Why is Japan so cucked?

>More and more English loanwords used everyday (even for words already existing in Japanese)
>New road in Tokyo is named after MacArthur
>Still have no formal military
>Has US bases that rapes girls
>US written constitution bans emperor from being God
>More and more books are being made left-to right
>Young people has literally no nationalism
>Women are becoming self-reliant and men are becoming subservient fags
>Young people worship K-pop and Korean idols
>Disgusting American fast food
>Girls are starting to shave/wax their pussies like Western sluts

Attached: images (14).png (375x250, 4K)

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Hello, Korean.

I see you enjoy stay in Jow Forums. Good.

t. Zainich (A Korean lives in Japan)

t. Japanese

t. Korean who are traveling and enjoy Japan

>t. takashi

t. Chanadian

t. 李マイケル


they should talk more italian

i don't even know how being what people call a cuck is a bad thing. on the contrary it should be a good thing, as it's indicative of liberalness. or are you suggesting that a japan in full imperial mode to see koreans and chinese as subhuman, americans as sworn enemies and women as mere mobile incubators to produce new solders is an ideal state? think about this before making silly attention whoring threads, you chuuni kiddo

Attached: 1473527268420.jpg (250x228, 7K)

I am eating peperonchino right now
With chopsticks

>ketchup pasta bun

Attached: napolitan.jpg (500x375, 57K)

>>More and more English loanwords used everyday (even for words already existing in Japanese)

Why is this a bad point? You do realize English is almost 90% composed of Latin words and grammar despite its claims to be a """""germanic""""" language. It's the natural way of the world, using english words should not be a shame because latin is the language of civilization.

You should be ashamed of the rest though.

Attached: latin.jpg (730x357, 74K)

>tfw you realize that cuckposting about Japan is part of an elaborate 日베충 plot to goad Japan into going full Tojo so that South Korea gets NATTO'D and North-led unification is avoided

Hello, Japanese.

I see you enjoy Korean holiday. Good.

>t. a country that was cucked by the Romans

>emperor being a God
What, I thought the Japs are already too smart enough to not believe in this bullshit? Or is this a cultural thing?

>using english words should not be a shame
>latin is the language of civilization

Attached: 419961fec6bf7ee15174d62790ac1c81.png (420x420, 103K)

>More and more English loanwords used everyday (even for words already existing in Japanese)
this desu, I never understood why you do this. Before I found out I expected you guys to be more like French or Finns in their refusal to anglo their languages, but it's totally opposite. Why?

>>Girls are starting to shave/wax their pussies like Western sluts
Out of all the things you listed this makes me the saddest.

t. gay

Attached: clever_mantis_shrimp.gif (230x156, 1.99M)

i can prove with a video :
-man work too much to prove themselves to society and family.
- women work too much to prove themselves to society and family
- man wont get the desired social status before 50s
- woman will realize they will have to choose over career and a viable mate soon otherwise they will never have a baby. the solution they find is look abroad for a partner since they cant find any in japan (the men literally believe they are not worthy).
-USA wins again.

>are becoming



>macauthur road in Tokyo

Attached: 183E1EB4-2788-4744-9ACA-D9F2084B1483.jpg (181x189, 32K)

forgot the video :


Koreans returned to their homeland

Attached: 2kk.jpg (399x236, 28K)