on the same side as Germany in WWIII
Finland is mong-
List of white ethnicities
ITT: Make some other country's flag better than its current one
Are you afraid of Slavs?
You can no longer enter the US without a social media account that is at least five years old
How often do you wash your hair?
/ita/ - il filo
What's the first thing that you think about when you see the flag of this greasy and overrated country?
Which languages are most similar? if you speak such a language, can you understand other(s) to a reasonable degree
What happens here?
I love her
Are we white?
Based Brazil
Do you have these in your country? They're everywhere where I live...
No culture, no food, no history
What % of turkish population is fully white and European?
Which one?
Why are Euros against the idea of a united Europe capable of competing economically with the USA and China to put...
Tfw legitimately become sad and want to cry when people on online forums I visit insult me
Sverigetråden - Dampusfria upplagan
Why can't we breed all americans into pic related, why are you against it?
What are the worst places to live in your country?
Med women
Sverigetråden - Gustavianska upplagan
Is South America considered Western world?
The largest economies in the world
"what my 21 month mutt eats."
Why do Europeans always act like special snowflakes and seem to think each of their countries has some unique phenotype...
/fr/ - le fil français
/fr/ - Le fil des francs
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Cunt: flag
Why do Finns do this?
Why do Finnish girls have high cheekbones and gook eyes?
Why are finns so racist...
Almans unironically voted for this guy
I'm a weaboo and I want to live in Japan
Money doesn't make you happy
Anyone else hate these cunts? They act like they could never do any wrong ever
What happens here?
/v4/ + friends
''God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers''
Country Flag for the PB Choc alliance?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/flag/ + /extraflag/ - Rwanda Edition
What do you call people who love France?
What is wrong with the N*rthern Europeans Jow Forums? What is their endgame?
Go outside
Russians are now unironically saying that we did it
/sino/ - 中文
Which area better rich?
BEHOLD The most Russian picture I have
Do you want some Korean plastic surgery?
Danes get a lot of shit
From Israel, with love
Jesus christ yesterday was a total mess
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How can one nation be so devoid of talent?
No nukes, no outside aid in any form, no rude comments, and obviously no time limit
Sverigetråden - Karolinska upplagan
1. Your country
Are all korean women vapid gold-digging whores like the one who draws these comics?
Why is Japan so cucked?
Your country
Aren't these cunts culturally and ethnically just North Africans in denial?
Hello traveler, I am a poor and simple man
Do you know this character?
1. Your country
Imagine buying this for 7M dollars
Ahh, spring~
Are they Americanized??
/rus/ + /ukr/ + /bel/
Why are pajeets so mean to dalits? They are human too, you know
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone - Edition de la manutention de tartelletes
What is his issue with Meds?
Getting strong for jesus christ the lord and savoir
I'm a 23 yr old NEET that lives with my mum and I have 3 fuckbuddies. Tell me why I should ever get a job?
Post in a gay anime thread
Hilo latino - /lat/
Varg DESTROYS m*Doids
Culture pals - /cp/
M*ds btfo
Merkel's office vs Macron's office
Your're cunt
How comes japanese people are hairier than their neighbors??
User, my diet isn't working
Can we take a healthy step back to discuss the iberian american poster?
I can't understand why foreigners always dream of Finland and our snow
Contemporary Russian music
Why is South America so poor?
I was supposed to start a NoFap this week...
Y r bois so fit s m h
If in the USA you don't have any vacation time and you can get shot any time...
How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world than Japan...
Catalonia will be free
/ruslan/ Russian Language Thread
His country is anything but white on this map
What do you call mcdonalds in your language?
What's the cutest country?
Go to buy energy drink
Let's attack racist forums
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship