im bored edition
/v4/ + friends
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Doing a sad lads
>tfw stuck at a shitty family event
fucking hell aaaaaaa why didnt i stay at home
n to the i to the double g to the e to the r to the s
and where did I do that?
I called you bitter incel(virgin) and you replied that I´m virgin.
stop being sad
I'm feeling really shitty
what's wrong?
nice salad man
Nice video, Fridge.
proofs of seks?
hallucinations one?
How can I get a Vietnamese gf
go to prague and find one
I asked how, not where
whip out your massive czech cock and vietnamese girls will be yours
why would you want one? I would rather get icelandic gf
hey did you draw something for user yesterday?
>wanting to racemix or even become a bigger mutt
Not yet, I'm thinking now how to do it
I will try once more
How do you not racemix when you're a mutt? You'd have to find someone with your exact ratio of ethnicities.
why lad
if you are ever get bored and dont know what to draw make a vampire manlet viking shitposting on Jow Forums please :3
if youre a mutt you should neck yourself desu
>vampire manlet viking shitposting on Jow Forums
noted, will do
I need to get high again to think of a way of drawing this kind of stuff
xanax will do
Widening my Genepool might get rid of my autism
Also they're cute.
>Implying there is anything of value to lose
why do subhuman normies have tatoos especially whores it just turns me off when i watch the solo ones
>my autism will go away if i mix with the autistic peoples aka azns
>theres nothing to loose
tell that to your mongrel elliott rodgers son
That's just mean.
But I admit hapas seem to be crazy without exception.
doing a comfy
First easter in 20 years when I'm not fosva-hány drunk.
How do you guys spend the holiday?
Went skiing with my mom
Is nice.
Weather is a bit too hot though.
>went skiing
Stop having a social life ffs.
aunt invited my family to her place for dinner, comfy
This sadness comes and goes
oh you poor fucks doesn't even have a holiday today
eating everything I see
Pizza and vidya games
less than homo sapiens take note that i am a naional of hellenic democratic republic
Why didn't you invest in Eastern Poland?
for Slovak user
bit of drawing, lots of work and complaining all day and night long because I'm feeling shitty but it's still better than spending time with my whole family.
greeks are turkified slavs
> twink homofag
> alone
>pean*t b*tter won
African subhuman worthless opinion
fuck off roach
>spending time with my whole family
what is wrong with that?
My aunt wants me to marry my cousin, but I still go visit them.
>My aunt wants me to marry my cousin
Gotta keep traditions alive.
Where the fuck is my pizza
>tfw you will never share pizza with ottoni
>My aunt wants me to marry my cousin
How..."rural" is your family?
stop it, ottoni will never love you.
She's tucking in her stomach heavily in this picture.
I am Greek you black subhuman, go play basketball
They are 'perfect', good jobs / own businesses, good healthy extroverted kids, feels like black sheep, I get paranoid to the point that I cannot even say a word and I feel like a retard.
evidence where?She does not have huge gut.Also she is pretty tall for a girl (180cm)
aka turk
very and that part of the family is fully austrian, and they're fucked in the head
well, that sucks, send them a postcard atleast imo
it's quite obvious
this level of chubbiness at such such height means she would crush you if she were to sit on your face, this is dangerous
Yeah I think I should, thanks for reminding.
>marrying cousin
kek at Austria
aloha /v4/
>fully austrian
hasn't history taught you to stay away from such people
go to sleep
no u
yet you are here
at least this is what your brain is telling you
obliviously, she would't share and eat all
At least my troubles would be over. It would be one of more comfier ways how to die
were your mother and father relatives?
this is some kind of hillbilly thing?
I've been bored and watching a lot of movies lately and Thor: Ragnarok and Kong: Skill Island are surprisingly good. On the other hand Doctor Strange and Silent Voice were fucking horrible. After a lot of reconsideration i decided that Jumanji is not good, but not bad either.
Hello friends
>watching capeshit and reboots
why would you do this to yourself?
Good attitude
I hope your dreams will come true some day.
>play vidya
>stomach starts rumbling
>"oh no"
>run to the toilet
>shit for good 20 minutes
>done shitting, the smell of death fills the toilet
>go back to vidya
Such is life.
rewatch the lotr trilogy
i wish i was a hillbilly. in some remote inbred mountain village i wouldn't have to listen to arabic yelling day and night.
watch anime
There is a lot of discourse on that lately, but the thing is, that people as a whole have run out of original themes. Every possible story that could be fitted into 90-minutes long 2D projection have already been made, thats just how it is. You can change the cape, change the superpower, change the reason why the husband and wife are arguing, but it is incredibely hard to make up a whole new story that hasn't been filmed yet. On the other hand, there is also the issue of all the older movies being full of cliches, that are nowadays just boring and predictable. So what the movie industry is doing right now is re-using all the old themes to create new movies, which are bending the rules of cinematography or using new references, new techniques, to create a new and interesting movies for the contemporary viewer, while using old themes that provoke a deeper emotional response.
I have been watching some horror movies lately.
The Ritual - it was ok
It comes at night - meh also not a single likeable character
Now watching The Void
Thanks,you too! :3
I already know every word from these movies, must've watched them at least 50 times each. I was thinking of watching the new Star Wars or Hobbit movies and then i thought that i like the originals too much to ruin them by watching those shits.
With my mom ._.
I'm a girl that's like ottoni, ama.
Oh shit yes
One thing i find ironic about Ukraine is that actual Ukrainians like Rusyns dont even live in Ukraine
thank you fridge :3
your welcome
next vampire midget viking shitposter
where's my benzos
Met with a few of my friends and then we went and spanked 4 of our female friends.
wow, you are actually living 100 years ago
>american using metric
HA, busted.
sensing some jealousy here
>next vampire midget viking shitposter
Thanks :3
>21st century middle-class city boy
>never celebrated any holidays
>best i got was 10 minutes of gift-giving on Christmas and birthdays
>i'll never see the whole family celebrating together
>i'll never see my whole neighborhood getting out on the streets and laughing together
>i'll never feel the sense of community with the people living around me
But then again, sense of community would mean social obligations and i couldn't handle that, so i guess its better i live in emotionally hollow environment
i aint about that life, im too cool for that shit
austrian wimin look like dogshit btw
why would anyone marry one