What is wrong with the N*rthern Europeans Jow Forums? What is their endgame?
What is wrong with the N*rthern Europeans Jow Forums? What is their endgame?
I don't know, my fellow medbro.
>Fellow medbro
Prove your Southern Europeaness RIGHT NOW OR ELSE.
I am Welsh thus honorary med
British are MED.
Welsh are indeed honorary Southern Europeans.
Brits are ANGLO.
Obrigado meu irmão.
When we gonna bring back the /med/ general?
greatest ally
I haven't seen /med/ nor /Southern Europe for some time desu.
denmark is further south than the balts and scotland, how can they be northern european
I miss him lads
That's depressing, only good general on this board
It's fantastic for the Northern Europe Southern Euro banter wars.
>UK, has Gibraltar on the Mediterranean
>Portugal completely surrounded by the Atlantic
as an anglo (true successor of Rome) LITERALLY more med than you
>scandis are the whitest Europeans
>they’re also the biggest cucks
Germany, France and Britain general wasn't around for long but it was goat
I didn't know Denmark had a slave colony in the Caribbeans, huh
>Welsh are indeed honorary Southern Europeans
>Brits are ANGLO.
S-S-So now you're the wog and I'm not? How can Anglos adapt this much, it's unfair.
That was great general too.
Welsh are not BRITS, but proud spies for us.
>Welsh are not BRITS
Will you stop.
Fight me *nglo faggot