Imagine buying this for 7M dollars

>imagine buying this for 7M dollars
why are Russians so dumb?

Attached: 1024px-Alaska_in_United_States_(US50).svg.png (1024x718, 200K)

They were broke and it was far

Jokes on the US, they would have went to 5M

>tfw uk didn't buy it for symmetry

at least it can produce oil as part of america

Russia should sell kuril islands to us.
hurry up,Russia -kun?

Attached: EE8D4850-2EB3-40A8-9732-DC94F7A7D11A.jpg (450x600, 72K)


The guy behind this purchase was called an idiot by his contemporaries.

If it hadn't been sold, it would be a poor shithole full of run-down commieblocks and drunk Slavs like any other part of Roosia.

Not under Putin The Gatherer Of Lands.

that's why i love him.

It would have been taken by force anyway.
We had to bribe the congress to sell it, lmao. Russia-US relationship never changes.

Thank god it was sold, now it's a poor shithole full of run-down prefabricated houses and drunk snow niggers

Attached: alaska.jpg (4000x3000, 2.94M)

That's what Anchorage would look like

Attached: (1360x658, 243K)

You post some neglected native shitholes in the far north. Average neighborhood in Anchorage looks like pic related, so just like any other neighborhood in the US.

> now it's a poor shithole

Every inhabitant of Alaska gets high benefits + they pay little taxes.

Meanwhile, in Russia, people who live in oil-producing regions pay high taxes to feed Moscow and get almost nothing from their oil.

If Yakutia was an independent country, it would have GDP per capita equal to the richest countries on Earth, but now it's a total shithole, because it's being robbed by roosters.

Attached: (1364x658, 254K)

if russia didn't sell this area,missile base maybe exist toward usa in the cold war period.

It was almost certain that it will be anexed by Britain. So they sold it USA which was neutral at that time.

>If Yakutia was an independent country, it would have GDP per capita equal to the richest countries on Earth, but now it's a total shithole, because it's being robbed by roosters.
Oh my god the horro. A part of a nation having to pay taxes to make other parts slightly better. Is Russia literally nazi Germany?

>If Yakutia was an independent country
It would be able to sell its oil at the price Russa is selling it. Because the only way to transport the oil from there would be through russia and russia being the monopolist would take the most profit.

There were so many Americans living in Alaska illegally, Russia thought they might as well sell Alaska before America just takes it by force. Just like what is going to happen to California in a few decades.

>Oh my god the horro. A part of a nation having to pay taxes to make other parts slightly better. Is Russia literally nazi Germany?

But they get almost nothing in return, their natural resources are being stolen so Moscow could build sidewalks of marble.

Still, they would be better off than now. And I'm sure China would force Russia to make a "corridor" between Yakutia and China.

>why are Russians so dumb?
because they are slavs and slavs are dumb same as niggers and muslims

Attached: 1519216860088.png (1200x1796, 2.56M)

It was Britain which was aiming for annexing Alaska.

And USa at that time was neutral and good boy.

So the had two options.

1. No money, war with Britain, Alaska British

2. Some money, no war and Alaska American

>It would be able
It would NOT be able

He quite obviously wasn't Bestonian then, was he bro?

no, they learned from their mistakes

Yakutia is a nice place

Attached: yakutsk-064-1200.jpg (1200x800, 450K)

what you show is literally the elite neighborhood there

Only now I thought about how if Russia hadn't sold Alaska to the US they would be the only country to be part of three continents; America, Europe and Asia. Amazing

I can smell you from here terrone

Russia thought the UK might take Alaska in a second Crimean War.

Selling it to the USA created a buffer zone in the arctic/far east to prevent the British from being a larger threat there.