
The most often reason for which Ukrainians go to Polish prisons except of robbery is bribery of policemen. They try to give money to our policemen (usually between 100-500 euro) when they are caught driving too fast, and that's how they end up in prison even up to 8 years. I guess, that bribing policemen is something normal in Ukraine, am i right?

Some random links to news about Ukrainian bribery-fails:,4199844,art,t,id,tm.html,hrebenne-ukrainiec-probowal-przekupic-policjantow-,50/obywatel-ukrainy-prowadzil-po-pijanemu-probowal-przekupic-policjantow,543663.html,ukrainiec-chcial-przekupic-przemyskich-policjantow,id,t.html,pijany-ukrainiec-chcial-przekupic-policjantow-zaproponowal-im-200-zlotych,wia5-3266-13013.html,12784892/

Attached: arrested ukrainian.jpg (933x612, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I mean, if they would have offered more, would the pol-ice have accepted

Nice freedom you got there
Although it's not much better here in Germany

It takes too much effort to become a police officer to risk it all for small monetary gain

Ukraine is a corrupt shithole where nothing works. It is really Africa of Europe. Ukrops are thinking they will bring their african habits in there.

I am a Swede who likes Poland

More corruption = more personal freedom. Bribery makes you invincible against the state.

Bribery is a weapon against bureaucracy.

sounds more like Mexico

People think opposing corruption makes them look like intellectuals but in fact it makes them look like bootlickers.

If there is no state sure. But corruption is one of the reason why there is no state in Ukraine. And why Ukraine is so shitty in general.

Lwów should return to Poland and be great again.

If everybody plays fair everybody wins. Society based on common help rather than individualism works better.

It's not fair when the state can limit your freedoms

Wtf? I thought Polish police was supposed to be super corrupt, is that not true anymore?

its not just police its literally everywhere from the notary to the doctors office to getting your medical degree to the passport agencies etc

The absolute state of Ger*ans

I hate this fascist hellhole

Poland is a poor subhuman shithole as well pal, just that the Ukrainians are even more subhuman so they flock to your shithole.

Aussies are the worst subhumans though. Also don't insult Ukrainians they are pretty ok in comparsion with Aussies.

go back

t. Subhuman living in a shithole commieblock

Attached: e934f81409a298fab090b8362c4e99cc.jpg (1600x1508, 436K)

Subhuman living in bush amongst black people.

Wow half of eastern Europe is poorer thab fuckin Iraq

>Half of eastern Europe

You mean just fkn U-kraine?

Plus Moldova and the western Balkans

Balkans are not Europe anyway and Moldova is just Romania.

Don't insult beautiful Ukrainians you dirty faggot.