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Are you religious? What religion?

I wish I was, but I just feel nothing

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Similar to you.

Same. I'm very jelly of religious people

Catholic believer.

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Same. I've tried being religious but it all feels silly.

Take a leap into faith my brother

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I was just thinking about this.
I grew up catholic, was baptised, di cathequese, did the first communion and all that.
But with time i just became an atheist.

That's basically me. I grew up in a Catholic family, albeit not really religious. Did the sacraments and then I just lost faith.

I believe in the Church but I fail at being a good Catholic.

That's the story of most Brazilians

>but I just feel nothing
Because it is bullshit dude, trying to compromise with it will just hold you back on the things you really want.

Same as you. Catholic sympathizer though.

It's common to see oneself faith lost when you are incapable of see the love of God in this broken world.

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I am ex muslim. I stopped beig muslim when I realized that I was not feeling anything spiritual when praying and instead i was thinking of how leleouch will defeat his father.

But how do we find God with so much against it? How to find a beautiful flower of lotus in a dirty and dark swamp?

Catholic here, dont really practice the religion enough to be called that but I still go to church every now and then.

I tried to get back, but i simply cant.
masses are tedious and i dont believe in nothing spiritual anymore.

I haven't tried getting back. Masses where torture to sit through and with me having no faith,
I don't see why I should try getting back because what's religion without faith, right?

idk, i just tried to get back because of the social network they do in churches kek.

What's that exactly?

Masses in Brazil are horrible I can give you that, but there are good parishes, although they are a minority.
I don't like my priest, I don't like the silly music they play in the Church and I don't like the Ordinary Form.

People in churches always help each other and are friends, since i have no friends i thought i'd be cool to go there.

Ah alright I understand now.


It may be said that it is a Japan religion.
Buddhism and a Confucian element melt into life on the basis of the Shinto/Aminism.

The most of the holiday are of Shinto origin.
The setting of the morality is Buddhism, Shinto and a little Confucianism.
It is avoided very much to neglect food.

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That Maryja looks kind of lewd, please delet this.

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>grew up non-religious
I officially BEGAME :DDDD Catholic two days ago.

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In what sense does that pic implies any sexuality?
I can't see it

Flag. Trying to into Christianity. Not sure which denomination but right now just trying to learn to read scripture, and feel it.

Not really religious but I'm not an atheist.
I just don't do my Islamic work such as prayers because I've been rrally depressed lately.

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That manga is great, light heartedly funny.

planting it

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only in 'murrka and other 3rd world countries


Orthodox Islam


same as you but i wear one of those everyday for some reason...
i guess it makes me remember my roots

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Depends what you mean
I'm not Christian and "religion" here is not the same as in the west
I find Christianity to be really weird, so ridgid with everything
I assume Islam is the same or worse but I don't know any, only Jew I know is a huge fag
I'm an "atheist" but I still honour my ancestors and house gods, as well as spirits in the world and of course Lord Buddha, though we don't see Buddha in the same light as Christ because Christ is a god for Christians but Buddha is a man who through his own willpower and ability ascended to a point beyond godhood, he is a model for us to follow not a diety to worship

>all these papists

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Your issue is that you look for the God of beauty and light
But God is the darkness and swamp also
All things are transitory, the swamp is fearful to you but to the alligator it is his paradise. You must look at the swamp and image yourself a reptile then your appreciation will grow

is christianity not big in vietnam?
I know a lot of catholic vietnamese

I know your feel m80.

It is to a degree but still small compared to "traditional" faith and buddhist (but both of these are mixed together often) and of course atheists who often still follow some spiritualism even so
Most people are atheist officially because communism

Not particularly. I was born Jewish but tend to question religious dogma. I'm interested in religious culture though.

no, it isnt.

Yes I pray 5x a day go to mosque on Friday etc

werent terrorists banned from the us?


Brasil? More like BANTsil!

Catholicism is fairly important here because there was a Vietnamese cardinal for a long time and good relations with the Church
but they are not a large population
Protestants are mostly scummy and don't fit in at all while Catholics meld with local culture well enough