>things you'll never experience
Things you'll never experience
based japbro likes the bush as well
Bad nippon
More bush than I like, but thanks for the pussy anyway
Oy vey!
Never had hairy pussy
Do you like hamburger?
I like unwashed cunts, but that bit of hair always smells like pee.
>Tfw I'll never experience that
Japanese girls (that I've met so far) won't let me do stuff until after they shower
Bush is grim though
>tfw no Sativa Verte gf
Your entire country is grim.
The slags are grim.
The brew is grim.
It's just grim.
Is there a redeemable thing about your country?
>the brew is grim
Another can of bud, mate?
Ignorant answer, our craft breweries are available all across the country, and I assure you they surpass British swill in all aspects.
You brew is grim and so is your country.
Why haven't you joined America, yet?
very much
had an asian gf with a bush.
preferred it when she cut it becasue the hairs used to slightly scrape against my cock.
>Ignorant answer, our craft breweries are available all across the country, and I assure you they surpass British swill in all aspects.
>no fuzzy desi gf
>things you'll never experience
>Fishy piss flaps
>oh user you'll never have such accomplishments
Why would anyone want to experience a hairy fanny?
Girls that I shag who haven't shaved in a couple days literally prick my fanny with their stubbly bushes. Very horrible feeling
Oriental pubes are very velvety and soft, almost like cornsilk. They differ in texture from European ones. It's very interesting the first time you run your fingers through that stuff.